Monday, January 14, 2013

Social Network Gone Awry

I found this picture somewhere, I don’t remember where, but it caught my attention. It spoke to me. It is social network gone awry.
Now I realize all people have experiences and those experiences involve other people, some you may know and some you don’t, but this photo brought it all home.
But this was unexpected.
If when the time came that you and your significant other decided to become more familiar than just smooching, a truth came across your mind while it was in the fog of passion.
So these panties were presented with pictures of those who had gone before. As guys used to notch their headboard, this would be a shatter knocker to a guy’s psyche.
We all try to avoid the previous partners but when the faces are presented, particularly if some are familiar, the heart can take a hiccup. Each face has a story. Maybe just a passing moment or too many drinks or an even stronger emotional bond, each face has a history. And that history comes before you do.
So would this be positive or negative to a relationship?
My last long relationship required not discussing previous partners. I agreed with that commitment even though for a year or two I had to comfort the tears from a prior time and a person I did not know. I accepted the limitations of history and never mentioned any or all-previous people who were close to me.
Not saying this is the best awareness to new founded partners, but it would at least give pause to a thought of what might lie ahead.

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