The sky is darkening and the trees dance in the warm breezes. The chimes ring announcing the upcoming rain and wind. It is summer in Virginia and the storms blow through every afternoon. So the electronic communication devices will be shut down and the yard checked for blow away materials. The rain will help clear the humid air until the sun comes out again and steams the jungle. Cody Bear has been fed a can of tuna and he ate the entire thing. Two more trash cans full of forgotten memories and wanted dreams.
But music is a distraction of every day matters. Making a few CDs for tomorrows "Geezer Jam" and seeing if it reflects the thoughts of the day.
The first thought of the day was "fowl mouth". I had a dream about that word, even with a song which I forgot but I remember a noun or an adjective. Funny word.
Well the rain is here, so it's time to shut down before the electricity begins.
Just another day in just another life.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wired Wednesday
Usual wake up call by Buffy at sunrise. Wait a few more
minutes. She lays down on my pillow and rest. The thoughts dream but the body
So finally arise with the sun and feed the puppy and refresh
the water, then a bottle of water to watch bad news coverage in the kitchen.
Bowl of Cheerios finished by the puppy.
Clean up the litter box and off for my morning ride. I
travel a little earlier than usual. There is more traffic before 8, but I
Take the roads, which have been announced to be resurfaced
before the hot asphalt arrives. Just orange cones make the placement of a new
and hopefully smooth roadway.
As I ride back and forth I think about working in this heat.
Summer has hit Richmond and my shirt is already wet. Summer in the city crosses
my mind. Good reason for the water bottles on both bikes. Wonder why Rowlett’s
hasn’t called about the request to change the handlebars?
The usual characters cross my path this morning, with young
girls and dogs and young girls and baby strollers and the ever-present white
Missed a few streets because my mind was not in the game.
On return and the cool down, Cody Bear presented me with a
baby rabbit. He ate the head.
Two bottles of water and the newspaper, I’m reading the
headlines and little else. Most of the news is not important and the newspaper
is already two days late in the coverage.
There are five more bags of junk mail, old bills, writings
and recordings, boxes, and containers.
A storm is coming, you can smell the rain, and 12 bullets
are down.
Thank goodness for music.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
In her own words

“When we first started – you jumped
every time I got close when you hadn’t seen me first – You said it was a
reaction to the violent people you had been hanging around - You started me
doing drugs and giving me too much alcohol for my small frame - it did something
to me - I felt scared and angry – maybe the years of “Bobby” and the things I
went through in my life right from birth – it all just bubbled up and exploded
– I should have seen a therapist – I’ve been affected greatly – I’m sorry for
taking things out on you – I could not see you thru the anger – I saw only him
and I needed to fight back – I wanted to ill him – I should have killed him for
what he did to me – Eventually I was able to deal with this anger – Something’s
set it off and it surprised me when happens – Lie remember when I got so upset
that I couldn’t find my shoes? - Because Bobby would take my shoes and my
clothes from me so I couldn’t leave the house – maybe this is why I say “mine”!
- And you thin I’m hiding from you - maybe I am - it scared me deeply what I
went through – I kicked in one door- because I felt trapped - like before as
far as crying neighbors – You were emotionally unavailable to me – In this you
didn’t protect me – You a banded me and let them tear me to shreds – They were
sharks in the water and I was the injured prey. You weren’t here – I was –
Because of my earlier experiences I have been prone to severe anxiety attacks –
Space Shuttle exploding – 9/11 – all live on TV – Mary Winn Dying – David dying
– Managing Aquatic World alone – my heart attack – where you feel relief at
death – I feel extreme grief – we deal with things differently”

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Went to Joe's Inn to see if Joe is in?
And he was. With his ever comfortable smile, scraggly beard and frosty hair. A true master of ceremonies.
We chatted over a couple of brews and ordered sandwiches. He talked about his kids and traveling adventures. I talked about writing and digging through stuff at home.
A few smiles and laughs and watching the girl in the short jeans walk by.
Stories of history and perhaps future to tell.
Thanks for dinner.
And Buffy got fed.
We chatted over a couple of brews and ordered sandwiches. He talked about his kids and traveling adventures. I talked about writing and digging through stuff at home.
A few smiles and laughs and watching the girl in the short jeans walk by.
Stories of history and perhaps future to tell.
Thanks for dinner.
And Buffy got fed.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Bending the Rules
For years and years, I’ve started
off Sunday with the newspaper and a cup of coffee, followed by the Today
weekend show, the CBS Sunday Morning 90 minutes. Only vacations or conferences
kept me from this Sunday routine.
But today I woke, had a breakfast bar,
2- bottles of water, put a load of laundry in and it was 8:30. This is my usual
time for a ride.
So I put the puppy on her sofa,
cleaned up the litter box, and roamed into the cool morning air.
Less traffic because of the
earlier time, I enjoyed the smooth easy pace. Pass a couple of early morning
cyclist who wave and smile. Cyclists seem to have a gentile wave of
acknowledging each other in passing.
The hill up to Libbie wasn’t too
bad and the glide down to Patterson wasn’t too swift. My mind still had not
kicked in. I was in automatic drive.
An old rusty brown Ford station
wagon filled with “stuff” and writing on the side passes me then pulls to the
side. I slowly come up to the driver’s window noticing him looking in the side
mirror at me. He leaned out the window and I stopped. I didn’t recognize his
face as he said, “So you are wearing a helmet now?” I tapped the black plastic
with my gloved hand and replied, “ Yes, at least in the mornings.” There was a
pause and I check back down the street for traffic. He smiled and gestured for
me to ride on. “I thought you were my brother.” I rode on and he sputtered down
the avenue.
At the Malvern stoplight, I
started waking my mind. I noticed my old house had a new red door and storm
door, but the rest looked the same as the 30 years ago I’d lived there.
The music that filled my head was
“the Archie’s” probably because I just made a 60’s CD for Joel. Catchy tune
that luckily I could quickly forget.
Next to the Robin Inn, I stopped
for water and to let trucks go by. The board out front said “Chicken Stroganoff
and salad $8.00” I don’t know if that is a good price or not. I don’t get out
much. All I remember about the Robin Inn was coming there as a teenage usher at
First Baptist Church between services and having a beer.
Stopping by the Kuba-Kuba coffee
shop and realized why I take these rides every morning, no matter how routine.
I looked across the street at the triangle park. Normally on my Sunday ride it
is full of mothers and children playing, but due to the early hour, the park
was vacant. Then I looked up to see the birch trees waving in the cool breeze.
That is what I suppose to see this morning. That dancing tree clicked my mind
Around the corner and back again.
People walking in the middle of the street, pass Fox school getting an
addition, up to the closed museum, watching the car without the blinker turn as
I had expected.
I was aware of my surroundings and
the sounds and sights lit up before me.
Even the climb up the hill to Malvern
was not as difficult.
Back home passing another couple
starting off their Sunday ride and smiling.
And I had time to watch the Walter
Cronkite session of Sunday Morning, though I think I liked the turtles the
best. Taken it slow.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Taken it slow
The usual Sunday ride after Sunday
morning was full of bicycles and babies.
Since I start this ride later than
my normal 8:30 a.m., it is warmer. A summer July day with couples airing out
their babies, ladies walking their pups, and lots of bikes. This might be
catching on. At a turn I notice a young lady with her grey haired dad, taking
it slow.
It is Sunday, so there is no rush.
And “taken it slow” is the theme
for today.
The usual sights with some changes.
The tree in front of my old house has been cut down and ground to dust at the
bus stop. Little more stops than expected with more stoplights and a few phone
Perhaps it’s the summer air or the
strange week, but my pace was slower.
Past the house of the Florida girl
who’s mother called me this week? Past the “Patterson Express” corner store
across from the Laundromat where I traded a Farfisa organ for a Fender ’66
Strat. Then going through red lights, which I normally wait for pausing to
catch a breath and a drink of water.
But today, like every other day is
different. A new experience presents itself to each of us who wake up in the
My brother and I talked about
“to-do” list at lunch today. We both picked up the habit somewhere along the
way. Like our good manners and etiquette, we learned something right during our
So my “to-do” list has 8 items.
There are so many to-dos, I decided to take little steps and accomplish 8
things at a time. Scratch each off and when that list is done, start a new
So gather up the yarn, bagged
projects started but never finished. Fill boxes of needles and hooks and
plastic and wooden and metal things that mean something to yarn people but have
no idea what they are.
Feed the puppy that continues to
look for her mommy and clean the fallen bottles of medicine and animal products
on the dusty floor.
That’s the “to-do” list today, then
home to “How I Won The War” on PBS. I’ve wanted to watch this for some time so
there is a message here.
Switchblade in my pocket for some reason
and Dot on the phone, I say goodnight to another day and hope the rain comes.
But it’s just another day in just
another life.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Lady of the Dawn
My wife was a very, very private
person so she would not like this, but many of you have asked about a memorial,
so I will tell you something about the woman I spent 28 years with.
I know very little about her life
before I met her. She mentioned vacations in Callao and her drunken father and
tormenting brother. She was an orphan and knew nothing of her mother including
health issues. She told me about her first time with a boy who turned gay and
running naked along the train tracks after sex waving at the passengers.
She also told me brief stories of
her previous love/boyfriend. A married man who had sex with this babysitter as
his wife prepared to go out. A man who would use and abuse her and yet she
stayed with him. I never met this guy, which was a good thing for both of us,
because I had offered to have him eliminated if she wished. The first 5 years
she was haunted by his thoughts.
We met on a blind date. I had been
separated / divorced (I thought) for a few years when a person from work said
there was a girl who wanted to meet me. I said a few friends would be at a
local pub and they should come by. It was that casual.
Several friends, male and female,
were sitting in a booth at Joe’s Inn when the pair entered and walked passed
us, getting seats in the back of the room. Instinctively, I gather the group
and joined them at their table. Another round of beers lead to a brief
conversation. A few laughs and another round of beers. One by one the others
left leaving a visibly tipsy girl in a summer dress and two strange men.
Gauntly we offered her a ride home and the three of us delivered her to an
apartment a block away from where I lived for the past three years. She climbed
the stairway to the second story deck as we waited in the alley to insure her
A week later I passed her in the
hallway at work and mention a few friends would be at a local watering hole if
she wished to join us.
As the group sat on the outside
patio ordering rounds of drinks and laughing, this vision in a pastel blowing
spring dress appeared with an apprehensive face. She had been wearing jeans so
she must have gone home and changed. Sitting quietly she sat and listened to
the stories passed around which she had never heard.
Another friend offered a ride, so
I turned and asked if she would like to have dinner. We left the sunken patio
at Poor Richards and returned to Joe’s Inn.
A table for two, a meal and drink
order, and then the conversation that captured me followed. She spoke of her
former relationship and the abuse. I was shocked and overwhelmed. I had never
heard or thought of anything like this. I was angry yet very protective.
That’s when I realized I was a
On the walk home she stopped me in
the Virginia Museum parking lot and kissed me. A warm passionate kiss, but I
did not know anything about this girl on a warm July night. We continued to
walk and talk up the street where I lived. As we came to my house I pointed it
out and she asked if she could come in. It was very innocent. I opened my
“bachelor” pad to her, with nude paintings; stain glass penis window, and the
music room. At the end of my tour I pointed out the bedroom. When I turned
around she had dropped her spring dress and stood before me completely naked. A
night of hot summer passion followed.
The next day she had to go to work
at the newspaper, so she left, but she came back after getting off work. I was
assembling a sofa and pushed her away. But I could not stop thinking about her.
So, as the story goes, we met
again, more passion, and being so close to my house may access very easy.
After several months, she
complained about her landlords who would enter her apartment at any time. Again
I was enraged, so I offered my house.
And thus started 28 years of being
together every day and every night.
Now Linda, who was her name,
wanted to change some things around, but I did not mind. The music room became
the bedroom with two bed stacked on top of each other. The living room moved
two or three times.
But it was the kitchen, which
surprised me.
One weekend I was away on a
conference and when I returned I walked into the kitchen and ALL the cabinets
were gone. They had been ripped off the walls and floor and thrown out into the
backyard. She did not like them.
Another weekend and the entire
house were painted white.
I accepted the changes.
The lady had passion for her
She studied cooking and gathered
receipts testing all the ingredients and cooking methods. She learned knitting
from my mother and crochet from my grandmother. She worked at the greenhouse
and brought home every kind of plant and greenery. She worked at the pet shop
and brought home 13 fish tanks of every variety of species.
And she taught me to pay attention
to nature. She showed me the flora and fauna. She could walk by a field of
clover and find a four leaf one for me to put in my wallet. She would stop to
exam robin’s egg or dig up moss off the sidewalk to take home.
Then she went landscaping.
I came home from work one day and
found half of the front yard had all the grass removed down to the dirt. The
next day the other side matched the dirt. Then holes were dug. Then the
backyard was processed the same way with no grass or bushes or trees, just dirt
and holes.
To keep the weeds out, black
plastic covered the yard and was pinned down by an ingenious system of wire
pins. She had mapped it out in her head.
The next year was mulch, timbers,
digging, and sticks for trees. I’m sure the neighborhood thought we had gone
nuts with this moonscape.
Then it started to grow being
nurtured by constant water and care by this Mother Nature’s child. And I
learned that digging in the dirt release stress and gave a sense of
accomplishment that no office job could achieve.
And through the years the willows
would dance, the beau-beaus (chipmunks) and peteies (squirrels) would run amok,
as the goldfish swam in the ditch pond. The trees grew and provided shade and
fruit for the creatures.
Several times a day, she would
provide the yard with plates of peanut butter sandwiches cut into small pieces,
orange juice, apples, and sunflower seed. She reveled in the return every
spring of Gray Jays from Florida.
She was passionate about having
her own space, so through the years, I was moved outside to Mansland for
football and music while she continued in her projects. Add power tools and a
Lowes credit card and construction began. Nooks and crannies is how she
explained the additional rooms nailed with two by fours and wallboard.
We became a couple of separate
people, but I empowered her dreams with whatever she wanted.
Art supplies, including books,
easels, paints, pencils, pastels, brushes; sewing supplies, including 5 sewing
machines, buttons, books, instructional DVDs, pins, needles, threads, and
material; growing supplies, including a yard and all the mulch and greenery my
paycheck could provide, cooking supplies, including bread maker, blenders,
every size and shape of bowl, plate, fork, and pan; and pet supplies; including
fish, ferrets, cats, chipmunks, squirrels, and a dog.
Six years ago I received a call
from St. Mary’s Hospital saying she was in the emergency room. An endless trip
to the hospital discovered a heart attack. She was helpless in the intensive
care unit with tubes and monitors.
After a week and months of rehab,
her slowing motion tuned up and she seemed better. A new bike and walking every
night seemed to help.
But the bike brought a mugging and
a late morning walk brought a shooting, so she retired to the home. She covered
the windows and watched DVDs and read books.
Vampires, magic, witches, sewing,
knitting, and cooking took her attention. She was happy watching 8-year series
of “Charmed” and “True Blood”. Even with glasses, she read endlessly.
Her schedule would be slow in the
morning, watching television and drinking coffee. By noon, she would start on
the colas, watching “The View”, “Jeopardy”, and then soap operas on Channel 8.
“General Hospital” was her favorite. During this time there was planting,
knitting, writing notes, and cooking. She enjoyed her own space.
Her projects included knitting
scarf’s and hats for the homeless, caps for newborns, and lap blankets for
amputees of the wars. She cared.
Some days she would take a nap in
the afternoon, and then stay up all evening. Other nights she tried to sleep on
a regular schedule, but there was always the reminder if she had taken her
heart pills.
So July 4, she rolled over on the
floor and it was too late.
I keep looking for her to walk
down the path, but she does not come. I’ll keep feeding the Gray Jays, peteies,
beau-beaus, and bunnies in the yard.
Rest well my Lady of the Dawn.
Lady of the Dawn,
you opened up my sleeping eyes,
I never knew that I was born.
Well. I like you for your body,
but I love 'cause you're wise,
I am your prisoner,
Oh my Lady of the Dawn.
You are the dealer,
In this strange, uncertain game,
Take my cards and deal again,
I can feel my life is changing.
Now you taught me how to learn,
Teach me to earn
The love you give to me,
The love you give to me.
Lady of the Dawn,
you opened up my sleeping eyes,
I never knew that I was born.
Well. I like you for your body,
but I love 'cause you're wise,
I am your prisoner,
Oh my Lady of the Dawn.
I was waiting
In the darkness of the night,
Only now I see the light
Softly shining in the silence.
If you really hold the key,
Turn it for me,
And help me understand,
And help me understand.
Lady of the Dawn,
you opened up my sleeping eyes,
I never knew that I was born.
Well. I like you for your body,
but I love 'cause you're wise,
I am your prisoner,
Oh my Lady of the Dawn.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A Legend is Gone

Check this out
Black Dog is dead
A matted chow who ruled my
neighborhood for years. He was the "King of Strays". People in the
neighborhood would walk in the street to give him room on the sidewalk. A regal
dog with dirty locks wandering through a West End neighborhood of Richmond.
No one knew where he came from,
but we all respected his grace. His noble step would turn any other animal and
amaze any human.
My dog when walking around Mary
Munford School would stop and face him. There was a genuine respect for this
black scruffy dog gentle soul.
Never angry or agressive, Black
Dog walked with a wisdom of a life who was as survivor.
Neighbors of mine would feed him
and he relaxed in their yards, but he was a wanderer.
Groups in the neighborhood even
made t-shirts with his image. There kids would squeal when they saw Black Dog.
A true hero of the near West End,
it is hard to see his passing.
But he was given the respected
burial of a pup who ruled my neighborhood for over 20 years.
He was laid to rest in the most
prestigious neighborhood of the city, Windsor Farms, by children who loved him.
He will remain a legend of a soul
who did his own thing.
I can't stop crying.
Goodbye Black Dog and thank you
for showing us what life is all about.
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