Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Dinner For One

December 25, 2016: Sort of gray and cloudy and not very welcoming; a carry over from the raining day yesterday. Temperatures expected in the upper 40’s and dry today. No tree. No presents. No wrapping paper. No lights. No nativity figures. No carols. Morning coffee at 7AM and a search for “Deck the halls with Boston Charlie”. Even the late night eve shows of world music, progressive rock and blues were saturated with Christmas carols but I’d never heard this song before. I used to love Pogo for the pen style but never fully understood the content. Found a video copy and posted on social media and then back to bed for another nap until “This American Life”. More Christmas stories but they were wonderfully presented and thought provoking. The sun peaked through so I popped out of bed with a mission to do on this day. One more cup of Joe and I’m out the door with my bag of goodies. Stretching to prepare for my ride since I’d been idle yesterday I examined the neighborhood. Some houses were lifeless and dark even thought cars were parked in front. The silence was formidable and rather wonderful. I put on my usual uniform and went out to the vacant street with not another soul in sight. Then I noticed a person walking their dog. There is life on Christmas day. Wandering the damp streets I have time to notice decorations and changes to houses and yards without the worry of being run over. Some nice tasteful garnishes to houses along with the tacky inflatable items and seems like people in the neighborhood are starting to get into landscaping islands. Maybe humanity has some culture after all? My first destination was locked. I had a suspicion that it would be but I had to try. Plan B was easy to adjust to find a quiet spot with trees and water available for our neighbors. I spread out the feast and stepped back to watch. One by one the explorers find the buffet delicious and the word gets out. Soon before me all sorts of fuzzy and feathered friends are sharing the unexpected abundance. My job here is done. Now it is onto the next destination. The air is clear without all the additional traffic and the pace is casual. There shouldn’t be stress on Christmas day. Company 18. I lock up my bike not knowing how long I’ll stay but the entrance door opens and an inquisitive black man peers out. “Station 18” I ask. “Yes sir” he responds opening the door wider. I explain my mission is to forward a gift made to me by a neighbor and this year this fire station is the recipient. I offered a coffee cake made by Nessie, Cooper, and Jan to the fireman with compliments of appreciation for their duty and hoped they didn’t have to work today. It seemed to bring a smile to his face and I bid adieu. My mission was almost complete as I headed back home. Passing a few strangers walking the neighborhood parking lot no one acknowledge a greeting of the day. At the barely repaired back gate I had another delivery. Should I wait until dark and place the stocking of doggie treats on the front door but no; I found a branch on a tree that would easily fit the surprise to the pups and nice neighbor. I was also finished but there was still family to feed. They had been patiently waiting when I left and since the buffet hadn’t been opened yesterday. After stabling my pony I proceeded to spread out an array of sunflower seed, raw peanuts, and a new surprise of mixed-nuts with a variety they had never seen. The an assembly went to their familiar first but soon gathered their new gifts and proceed to take them away or bury them for later. Either way it was a very entertaining show all for the price of peanuts. Settling in for the rest of the dreary afternoon awaiting a late night football game and listening to Frank Zappa’s “The Evil Prince” to cleanse my ears of the Christmas carols dribble and relax in elastic pants while re-hydrating. Now that all the gifts have been delivered I have to remember that tomorrow is Monday and I’ll have to take out the trash. Will they pick-up tomorrow? Best to be prepared. The only other decision of the day will be what to have for the Christmas meal. After eating lots in the past couple of days due to the cool weather and the excitement of the season perhaps I should make something simple? Pancakes? Eggs with biscuits? Fruit plate? Will have to see what the cook has on the menu.
It is just another day in Just Another Life.

1 comment:

TripleG said...

I put out extra seeds today for the holiday, but you must have lured all the birds Southward, because no one showed up. Maybe better parties elsewhere!