Monday, October 21, 2019

You’re Not My Boss!

Have you ever wondered who the ‘alpha’ figure is? There is always a ‘alpha’ figure.
Alpha refers to a dominant person or their behavior, especially with respect to socially aggressive, hyper-masculine men. ... Others people see right into the small, sad, insecure hearts of the trying-too-hard alpha.
I won’t get into the alpha, beta; omega at this point for my vision is on realization of who is the boss?
There has to be a boss.
The CEO of a company, the general leading the army, a doctor cracking open a chest, a teacher grading test, a police traffic stop, a tax collector, a drug dealer, a banker, a bully, a cook, an auto mechanic and many others are all ‘alpha’ at some point.
Go into a evaluation of job performance hoping for a raise and who is the ‘alpha’?
My question (or observation) is about relationships.
People gather together and one (and only one) establishes the ‘alpha’ position. The silverback gorilla that is stronger and bigger and more furious than all others takes the position until another comes along. The quarterback forms the plays until another generation replaces the failing team.
After some time I’ve observed many couples have ‘alpha’. These couples might not recognize it or agree with my assessment of ‘who’s the boss’ but there is one.
Someone has to make the final decision. Like a referee who makes the call, there is only one who can be the ‘alpha’.
Sorry fellas but I’m afraid we fail the test.
We can pound our chest and try to dominate with power over the ‘weaker’ gender, but we don’t have a chance. We (and I include myself) can hold the purse strings and intimidate emotional influence, but people are individuals with their ever-changing ideas and concepts and reactions to their personal lives.
What I find interesting is we silverbacks don’t understand how relationships work. The title ‘mother’ calms prestige that ‘father’ will never equal. A father might show pride in the results of a line of copulations, but his participation only took minutes while the ‘mother’ had to carry the burden for years to come.
Domestic violence is sometimes about money or jealousy, but even beaten the woman comes away stronger. She controls the sex.
 Don’t know if you ladies understand your power over us silverbacks but we buy you rings and attend weddings and put up lace drapes and shave and even us deodorant for you. We may say we ‘wear the pants’ in the family, but you hold the belt.
The ‘alpha’ isn’t about physical dominance but wildly persuasion. Why would we give up our letter sweater for a smile and a giggle? Oh you are witches with powers taught to you while we silverbacks were slugging down brews watching others bump into each other. You raise your eyebrow and we come running begging for more.
Personally I didn’t have a girlfriend growing up. A wink could get me interested but it never lasted long to bond. My first marriage I believe I was the ‘alpha’ because I made the money and she just didn’t care. I still tried please her unsuccessfully.
My second marriage was more interesting. We were both Scorpios. Strong wills and I would like to say we were both ‘alphas’ but I know my place. I look back at memories and understand I didn’t have a chance.

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