Sunday, October 19, 2008

Who would VOTE for you?

I think I could get elected. 

I'm outgoing, friendly, good with children, and easy to get along with. I'm adaptable to others views and have no strong beliefs in anything. I'm not tied to any organization or religion so I can pretty well be swayed.

So think about it. 

Suppose YOU had to fight for YOUR JOB by winning the hearts and minds of the masses to go out of their normal routine and VOTE you into a career. 

Could you do it? 

Who would vote for you?

The baggier at the grocery store who sees you every day?

The bank teller (for those who actually walk into a bank) to passes you pieces of paper behind a glass shield?

The guy next to you pumping gas on a cold winter morning?

The Starbucks server who knows you will not leave a tip?

The recycle pickup guy who goes through your waste products that will not wind up in the land fill?

The garbage man who picked up your discards that will wind up in the land fill? 

Your work associates? 

The night folks who clean the floors of your office? 

The suit seller who says "You look great in this. It's your color." just to get you to make his commission? 

Your next door neighbor?

Your best friend's kids?

Your kids?

Think about it. You could be watching the numbers of another taking your job because they go more votes. 

But doesn't this happen every day in the work place? People vying for new positions, power, more money. Climbing the corporate ladder is a rough sport and must be taken very seriously. 

To get ahead, you must bend to the winds of policies, expectations, change in environments, staff, and management's whims. 

So get out there and earn their votes. 

Hey you, get out of that closet. Those skeletons are mine!!

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