Saturday, July 13, 2019


Where do all these people come from? Why do they all gather? What is the reason for all these folks to be here?
Since everyone is yelling and talking at the same time, no one can understand what he or she is saying. Flags and banners and signs have cryptic meanings. Chants are drowned by the noise and songs are off key.
How do all these people get out of work at the same time? What about their jobs? Does the business close down when no one shows up to work?
As all these people fill the streets, what happens to the businesses along the way? Do they close shop? Are they overwhelmed by the masses?
Where can you get a drink? Where can you use the bathroom?
What about the traffic? What about those who did not demonstrate and had meetings to attend to or sales to be made?
What about the authorities? How do they manage these large masses of bodies?
What happens the next day?
Does everyone go back to work, sit down in their office, put on their uniform as if nothing happened the day before? Does the boss just write it off as an unpaid holiday or sick leave?
As with a rock festival or a ballgame, someone will have to pick up all the trash. Was that in the budget?
In the end, the people have made their voice heard but what was accomplished?

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