Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Breaking News!

NewsO’TheWorld-“Scientist have found appliances can be used for surveillance devices by the enemy”
TimesIzaChanginNews-“Kim and Paris and Pam and Taylor make a surprise movie with Ivanca and Hillary”
OWorldNews-“People of color are not welcomed in the USoftheA unless they done got the hoochie mamas”
TouchMeHeartNews-“Runaway boy steps on mine between the border with Canada. Mother is really mad”
ItCan’tHappenHereNews-“Poor girl bullied in school and broken hearted at the prom with pimples and bad hair is selected to appear in the Olympics after winning the Miss Sexy Universe Contest”
Sports’n’MoNews-“Referee throws in the towel and leaves the game”
FashionThatBeHappinNews-“Same old, same old girls walk up and down a walkway”
ItMustBeTrueNew-“An African car manufacturer has developed an auto that runs on grass”
ScienceAlRightousNews-“Giant hole coming to the core of the Earth”
MoneyTalks&No1ListensNews-“Millions extract their money reserves before the meteoroid hits the planet”
MusicLucusNews-“No one is buying Beatle records anymore”
CookinGoodLookinNews-“Sharing a brownie with a law enforcement official may get you out of jail”
HealthOrNotNews-“Want to look like you were young again? So do we”
It goes on and on and on.
What we read or view or listen to or overhear can be fact or alternative truth.

What will you believe?

AlmostNews-“Zebra with colored strips marches in parade”
FamilyRealityNews-“Baby will poop and mother has to clean it up”
ChewOnThisNews-“Eat enough soap and you’ll blow bubbles”
LoveMeOrI’llDieNews-“You are going to die”
BizAWizNews-“Flash mob of rich folk throw away all their money to live the holiday as impoverished”
JustDangNews-“Man puts a shotgun in his mouth and pulls trigger. We are closely following this story. Authorities have not released details of the victim before notification of family. There are accounts of terrorism. Witness say ******** (censored). More details on this horrific crime and the consequences to the community will be updated to our crew on the scene. Send any pictures or videos to Channel Z. News at eleven”
CommunityUandMeNews-“Convenience Store is inconvenienced by a robbery”
NonOrCentsNews-“Gitmo left the gate open and everyone left”
MotherMayEyeNews-“Cute puppies and kittens romp and tumble”
Don’t go there.

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