Saturday, July 22, 2017

What to do on a 105-degree day, beside sweat?

This old Geezer decides it is just too hot to do just about anything. Feed the critters and supply plenty of water and watch as the thermometer rises. What’cha gonna do about it?
Wait it out.
Hydrate and rehydrate and change shirts is the rule of the day. Even cold showers dry off quickly in the body heat.
Yet in 100+ heat your mind goes numb.
It is surprising what you start to remember in this heat.
That tall wooden white chair on the beach of Wrightsville in a youth experience of blowing a whistle and learning about rip currents with white stuff on your nose comes to mind.
Stag Parties was forgotten but something reminded me of an image of a girl in horns surrounded by young lads in top hats ready for the hunt. You had to be there.
Flip over the record came to memory when I had to do the same for a cassette I was listening to. Sure messed up make-out time when you had to stop and flip the record.
When there is time of silence and space thoughts of all kinds come to pass. Dreams fulfilled, lost loves, ventures taken, adventures missed all become a whir in the heated air.
Perhaps a project could be accomplished in a cooler spot, but why avoid the reality of the moment. When it gets this hot, the body starts to fumble for the brain shuts down.
And tomorrow will be the same. Checking out.

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