Monday, July 28, 2008

Driving Me Backward

Saturday started late. Started errands at 10 a.m. That's 5 hours late. 

Same paths. Same routes, but cars were popping out from unusual places. Driving backwards. More noise and traffic. Even had to stop a couple of times to let the monsters pass.

As the day progressed I realized I was being more aware. "White Room" playing through the muzak. Joni Mitchell from a passing car.

I could feel the pressure of an impending storm. The voices sounded different.

More people in the grocery. Lots of old people. They were there for the free food and wine. The store was having a party. People were greeted at the door by lovely maidens handing out wine glasses. 

Take my advice: Do not hold a party at a grocery store. It's scary.
Once the day drew to an end, started catching up at the grill. Corn in the husk, Idaho potatoes, and a juicy steak over open fire. Look up at the canopy of woven textures. Little creatures scurry around the feet of the directors chair. Cool breezes and a cold can refreshes the time.

Some days you start late and never catch up. Feels like you are running up a sand dune.

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