Sunday, November 10, 2024

When you are ’76?


Another trip around the sun and still standing (though a bit wobbly). Wake up from the groggy naps and multiple trips down the hall and watch the sun come up, so I got another day. Even my birthday.

So, a bell doesn’t go off and there is no deadline to get dressed or comb my hair and brush my teeth, but it is now my birthday so I got to get up and move. Creak and crack but everything still work.

Bit chilly this morning, so it was time to wander upstairs and replace the floor fan with some hoodies. The sun ain’t shining on my birthday, but I’ll make do.

Once outside and taking a taste of the yard I get into my daily routine and the next thing I know I’m at the Tummy Temple. Mo’ folks are out on bikes and everyone is smiling (with their kids). Best part is I didn’t get run over (yet).

Still no zip carts, so I grab a BIG plastic cart to drive down the aisles. Today seems to be the ‘confused shoppers’ day’ so I have patience and stop and watch. It is entertaining and don’t cost nothing.

Since it is ‘birthday’ time, I gots to get a cake and ice cream, but the cheeze cake was hard to find and coffee ice cream seemed popular.

A new blue apron approved my beer purchase with a “Happy Birthday” after looking at my ID. Good enough for me.

Made it home with no muss or fuss, turned on the heater, cracked open a Corona and open a bag of buttered popcorn and I’m set for the day.

The evening will probably require some rocking on the porch to watch the sunset without noise. Peace and quiet and maybe a nap or two.

Life is still good. 


1 comment:

Jim Harris, Artist said...

Sounds like a great Clyph day, and how sharp of the new blue apron to actually see and acknowledge that today was your birthday. Have a good sleep, and stay warm!