Monday, September 28, 2020

Pissing In The Wind


I watch the White House news conferences.

I know what you are saying.


First of all this is suppose to be the CEO of the United State informing the citizens of the land breaking news that will be filled in by additional questions from the media.

Second is these information sessions, especially by the president, were few and very rare so they were important.

Third…. I don’t have any other reason than I don’t watch SNL.

Instead of responding to problems or actions being taken by the federal government that will affect all the country, they have become political rallies. Mostly they could be played on a loop because the same points are repeated almost word-for-word. The press secretary who is suppose to be the spokesperson for the White House has to read out of a book.

Even with this pandemic that is spreading the country has confusing remarks, multiple experts conflicting responses to the president’s statements and no bounding the nation together. With the nation closing down, jobs lost, travel bans, shaky economy, schools closed, hospitals filling up and thousands dying a special committee is formed to repeat the same message every day.

I personally still have my wits to listen and try and understand the ramblings of deflection, blaming, numbers and charts but after awhile it gives me a headache.

I consider myself an Independent and research statements in many sources before making my opinion of what is fact and what is fiction. I don’t go to the political websites to read the propaganda and don’t listen to the talking heads slanting bias with sound bites and bizarre theories.

What worries me is the thread of comments that streams below the video.

The scroll goes too fast to read any complete and I don’t recognize any of the names but I get the gist. If this is what is being said face-to-face then using words you wouldn’t say to your granny doesn’t help to get a point across.

Like screaming at the television on WWE night this is simple road rage with a quick couple of keys and send. It is too fast to fact check or verify and in some cases the provider will block all the comments when they get out of hand.

These may just be a few angry birds or just an example of how polarized our country has become under this cheerleader.

Tomorrow might be another rally or news conference or just a brief yelling from leaving the White House to a helicopter. Whatever is said will be analysis and scrutinized and presented the next day in a 2-minute sound bite.

Onto the next story for all the anger and cursing will just be pissing into the wind.

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