Friday, March 15, 2019

Grab – Bag – Scan – and OH NO!

I know everyone has been wondering what is going on at the Tummy Temple so here is the latest jazz the way I see it.
Haven’t been on the same daily schedule just due to the weather. The days I did snuck out were fairly routine with a few others on the street and a normal traffic pattern inside.
Just Grab-Bag-and gets the hell out of there. $7 blueberries? When did that happen? $8 six-pack?? The peanuts, frozen pizza, V-8 and OJ are still in their normal places but something is in the air.
Locking up across from the county cop car always gives me wonder. Especially when he walks by me as I enter the Temple. What is going in here that I don’t know about? Should I follow him?
Yesterday was old folks day but normally Friday is old folks day. It used to be Tuesday but they did away with the discounts, so it seems it takes long to drag them old bodies into the Temple.
Yesterday was black hair day and I didn’t get the memo. One and then another and another person who are definitely on the “Just Passing For A Teen” were shuffling around in bad make-up with scraggly hair dyed pitch black. Maybe it was a gang? Maybe they don’t think anyone can tell?
That being weird enough passed the cop again without anyone in cuffs.
Think it is time to Grab-Bag-And Go, but not so fast.
Gather up my normal critter feed and hydration and weave over to the televised checkout machines. I point my scanner’s red laser at the assigned barcode and nothing happens. Maybe I should have just let Katy bag me today.
Keith comes over all panicky waving his hands and trying to instruct me some new procedure. He takes my scanner and goes to the supervisors’ station.
Now the supervisor’s station has all the secret codes and alerts when someone needs help scanning (as if the flashing numbered lights didn’t indicate assistances). Help is on the way!
As Keith is showing Chris (who is wearing the red vest today) that alcohol needs to be scanned separately, I pick up that the wi-fi is down. Egads!!
Seems like not only Facebook, Yahoo and several others (including Boeing) were having software problems but now the Tummy Temple has lost their wi-fi.
I got out unscathed and uncuffed but then it started to rain. How could I have missed the radar?
How long could we exist without wi-fi?
Tomorrow I will need to return and will be cautious to the Brussels sprouts and the raw carrots. Stand back from the frozen fish and move around the green cup cakes with care. Avoid eye contact whenever possible (thus the dark glasses) and do not venture to the diaper aisle for it will be Saturday.
Just another Ides of March day in Just Another Life.

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