Saturday, December 31, 2022

Live Free, Play Hard, Die Young


Election deniers, Miss-Information, Foreign Invasion, Mass Killings, Migration, Homelessness, Enslaved, Drying Rivers, Bomb cyclone, Pandemic, Identify gender, Democracy, Climate change, Old age, Anti-Semitic, Inflation, Supply constipation, Pay raises, Jobs wanted, Remote working, Pill obsession, Lower emissions, Ghost guns, Online bullets, Alternate electricity, Social media, Pop culture, Gentrification, Reparation, Computer chips, Train strikes, Teacher strikes, Nurses strikes, Pickle ball, Video games, Movie sequels, Banning books, Resiliencies, Icebergs melt, Pipes leak, Flooding kitchen #2, Remembering, Monument removal, Woodle, Trafficking, Infrastructure, Round-A-Bouts, Swatting, Regulation, Congressional investigations, College loan forgiveness, Tax- break-for-the-rich, Morality police, Abortion, King Charlie #3, Cyber safety, Quiet quitting, Zoom classes, Ticky-Tocky, Tick-Tock, T-T…

Daily news (true or make believe) greets everyday for the readers to make up their own decision. Weather is a guessing game. Sports are reviews of what happened yesterday. Financial advice helps the banks play with your money. Obits are for those who want (and can pay fore) someone’s passing. Best and worst of are marketing schemes. Merchandise (yard sale) is selling your junk for someone else’s treasure.

Been an expensive year

First, the IRS wanted a bunch of money for taxes from when I closed my IRA several years ago. I checked my taxes and did pay, but not what they were asking for. Pay the bill and move on.

Second, inflation hit. Whatever the matter, pandemic, supply backup, Russian invasion, employment shortage, oil prices, climate change…. doesn’t matter. Not spending too much money (except for food) the daily trip to the Tummy Temple went from $20 a day to $50+ a day.

Luckily, another turn of the calendar and still eating, sleeping, walking, talking, thinking and breathing every day. Some of the chores can wait for another while others are bypassed by routine.

The more time of Geezerhood allows more time to think, remember and ponder when will I join the 6 (that I know of) who left the world this year? With time comes more contemplation of health, wealth and relationships with those you used to know.

Still being of sane mind (?) everyday is a notice that the body you inhabit is slowing down and breaking down.

My “Just Another Life” Blog continues to be my eternal voice of ideas and events and thoughts including hoarding, relationships, age, conversations, safety, family, cultural highlights, but even that is slowing down. Drawing materials wait for inspiration. Song list wait to be recorded.

Some are dressing up to attend a party and ask as foolish in costumes after the practice rounds of Halloween and Christmas. Some will drive when they should avoid the roads and revel to big screen TVs and more than enough libations, only to regret it the next day but will remind everyone for years. Some will stay at home cuddling together and struggling to stay awake to midnight by binging on old movies. Some will only know the difference when the clock changes and it will take months to write 2023 in the checkbook.

Live Free, Play Hard, Die Young has been my mantra for many years. I’ve tried #1 and attempted #2 but failed #3. How will the NEW year present itself to me?

There are several limbs down from the trees that are also failing. Suppose to be sunny and warm so I can drag all them back to the trash area before the trucks that sound like dinosaurs come by. Have black-eyed peas and ham for the New Year traditional meal with apple pie and ice cream for dessert. I should probably make my ride to the Tummy Temple for the exercise and restock.

New Year resolutions?

Eat better? Lose weight? Grow taller? Sing on pitch?

Vacuum the floors? Rake the leaves? Make-up the bed? Clean the toilet and bathtub?

Very doable task without much mustard and I’ll let you know next year how it happened.

So for now…

Open the bubbly, put on some music and say ‘Goodbye’ to an expensive 2022 and see what the next year brings.

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