Sunday, October 3, 2021

Simple Life


What did you do today? This is Sunday (the Lord’s Day) and the day set aside for rest, but that won’t stop you.

Did you get up early and perk the coffee? Did you make the breakfast for the family? Did you get dressed for church and pack the van to haul everyone off to the house of worship your favorite faith?

Do you turn on the boob tube and get involved in ‘entertainment & information’ while checking your phone for FOMO? Do you realize how your life is being scattered in distraction?

Do you pack the kids up to see the grand’s or plan for a get-together with the family at a cookout in the backyard? Do you have to take a trip to the grocery to get that ‘special’ ingredient then call home to see if there is anything else that needs to be in the wire cart? Do you have to stop and get gas on the way?

While all this seems exciting and urgent and necessary to provide interest to your life, I’ve learned to avoid it.

Stress? Anxiety? Life is full of that. I’ve had plenty that directed my attention and controlled my days. My dreams remind me.


Wear whatever is comfortable. Sleep when you feel tired and wake when the dreams stop. Go wherever you want whenever you want or not. Eat only what you need at the moment. Have a conversation when no one else is around. Release your thoughts whether anyone else understands them. Listen but do not judge. Take time to enjoy the world and all of the neighbors. Learn new things. Breathe in the air and enjoy the exercise. Contemplate. Look but don’t touch. Know where you came from. Ponder where you are going. Cherish your memories. Dance to the music. Wrap yourself in the sunshine for it might not be there tomorrow. Be kind but don’t expect return. Only walk in your shoes.

Rocking on the porch at night in the darkness of the rain or the snow or the sunset brings the end of the day. The sounds quiet, the light dims and it is only the chair rocking back and forth and back and forth to the rhythm of your being at that moment.

It may be dull or boring to others but it is a simple life.

There is no need to purchase what will be later discarded. There is nowhere to travel I’ve not experienced. Solitude awaits an interesting conversation or possibility. Exploration is limited to desire.

It is a simple life.

1 comment:

Burd said...

I'd say it's a beautiful life, and you live it well. Thanks for sharing these precious thoughts.
- Burd