Sunday, July 25, 2021

What if?


There are no ‘do over’s’ but one can only imagine a ‘what if’? What if it had been the other way around?

What if my mother died before my father? He was already ill so how would the family handle it? Would we have done what he did with his father?

What if you had married the other girl? Would it have been a quicker divorce or still lasting? Would there have been children?

What if you had accepted that job in North Carolina or the one in Washington D.C.? Would you have burnt out or become rich?

What if you had flunked out of high school? What if you had flunked out of college? Would you have been drafted and gone to Vietnam? Would you have gone underground or travel to another country?

What if you had chosen music over art? Would you be playing the chittlin circuit at the Holiday Inn? Would you have had a hit record or just wound up cleaning dishes in a hole-in-the-wall club?

What if I had died before she did? What would she have done? Would she remarry? Would she have children?

What if there had been no Kennedy assassination? What if there had been no 9/11? What if there had been no Vietnam, Iraq, Gulf… wars? What if there had been no pandemic?

What if….

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