Wednesday, April 11, 2012



More like a rude awaking. A leg cramp woke me up this morning. I was right in the middle of this weird dream when my leg cramped up and told me to wake up and move around.

Perhaps it was cooler than normal, perhaps I had pulled it too hard during the day ride, perhaps I had not shaken it off, or perhaps it was a blood clot but the pain was real and got me jumping out of bed and walking around tenderly trying to loosen it up.

Maybe it was a real injury that would require going to a doc-in-the-box but I’d rather walk it off and rub some dirt on it. Man up and bite the bullet.

And what was that dream all about anyway?

My first wife with an over stuffed car pulling a packed trailer and I was complaining there was too much weight on one side making it lean over. Walking around in the Mitt Romney house noticing large sloshes of red on the walls and rugs then asking his wife if people fall down a lot in this house to which she replied, “No we are spill often.” Leaving me wonder why doesn’t she clean them up. In the meantime and in the background strangers and people I used to work with are doing all sorts of bazaar rushing around and dancing and making strange sounds. Before that, I my fuzzy mind remember was a friend who looked like he did some 30+ years ago asking questions about knives and cooking.

I don’t seem to dream about present day experiences or taxes or food or what I would think would have to be reviewed in dreams, but the consistency of old buildings, vacant houses, and solving problems seem to be the modish operandi.

So I walked around and then rode around to loosen up my leg and though it is still tender I figured it was sitting at the computer recording music into the night and probably had my leg in a strange position. Why not, that is probably what a doctor would say and then charge you an arm for that diagnosis.

Maybe I need to drink more water as in sport injuries?

That’s it I need to drink more.

1 comment:

Art said...

Nicely written, abn if the doc charged you and arm AND A LEG both your problems would be solved, right?