Thursday, June 8, 2023

What’s On the Menu?


Between the power washing on one side and the constant renovation on the other side, I’ve withdrawn from yard work. Even with a shooting where I went to school, the newsrooms have been quiet. Some new old face has announced they will try and get attention and money but only one is still in the spotlight.

Wandering through the Internet like exploring a library with Dewey decimal cards searched by a Google engine and Siri asking what would you like next? Like a stack of newspapers or a table spread with magazines, they mostly say the same thing. We continue to safari hoping against hope to find something new and interesting.

I go shopping.

What is on the menu?

When you walking into an unfamiliar restaurant, you take in the ambiance while being seated, then you are handed a menu. If the server expects a sizable tip, a recommendation is pointed out (as referred by the kitchen) and a request for libations is made. If (for some reason or another) you look at the menu and find nothing inviting or appealing, you and your party could get up and walk out.

I don’t wander the streets window shopping or even desire new designs or makes or models or trends advertised to entice purchases. I’ve got more than enough shoes, socks, shirts, plates, appliances, windows, screw drivers, saws, ladders, computers and don’t need to research where to get a haircut.

So, what should I shop for?

My bathtub mat, keeping me from sliding around in a tub that might have more dirt in it than is on my body, has been pretty well corroded since I poured Clorox on it. My soup mug is looking a bit worn for wear. My knurly neighbors are chewing on my house so I’ll seek some solution to keep their teeth away from the walls. Just to make things more interesting I see there is a weed trimmer that has a metal blade!

Do I need another weed trimmer?

I’ve got a high-end electric string trimmer, a lawn mower, a weed whip and a saber saw to cut big branches, but a new tool to make life more comfortable always is enticing. A trimmer with a circular saw instead of a string? Sign me up.

Of course, the comparison shopping takes hours online reviews and estimated values, but I add to the cart and with a single ‘click’… they are on the way to my front door.

Does this fulfill my thought that purchasing replacements will energize me? Time will tell.

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