Thursday, February 18, 2021

What you got?


We all got something and we love to share it with everyone.

Hangnail? Bad haircut? Sore back? A weird spot on the skin?

They are like identity badges to tell everyone who you are.

That guy got bad breath. She farts. Look at those toes. Those aren’t real.

Then when the subjects gets a bit more threatening, we all fain empathy.

When the deceased is put away, we must know what cased the death.

As if we don’t have what they had, we might live forever.

Time has dulled the common cold and normal childhood frailties as just something that will pass. It is a sign of growing up. A few archaic remedies and life will go on.

Every now and then there are road bumps that can shatter the path to death.

A simple cough can turn into pneumonia. A cut can become infested. Recurring headaches might mean there is something going on in the noggin.

External woes can be stitched and patched and rubbed with ointments to sooth the skin, but what is going on inside?

From the time we pop out of mommy, our insides are expanding and digesting and learning and pouring fluids and pooping waste without us even knowing it. Cells and tubes and pumps and wiring that is installed during our 9-month gestation period.

So while we are going to work or driving in our car or eating or sleeping or doing the normal things we do, all this machinery is going on inside and we have no control over it. It just works.

When it doesn’t work….

We die.

Getting back to the point from this morbid subject, we got stuff going on inside of us all the time and don’t even know it.

We mostly maintain this body that carries us around is to pour stuff into it and drop off the leftovers. Basically we expect this machine to work the same everyday.

Then a doctor tells us we have some bad things happening inside.

The options of shots and pills and potions to possibly rid our machine called ‘the body’ from this internal invasion to our human costume may cure or not. You choose.

The number of calendar pages shows the frailty of our carrier and prepares us for the final shutdown.

The weight of knowing the end is near can be a downer for sure. So rather gather round and compare notes on our demise, should we not revel in the day?

Did you see that sunrise?

Look at how tall that tree has grown.

A hawk came by to see me today and left me a feather.

I walked five miles yesterday and it was fun.

The snow started at 3AM and I was there to enjoy it.

I wrote a poem today.

I opened my eyes and there was sunlight.


You decide.


I’m no doctor so all your ailments are like a foreign language to me. Why should I burden you down with my aches and pains when life, as we have it, it too short?


At this point in life, I want amazement. I want to remember before I forget. I want to share and be shared memorable moments.


Enjoy your evening and hope to see you tomorrow.

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