Saturday, March 8, 2025



What do you invest in? Stocks? Bonds? Real Estate? Cyber? Family?

Of course, you invest in family. That is the responsibility associated with procreation.

What about yourself?

Do you invest in the time and effort to stay healthy? Do you invest in all the bling and toys you want but don’t need? How is your circadian rhythm?

What is your Return on Investment?

How long are your relationships? Do you invest the time and effort and possibly money to keep a relationship going before losing interest?

If you have disposable income to invest outside the necessities of life, are you making a profit? It is all a gamble. You can buy a house and do all the tinkering with it only to have it burn down. You can invest in an expensive driving machine only to have it depreciate after leaving the lot. You can invest in a fine fashionable coat only to find out it was constructed in a foreign land with little quality control standards and the pockets fall out. You can invest in a distant vacation only to find you are staying in a room full of bed bugs and eating some kind of foreign food that does not agree with your normal digestion functionality. You can invest in your children only to find they have desires of their own and may follow the temptations of pleasure. You may invest in a fine dining experience only to find it was nothing more than a heat up meal from Casco. You may invest in fine works of art only to find it was an AI duplication with not value.

Do you invest in dreams? Do you tithe to the denomination of your choice? Do you adopt orphans? Do you send donations to scientific research hoping to find the answers of the unknown or cure to death? Do you invest in someone’s else’s faithful disasters or woes hoping to aid without expectations of repayment?

The return of investment is the dopamine rush of being a good person. It won’t make you wealthy or the envy of your neighbors, but it is worth it.

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