Monday, January 8, 2018

Free At Last! Free At Last!

Finally a break in the action, as they say. The temperature rises above freezing the pair of the witches and when the door opens the sign says: “Welcome”.
Seems like a month of Sundays being imprisoned in this abode but awakening to the outside is just what the doctor ordered.
Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best, the thermometer has risen above what you would expect to keep in your freezer so it was time to explore the real world.
The layers of long johns were already applied to be followed by long-sleeved t-shirt, suspendered jeans, sweatshirt, woolen socks, hoodie and we are off.
On first breathe it doesn’t feel that bad out here in the real world. The world I’ve been avoiding. The world I’ve hidden from because it was just too cold to bear. I breathe and my breath doesn’t show up as a mist in the air.
The sun is shining so the usual routine of replacing clear glass with shaded and wiping wax on the lips before assembling the pony for the journey takes place.
Pausing, as is the ritual to appreciate the yard, there is no urgent reason to move out except to escape the past days of imprisonment. The buffet table is bear and thus the reason to move out.
Also need to move the limbs that have become stagnant in lack of movement.
The pony moans with activity not accomplished in several days and groans under the new venture but will quickly adapt as always as a reliable steed. There are some squeaks and grids that will have to be diagnosed in the springtime by another doctor but for now she carries the load.
The streets are fairly clear and not much of a trouble to weave between the piles of slush and cute puppy walkers. Not to venture too far for rain is approaching, the list is short and the speed cart is available.
Grub for the hungry family, some AAA batteries for the mass of remotes that don’t seem to do anything and a touch of the grape is my mission. A voice from the ceiling tells me the long lines will not be reduced quickly so enjoy the show. Today I’m rewarded with Destiny and a smile. Can’t ask for more.
Opening up the buffet to eager faces I recharge my laptop and settle in to normal for normal is not enclosed in frost. Update all my whatever stuff to my backup computer and watch the sun go down, it must be time to go back into the building that is my address.
The evening will be some evaluation of self-made music after some technical login confusion and then to bed.
Tomorrow will be even warmer and warmer will spark more movement and ideas and the adventure goes on.

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