Friday, November 9, 2018

Breaking fake News!

news flash!
No one was robbed today!
news flash!
no one was shot today!
news flash!
children went to school and learned something!
news flash!
people went to work, parked in a space, got all their work done and came home on time for dinner!
news flash!
no one got sick today!
news flash!
the stock market did not crash!
news flash!
All the airplanes landed safely and on time!
news flash!
the weather is clear and sunny!
news flash!
all the dogs and cats have been adopted!
news flash!
every homeless person now has a home!
news flash!
every mentally ill person has been remarkably cured (explain “cured”?)!
news flash!
opiodes are no longer necessary!
news flash!
all politicians tell the truth!
news flash!
You were my first choice!
news flash!
all the world’s children are fed!
news flash!
all the walls are torn down!
news flash!
the president of the U.S.A. watched cartoons,
had a big mac and took a nap!

news flash!
no one was shot by THE police!
news flash!
no one had an automobile accident!
news flash!
everyone got a raise!


1 comment:

TripleG said...

Even a little of it would be terrific. (sigh)