Tuesday, March 28, 2023

When was your best sex?


Say what!?”

That is a rude question never asked in polite society! It is a question that is also an ice-breaker.

It is a question none of us ask out loud at the family Thanksgiving table, but everyone wants to know.

Look at the tabloids. All the fascinating stories are about celebrities’ mysterious debauchery but they are no-tell hints of possibilities we can only imagine.

This question does not include which hand you use or appliances need to aid your thrill. This question does include your partner(s).

The answer may (or may not) include the person sitting next to you (spouse, significant other, date or other), but there was a moment when the time was more than special.

Was it on the first date? Was there a second date? Was it losing your virginity? Probably not, due to all that awkward fumbling. Was it on a cruise? Was it in a candle lit hot tub under the stars with champagne and Barry White on the radio?

Was it planned or a surprise? Did you fall in love before or after?

Is this a question you would ask your grandmother? Is this a question you’d ask your father? Would you ask your siblings or cousins?

Remember puberty? With all the body changes and hormones rushing through the body, we’d look at the other gender with wonder. Girls would gather and giggle about wearing a brassiere and what letter and number they were using after they were trained. Boys didn’t discuss the size but felt the urge to rub up against one of those girls (or your choosing) to get an erection.

It was certainly popular or we would not have all these kids around. There are lots of books around to show you with diagrams and even instructional videos. Was the best sex the time you created your ‘family’?

Was your best sex romantic? Was your best sex brutal? Was your best sex fun or unbridled passion? If not, there are lots of novels describing what you may never have.

You don’t need to answer the question.

Everyone has already made their assumptions about what the social media gossip mill spreads. She’s a slut or a prude? He’s a pedophile? They may be coping with physical activity?

Then again, the best is yet to come?

Is there anybody in there?

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