Winter vacations are rough. The
weather is cold. The sky is gray. The rain continues and does not evaporate.
The wind blows. Yuck!
So with all the plans and
things-to-do before the holiday season, television and music become the filler
for no motivation.
The dark morning is broken by
"Light" and a blinding brightness awakening the frosty air. With only
a corner of a blanket and the bottom spread pull up off the corner and used for
a sheet, you eyes don't open as cats bounce off your frozen body. As the dog
stands under her blanket you hear "Coffee!" Sitting up, adjusting
your hoodie sweatshirt, pulling at invisible covers, the television starts to
blare "The Morning News".
"Sit up!" you slide you
body up against the wall of pillows, still pulling whatever scraps of blankets
and throws piled in mountains across the bed. The wind rustles the bamboo
against the window air conditioner through the frost on the inside of the
The first sip of coffee is
interrupted by two women chattering. It's the "Gilmore Girls" and the
angst of a teen girl and her single mother with more money, funky parents,
wacky boyfriends, Yale, crazy band, greasy diner, small town intrigue and
things-to-say than anyone could imagine coming from two people at one time.
With the cuddly kittens crawling
back under the covers and purring the sleepy rumble against the small speaker
spewing constant conversation, the eyelids become heavy. Just a few more
Finally you can not take it
anymore and must drag your body out of the bed. Slipping on heelless shoes
sliding down the hall past the wallboard door and the litter room to open the
flash of cold in the bathroom.
The hole in the wall behind the
skin always lets you know what season you are in. The shower curtain blows in the
breeze coming under the window pane frosted inside and out. Pour the bucket in
the bowl to flush and place it back in the dropping faucet.
Pull off the over sized gray sweat
pants and pull up the hole ridden dirt warn blue jeans over the dark blue long
johns. Strap on the suspenders and re-load the dark gray sweatshirt over a thin
gray t-shirt then another gray heavier sweatshirt on top, Gray homemade wool
socks and old tennis shoes that are not really tennis shoes but I still use the
term. They are actually "sports" shoes with walking treads, but don't
do as much walking with arch supports and gel cushion. Slap on the VCU black
baseball cap, although it has never played baseball and off into the world.
Pull the handle on the backdoor
and over the crumbling porch, down the plastic steps to the walkway of timbers
, gaps off rotten out wood, slippery from the rain.
Squeeze open the squeaky door to
the spider web strewn studio and smell the mold. Spring is how many months
Time for the daily trip to the
grocery store. Time to get the blood moving around the body. Got to shake off
the slug.
Point down the Big Blue down the
walkway made from a 6-foot fence and past the goldfish sitting dormant in the
cool air. Up the gravel alley to the street, mount the saddle, and slid on
tight gloves while you take in the sky and direction of clouds.
Turn right and glide onto the wet
pavement. Listen for the traffic patterns as you roll toward the stoplight
which is always red. Coast down the hill past the Westmoreland Lake and check
the mirror to make sure there is room between you and the massive mobile
machines and the mounds of slippery brown slushy leaves. It could be worst, it
could be snow. Slow at the next stoplight and take a breath.
And today, after an evening and
morning of rain, caused a pilgrimage of young and old alike, traveling with a
uniform attention to a Kroger grocery store. Pushing carts, driving massive
mobile machines, walking, talking to roaches in their ears, bringing their
children, all moving toward the place of food and warmth.
As I locked up, a young woman
walked pass me and under her dark glasses with a smile said "Good day for
a ride". I looked up surprised at the comment and responded, "Yes,
and the sun came out." Doesn't take much to make my day.
Back home and television and
computer and music. Don't look at the stack of stuff you need or want to do.
Don't go through your pack with the notes from weeks before. Don't even plug in
the digital converter box for the DTV test, which none of the televisions
Put on headphones and listen to
the dozen of Beatle covers and original out takes or original poems put to
primitive guitar and teen angst. Oh, that again.
Watch the comments of friends on
Facebook, happy to see a new friend, and check out old music videos on YouTube.
What a way to waste a week.
But, now it's time to shake it
off, rub some dirt in it, back to work, pay some bills, and get ready to end
one weird year and start an unsure other one.
May the slug release me
and let me get back to
and life.
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