Saturday, January 11, 2020

Dodge Ball

Dodge ball is a team sport in which players on two teams try to throw balls and hit opponents, while avoiding being hit. The objective of each team is to eliminate all members of the opposing team by hitting them with thrown balls, catching a ball thrown by an opponent, or inducing an opponent to commit a violation, such as stepping outside the court.
OK, lets examine this ‘sport’.
I know many activities between people are called ‘sport’ or ‘playing a game’ but it is actually warfare.
We haven’t ventured very far from the gladiators. Our species love blood sports.
Think of boxing where two people get into a restricted space and punch each other silly. Think of football where lines of gigantic men rush against each other and knock each other down. Think of NASCAR racing where the speed isn’t as important as the wrecks.
I learned about dodge ball in junior high school. Before that we didn’t have gym class where a bunch of overweight out-of-shape white boys would put on undershirts and shorts and run around a wood floor and learn what the term ‘push up’ and ‘sit up’ and ‘jumping jacks’ meant.
Some kids had been playing toss football or a ragtag baseball, but this was disciplined physical training. The teachers were called ‘coach’ and the fundamentals of basketball, football, baseball and even tennis were taught.
After running laps around the field, the class was broken into teams to oppose each other in the game of ‘sport’.
On rainy days, we had to be inside for a good game of dodge ball.
There was something sadistic about lines of boys throwing balls at each other. Back in the day, these were basketballs and when thrown right could smack a kid down flat. Quickly one found out who their friends were. They also found out who their enemies were.  
The goal was to get hit first so as to avoid the salvo coming to the remaining team members being bombarded.
I think the ‘game’ was to teach flexibility and rise quick responsive time, but it was just about survival.
Supposed we used baseballs. Then we could have had some carnage.
I think now they use Nerf balls that are like throwing a pillow. No harm, no foul.
If you are creating a game where the goal is to reduce the members of the opposite team by hitting them why not have a strategy?
Pick off the weakest members then barrage the other until they are overwhelmed.
Sounds like war to me.
Then we had to take showers together.

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