Sunday, January 1, 2017

Year In Review

No, this is not the Facebook review that is kinda creepy that they want to snoop into our yearly listings with their algorithm. This is just what happened last year that I saw.
I always think not a lot happened last year but then I add up the cost and it seems like more than I remembered.
As usual I spent more on food than anything else and two-thirds of that was beer. There were some projects around the house that cost some dough and a couple of friends but they are done. Opened up the yard to light for growing whatever I decided to grow. Even got a tiller to save my back. Digging and cutting is extremely therapeutic. Surprised myself by how much I got done, even killing one saw and smoking another. What was too big for me to handle, I called the pros with the right tools and checked it off my list.
Even coming to the realization that some things are just sitting and are not going to get done until I get off my duff and do them. A smaller bed frame ordered online and waiting to be assembled was finally assembled. More space. Base coat in the living room, dining room and hallway reminded me it is not difficult to paint a wall even in a circus.
A one-time shopping adventure to Target brought home some pillows, sweatshirts and shorts I’ll probably never wear. Didn’t see any books or movies that looked interesting enough to spend money on. Couldn’t find any more guitars to purchase but will keep looking. Transportation was kept to two wheels with only minor check ups. Thought that slide on wet leaves may have, but it didn’t.
Luckily there were no medical needs but a few strains and pains were worked out in the daily regiment. Eating more prepared food probably isn’t the best diet but it fills me up and gives me enough energy to keep going. For the first day of the year I’ve got all the fixin’s for a proper southern New Years dinner but yesterday I ate too much Mexican and am still stuffed. I can wait and besides I have to wash the dishes.
Two thousand and sixteen was a year of entertainment. Though I’ve turned the television off, I did have to watch the political debates. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and more unbelievable were the comments on social media. I preferred watching the rabbits bound around in the yard.
Music was constantly my companion. Classical to rock to my surprise I started trending toward Americana tunes. Nothing really caught my ear; even the blues of the Stones seemed repetitive and lost its crunch. NPR exposed me to new sounds and I searched YouTube for techniques and styles. Still I was going back to the music I knew. I realized my cassette tape collection was getting long in the tooth so I started tossing them that didn’t sound good anymore. That process concluded with the purging of Christmas carols. Recorded one CD of songs that could be collaboration but the other guitarist wanted to know what I was drinking. Spring will provide a respite on the new screened in porch with headphones and the iPad music selection.
Writing my thoughts down did take some of my old television time. I can’t help it for these ideas pop in my head and won’t go away until I write them down. The usual subjects of communication, relationships and emotional drama, bathroom, bullets, pregnancy, self-evaluation, faith, death and every day events were presented with a hint of mischief and hopefully humor. I don’t even take my weird dreams too seriously.
So what will this 68th year hold? Paint seems the obvious. More trimming and turning dirt and even spreading out that nine-year old mulch seems to be in the mix. 3,000 plus miles are to be ridden in all sorts of weather. New windows in the springtime and some heavy duty vacuuming are scheduled. No majors repairs are expected so maybe a vacation this year?
Who knows what will happen, but it is a new year with new opportunities and adventures. Enjoy the ride friends.

1 comment:

TripleG said...

You made more progress than most of us! Speaking of music, the theme for the yardwork cold be "Let the Sun Shine In."