Recently, I’ve heard the word ‘rogue’ applied to our current political situation. I remember hearing about a ‘rogue elephant’ that had left the herd and was stomping through villages, but not associated to people… or a culture.
I’ve known or associated with some ‘bad’ people. I don’t know all the backstory history of how they made their decisions or who they fell in with or mental deficiencies that took them down that path to become an outlaw or just a rule bender. Some have been an offender to pay a fine for speeding and some have been fatal. Some are incarcerated, some have vanished and many are dead. Yet, I never thought of any of them as ‘rogue’.
Rogue is a noun. Rogue is described as a dishonest, untrustworthy person; scoundrel: We were traveling in secret to avoid running into rogues and thieves. Synonyms: swindler, quack, mountebank, cheat, trickster, villain.
When a person "goes rogue," they are acting independently and unpredictably, often disregarding rules or expectations, sometimes to the point of behaving erratically or dangerously.
My father was a bootlegger. He worked for private clubs during prohibition and probably knew some shady characters. He may have been a scoundrel, but I don’t think he ever went rogue.
Rogues often get a bad rap, their name evoking images of rule-breakers and troublemakers. Yet, throughout history, rogues have played a crucial role in driving progress. They are the innovators, the disruptors, the ones unafraid to challenge norms and question authority.
With that said, is today’s political situation progressing into a new world order we don’t understand yet or tearing down the house to be a ‘better’ one? Our elected and confirmed governmental officals are shaking the tree from the usual boring bureaucratically decision making we’ve all be accustomed to a seemingly shock and awe approach to finding and eliminating waste to establish a leaner, cleaner more efficient system to take our money and spend it on what a government is suppose to provide for the citizens of the land.
Governments, at all levels (local, state, and federal), provide a wide array of services and programs, including essential infrastructure, public safety, education, healthcare, social welfare, and economic stability, all funded through taxation.