This suppose to be the worst form
of punishment other than torture. Deprive a person from any interaction but
them self.
Alone in a single room with only
your thoughts to entertain you.
So is the culture of today's
society in need of complete stimulation? Television, internet, phone, texting
and conversation are all part of the nature of noise surrounding us every day,
but we have created them all.
Television with it's high
definition flat screens presenting hundreds of channels with very little of interest
to spend time watching, the massive internet with fact and fiction mixed in
with pure trash and a waste of time looking for something important, the phone
which has become smart enough to bypass talking to another human by typing in
text to a tiny screen for immediate response, and finally one-to-one
conversation fill our waking hours.
Now the television with all of
it's action and sound and fancy colors can be turned off, the internet like a
giant library can be shut down, the phone with all it's connections can be
ignored, but human conversation is different.
A person talking to another person
face-to-face can view expressions and reactions from statements or questions.
Inflections in the voice can relay messages the words don't clearly express. A
facial gesture or a smile or frown or a pause in the conversation can speak
volumes of silence.
So take away all of these outside
interference to the mind and what do you have?
Solitary confinement.
Alone with your own thoughts. The
mind free of outside interference. Only the individual ideas are forefront to
be truly thought through and contemplated.
Now, whatever conclusion these
thoughts bring to the self, there is no method to share with another.
As with a conversation, when an
question is asked and instead of the immediate reply, there is a pause to
contemplate the answer, such is solitary confinement.
Time to think and ponder the
Is this what punishment is?
Or is this a gift we don't realize
until it is too late?
you may call or visit me any time 24/7. Often folks find themselves in a prison of their own making...
We're born alone and we die alone. The only respite is somewhere in the middle, when and if we surround ourselves with good friends, someone to love, and dogs.
You are never alone when you have good friends. Even if you're not physically together all the time, you are always in each other's hearts and souls.
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