Friday, December 18, 2020

Let’s Make Believe


 Pretending that what is not real is real.

We make believe everyday. We watch movies about spaceships visiting far away planets. We read about dragons and unicorns and fairies. We dress up to make believe others will like us.

In this time of invisible deadly microscopic infectious organism floating about everywhere, it is hard to coop with reality. Dress up like a doctor or a cowboy, stay two yards apart, don’t gather, don’t travel, don’t eat out, don’t ride the school bus, don’t go to the office are all part of our new reality.

We can talk about when life will go back to ‘normal’, but any answer is only speculation or make believe.

As children we could make believe we were cowboys and Indians forgetting automobiles and dinner calls. A box with a chair and table and some dolls could become a sitcom that we wrote the script. We never left the block and recognized our friends but we could make believe the fantasy of a young mind.

As an adult with mortgages, phone calls, family ties, health and broken appliance problems reality is hard to avoid. Unfortunately there are substances we’ve created to take us away for a brief trip only to return to reality.

Add on the recent ‘pandemic’ and all of its weight and daily life become more of a struggle that is hard to avoid. Losing your self in television is only a momentary blip of someone else’s making believe.

This morning the sky was clear and blue. The air was crisp. The sound was quiet with the occasional motion of a yard neighbor searching for lunch. Following the normal routine proceeded to prepare to travel, until I remembered to put on my cowboy bandana.

My eye sees life a bit different than a dull black and white movie, but an adventure I get to participate in. Every day presents a new chapter of characters and possibilities. Some days it is drama, some days comedy, some day romance, some day’s times best forgotten.

Close you eyes to the nightly news, ill and dying, lost and homeless, abandoned and forgotten, victims, helpless, hatred, ridiculous, shameless, hopeless and make believe.

Look up.

Second star on the right. Straight until morning.

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