Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If Time Is Money and We Have No Money, Do We Have More Time?

With the present and future economy looking rather poorly (big surprise there, we've been on a spending spry for most of my lifetime), will be sell off our assets (stuff) to people who have a better economy (where are they?)

Or will we horde our assets (stuff) to keep what we value away from others and hope it will regain it's potential.

Or can you give it all away and start over, really start over again with an idea, will-power, and the roll up your sleeves, put two feet on the ground and dig in. 

Remember folks, few of us have had it really rough. And we have the trinkets to prove it. 

Think about when you clean out your parents house and all the "stuff" that meant something to them but nothing to you. Do you keep it or add to the landfill? 

What can you REALLY, REALLY do without? 

More shoes? More music? Clean sheets? Hot water? Television? Heat? 

It would not take long for our cultured society break down without electricity to run all our gadgets. During a recent hurricane the power was out for 10 days. We were lucky. And the silence was appreciated. We even talked to some of the neighbors who walked the hood in search of ice and cool air. A home was an empty dark box that kept the wind and rain out. Basic shelter. 

Recently, on a way back from a northern visit, my train passed under a bridge and I saw a guy sitting in the gap between the tracks and the roadway with all his worldly possessions. It wouldn't take much. He's a survivor. Do not know his story, but I've been there, so I can smile at passing him. 

Cherish  your time more than your money. And make time for the things that are important to you. 


Anonymous said...

Nice one, Kiwi.

Art said...

I keep my music.