Wednesday, July 7, 2010



We work to make money to buy consumables. Food, clothing, shelter are all necessary to survive, so we work had for the money to consume these basic needs. And as we make more money our ability and quality of our consumption grows.

After World War two, this country was rolling in money from making bombs, and tanks, and guns and planes with industrial growth, which had not been attacked. The rest of the world had been destroyed, so we adjusted our giant manufacturing abilities to making refrigerators instead of bullets, cars instead of tanks, homes instead of bombs, and such consumables as televisions, air conditioners and backyard swimming pools. Our mass advertising blitzes convinced the world that these consumables were necessary to the new way of life.

While consumption is not one of the deadly sins, gluttony is. Gluttony is only consumption to the extreme. Like biggie sizing a fast food meal, or owning multiple cars or houses or fancy jewelry or giant televisions or maid service. The consumption of these goods and services makes us feel important and thus cherished by our families as a great provider and the envy of our friends and neighbors. The ability of mass consumption can even give the appearance of a higher quality of personality, which can sometimes influence promotions at work.

Our continuous desire for more consumption beyond our needs robs the planet of land and natural materials that cannot be replaced. Our gluttony for the next fad or life-changing items will destroy us.
And in the end, our obituary will not measure us by a list of all the consumption. That will be left to others to distribute and fight over.

So the next time you start to put down your plastic, ask yourself, “Do I really need this??”


Art said...

One person's feast is another's famine.

TripleG said...

The human motto is just "MORE."