Monday, July 29, 2019

Wasting You Time

How do you waste your time?
We seem to have plenty of free time to waste, so what is your preference?
Now that it is summer, we can wander outside in the sunshine.
A picnic in the park or watching a ballgame until the weather gets too hot.
A venture to the beach or lake or pool will cool the skin until you realize what is in that water.
Country clubs are assembled to allow for price patrons to play tennis or wander on the greens in a slow procession of golf.
Some with gather to participate in parks to wear uniforms for softball teams with no winners.
If sports are not you preference, there are lots of books at the library. If that doesn’t satisfy your reading interest there are magazines and the Internet.
Of course if you feel creative there is drawing, painting, stain glass, knitting, quilting…
Do you want to waste some time, have a kid?  They will divert your attention from what you want to do to what they are doing. It is part of the game.
You could break the law and spend some time behind bars. That is a good waste of time.
I understand binge-watching television is a good way to waste time. From what I read there is social media gobbling up this stuff. Staring at a screen for hours until exhaustion.
Cooking is always a favorite. If not following televised recipes for meals requiring multiple trips to the Tummy Temple for spices and ingredients to satisfy the group to consume nourishment.
Shopping is a great way to waste time and spend money. Using your mouse or walking through brick and mortar, comparing sizes and styles and adding to the cart only to be brought home in a plastic bag or delivered in a cardboard box only to send it back and waste more time.
If you are checking how much time you are wasting your day, check your phone.
Time to spend is a treasure. Time that is not required by occupation or family or bodily functions is free time.
Then there is all the time you wasted reading this.

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