Me too.
I’m not even
sure who they are. I know I should know at least the ones who come from my
commonwealth but I don’t. I don’t even know the local legislators and not real
sure I know my district representative on the city council.
I do vote.
I read all the
propaganda and throw away all the advertisements in the mail from the people
who have decided they want to be our public servants (for they don’t have the ability
to hold down a real job?) to make the laws and set the taxes and OK a bunch of
stuff that no one else pays attention to. They also seem to get a pretty good
salary and plenty of holidays.
If I really got
my panties in a bunch, I could look up my representative and email them a
nasty-gram about how they should represent my point of view but without some
backing organization or a pound of dough, one of the many aids or assistants
would respond with a form letter thanking me for my opinion and that the
representative will take my comment under consideration and just keep my nose
out of their busy day. I could call and wait through all the series of numbers
and delays only to be responded with daily robo-calls asking for money.
In my
impassionate youth I even vainly joined groups that went to the centers of political
power and sat face-to-face with my representative (or a representative of the
representative who was too busy) but without a fist full of cash or the backing
of the NRA I wasn’t going to save the earth.
It does seem
like a different world up their on the hill. Maybe it is just a different
reality that feeds on itself?
I hope (pray if
that is necessary) that the people who raise their hands and take their oath
intend to make changes that are good for the rest of the population, not only
in my neighborhood but also on the rest of the globe. I’m sure it is just like
any other occupation where there is not enough time or money or staff to get
everything accomplished and just like any other committee or family you got to
cooperate and compromise. Plus, if you’ve ever read any of those laws or
followed any of the governmental protocol, you eyes will glaze over. England
has a more rigid pomp and circumstance (not as good as the Catholic church, but
close) but our American version is pretty snazzy. Printers love politics.
The US Constitution contains the only official “job
description” for the President of the United States. According to Article II,
Sections 2 and 3, the President:
Is the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of
the United States, and of each state’s militia when the nation has need of it
Has power to obtain information and opinions
from heads of the executive departments
May grant pardons and reprieves for crimes
against the United States
Makes treaties with other countries with the
approval of the Senate
Appoints ambassadors, federal judges and heads
of executive departments – all subject to the approval of the Senate; the
President also has power to fill any vacancies that may happen while the Senate
is in recess
Must report to Congress from time to time about
the state of the union and recommend whatever measures he thinks are necessary
May call members of Congress together on
extraordinary occasions, as well as adjourn their meetings when they cannot
agree on their own about when to do this
Receives foreign ambassadors and other public
Is responsible for enforcing the nation’s laws
10.Issues commissions to all
officers of the United States
That is a lot
of stuff for one person to have responsibility for, but he or she gets their
own car, house, servants, staff, airplane, meals and paid vacations. Still I
wonder where the physical is? Should the voting public know that the person who
will become (possibily) the most powerful person in the world be
fit-as-a-fiddle? Sure you got a vice president to back the president up in case
he or she croaks or gets assassinated, but using a second string quarterback is
no guarantee.
backgrounds did the former presidents have?
Washington Land surveyor,
farmer/plantation owner, soldier (Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army)
Adams Lawyer, farmer
Jefferson Land surveyor,
writer, inventor, lawyer, architect, farmer/plantation owner, diplomat,
linguist, and theologian, governor
James Madison Farmer/plantation owner, congress
James Monroe Farmer/plantation owner, lawyer, governor
John Quincy Adams Lawyer, congress
Andrew Jackson Soldier (Major General), lawyer, congress
Martin Van Buren Lawyer, governor
William Harrison Soldier, congress
11.John Tyler Lawyer,
governor, congress
12.James Polk Lawyer,
plantation owner, governor, congress
13.Zachary Taylor Soldier
(Army Major General)
14.Millard Fillmore Lawyer,
15.Franklin Pierce Lawyer,
16.James Buchanan Lawyer,
diplomat, congress
17.Abraham Lincoln Land
surveyor, lawyer, congress
18.Andrew Johnson Soldier,
tailor, governor
19.Ulysses Grant Soldier,
General of the Army
20.Rutherford Hayes Lawyer,
governor, congress
21.James Garfield School
teacher, minister, soldier, congress
22.Chester Arthur School
teacher, lawyer, and collector of tariffs
22, 24. Grover Cleveland Sheriff, lawyer, assistant teacher, governor
23.Benjamin Harrison Lawyer,
24.William McKinley Lawyer,
soldier, governor, congress
25.Theodore Roosevelt Public
official, rancher, soldier, governor
26.William Taft Lawyer,
judge, law reporter, dean of law school at the University of Cincinnati
27.Woodrow Wilson Lawyer,
professor, president of Princeton University, governor
28.Warren Harding Journalist,
newspaper publisher/editor
29.Calvin Coolidge Lawyer,
public official, vice president of Northampton Savings Bank, governor
30.Herbert Hoover Engineer,
31.Franklin Roosevelt Lawyer,
32.Harry Truman Farmer,
soldier, haberdasher
33.Dwight Eisenhower Soldier
(General of the Army), president of Columbia University
34.John F. Kennedy Writer,
sailor (Navy Lieutenant), congress
35.Lyndon Johnson Teacher,
public official, congress, Vice-President
36.Richard Nixon Lawyer,
sailor (Navy Lieutenant Commander), congress, Vice-President
37.Gerald Ford Football
player, sailor (Navy Lieutenant Commander), lawyer, congress
38.Jimmy Carter Sailor
(Navy Lieutenant), peanut farmer, writer, governor
39.Ronald Reagan Actor
& broadcaster, President of the Screen Actors Guild, governor
40.George H. W. Bush Pilot
(Navy Lieutenant, Junior Grade), businessman (oil), C.I.A. Director, ambassador
to China.
41.Bill Clinton Lawyer,
law lecturer/teacher, governor
42.George W. Bush Pilot
(Texas Air National Guard), businessman (oil, baseball), governor, congress
43.Barack Obama Community
organizer, lawyer, professor
44.Donald Trump Businessman,
real estate developer, reality television host, television producer, investor,
It seems we’ve had a lot of
lawyers. A fair amount of folks were governors and/or in some sort of
legislative body so they had some background in how this game works.
On the local level, what is your
neighbor or Lions Club member or church parishioner doing to keep the crime
down in the streets, the traffic flowing, the lights on, the bars open and the
baseball team from leaving town?
In my commonwealth, the legislative
body passed and got the governor to sign the following in 2017
• HB 1392 School security officers;
carrying a firearm in performance of duties. • HB 1396 Grottoes, Town of; amending charter, appointment
of member to office of vice-mayor, etc.
• HB 1401 Higher educational institutions; speech on campus. • HB 1402 Higher educational institutions,
public; certain positions require residency of the Commonwealth. • HB 1404 Fire alarms; maliciously
activating, penalty. • HB 1405
Trooper Chad Phillip Dermyer Memorial Bridge; designating as Rt. 143 bridge
over Interstate 64. • HB 1408
Student vision screenings; requirements for certain students. • HB 1411 Privately retained counsel;
rules and regulations, client's failure to pay. • HB 1414 Standards of Learning; DOE to review multipart
assessment questions, partial credit, etc. • HB 1415 Transient occupancy tax; Goochland, Powhatan, and
Warren Counties authorized to impose.
• HB 1422 Virginia Consumer Protection Act; prohibited practices,
etc. • HB 1426 Emergency custody
or involuntary admission process; alternative transportation model. • HB 1431 Voter registration drives;
compensation prohibitions. • HB
1433 Neighborhood Assistance Act Tax Credit; allocation to certain
organizations. • HB 1437 Public
school students; sight and hearing testing, exceptions. • HB 1440 Farm use vehicles; imposes
$250 fine for violating limitations while operating unregistered vehicle. • HB 1450 Health insurer/health
maintenance organization; response to notice from pharmacy's intermediary. • HB 1451 Social Services, Department
of; survey for children aging out of foster care. • HB 1453 Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose
reversal, etc. • HB 1454 James
River; designation portion a component of Scenic Rivers System. • HB 1455 Real property tax; partial
exemption for certain commercial and industrial structures. • HB 1456 Custody and visitation
orders; use of term parenting time.
• HB 1457 Part-time deputy sheriffs; compensation. • HB 1461 Quantico, Town of; amending
charter, removes certain town officers elected by town council. • HB 1463 Delinquent taxes; publication
of list by governing body or treasurer.
• HB 1466 Concealed handgun permits; expiration notice. • HB 1467 Neonatal abstinence syndrome;
Board of Health to adopt regulations to include as reportable disease. • HB 1471 Reinsurance credits; SCC
authorized to adopt certain regulations.
• HB 1472 Conflict of Interests Act, State and Local Government;
prohibited contracts, exceptions.
• HB 1474 Dental hygienist; remote supervision. • HB 1475 Common Interest Community
Board; information on covenants, association disclosure packets. • HB 1476 Real property tax; special
assessment for land preservation.
• HB 1477 Cats and dogs; local government may, by ordinance, provide for
lifetime licenses. • HB 1478
Recordation tax; exempts deed of trust or mortgage given by utility consumer
services cooperatives. • HB 1479
Attorney discipline; procedures. •
HB 1483 BHDS, Board of; regulations governing licensure of providers. • HB 1484 Occupational therapists;
Board of Medicine shall amend regulations governing licensure. • HB 1485 Sexual offenses; prohibits
person from proximity to children and working on school property. • HB 1486 Arts and cultural districts;
districts may be created jointly by two or more localities. • HB 1490 School board members who are
called to active duty; appointment of acting school board members. • HB 1491 Background checks;
exceptions, sponsored living and shared residential service providers. • HB 1492 Child support orders; special
needs trust or ABLE savings trust account. • HB 1493 Sales draft; definition, credit card offenses,
penalty. • HB 1494 Driver's
license; examination of drivers believed incompetent. • HB 1497 Ophthalmic prescriptions; definitions, who may
provide prescriptions, requirements.
• HB 1500 Budget Bill. • HB
1504 Driver's license or learner's permit; issuance, minimum standards for
vision tests. • HB 1505 Perpetual
care trust funds; method of distribution.
• HB 1508 Critical incident reports; DBHDS to provide written report. • HB 1509 Mineral mines reclamation;
bonds and liens. • HB 1512 Higher
educational institutions, public; academic credit for American Sign Language
courses. • HB 1514 Doctor of
medicine, etc.; reporting disabilities of drivers to DMV, not subject to civil
liability. • HB 1515 Circuit court
clerks; electronic transfer of certain documents. • HB 1516 Surviving spouse's elective share; homestead
allowance benefit. • HB 1517
Sandbridge Beach; general permit for sand Subdivision. • HB 1518 Sales and use tax; automotive
repair supplies. • HB 1519
Overweight permits; hauling Virginia-grown farm produce, validity. • HB 1520 Reformulated gasoline; sale
for farm use. • HB 1521
Commonwealth's tax code; conformity with federal law; emergency. • HB 1524 Special conservators of the
peace; liability insurance, etc. •
HB 1525 Driver's licenses; revocation or suspension, laws of other
jurisdictions. • HB 1529 Temporary
exemption periods from retail sales and use taxes for qualifying items; sunset
dates. • HB 1532 Fire Programs
Fund; increases rate of assessment for Fund. • HB 1537 Active duty service; contract termination. • HB 1538 Revision and recodification
of Title 23; corrections. • HB
1539 Virginia Freedom of Information Act; public access to records of public
bodies. • HB 1540 Virginia Freedom
of Information Act; public access to meetings of public bodies. • HB 1541 Board of Nursing; powers and
duties. • HB 1542 Home service
contract providers; shifts responsibility for regulating to Commissioner of the
DACS. • HB 1543 Retail Sales and
Use Tax; exemption for audiovisual productions and equipment. • HB 1544 Certificates of public need;
conditions on certificates, alternative plans of compliance. • HB 1545 Criminal cases; delayed
appeals, assignments of errors dismissed in part. • HB 1546 Jurors; confidentiality of name and home
address. • HB 1547 Historical
African American cemeteries/graves; disbursement of funds appropriated for
preservation. • HB 1548 Advance
directives; admission of person for mental health treatment, capacity
determinations. • HB 1549
Community services boards and behavioral health authorities; services to be
provided, report. • HB 1551
Commitment hearings; sharing of records and information. • HB 1552 Career and technical education;
notification by school board to students and parents of programs. • HB 1554 Property Owners' Association
Act; amendment of declaration adopted prior to July 1, 2017. • HB 1555 Agency directors; human
resource training and agency succession planning. • HB 1555 Agency directors; human resource training and
agency succession planning. • HB
1556 Real estate appraisers; exemptions from licensure. • HB 1559 Special identification cards;
fee for issuance of duplicate or reissuance, expiration of cards. • HB 1560 Procedure when aliens
convicted of certain felonies; forms.
• HB 1562 Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection Assistance Fund;
grants from Fund. • HB 1565 Local
tax and regulatory incentives; green development zones. • HB 1567 Medicaid applications;
information about advance directives.
• HB 1568 Child care providers; applicant criminal history background
checks, penalty. • HB 1569 VPI
& SU and Virginia State University; purpose and courses of study. • HB 1570 Industrial development
authority, local; Louisa County airports.
• HB 1571 Workers' compensation; fees for medical services. • HB 1572 Marine Resources Commission;
registration as commercial fisherman.
• HB 1573 Fishing privileges; revocation of license by MRC. • HB 1574 Oyster culling regulation;
cargo of oysters shall be scattered on public rocks. • HB 1579 Defendants; transportation order from correctional
facility. • HB 1580 Child
pornography; lawful possession by employees of Department of Social
Services. • HB 1585 Housing
authorities; approval for construction, etc.
• HB 1586 Court-ordered custody and visitation
arrangements; transmission of order to child's school. • HB 1587 Uniform Statewide Building
Code; security of certain records.
• HB 1590 Duty of care to law-enforcement officers and firefighters;
fireman's rule. • HB 1591 Virginia
Economic Development Partnership Authority; site and building assessment
program, etc. • HB 1592
Comprehensive community colleges; academic credit. • HB 1597 Stormwater management utility, local; waiver of
charges when stormwater retained on site.
• HB 1600 Landfills; DEQ, et al., to work towards odor reduction in
Campbell County. • HB 1604 Foster
care; definitions, reasonable efforts to prevent removal of child. • HB 1608 Uniform Fiduciary Access to
Digital Assets Act. • HB 1609
Nurse practitioner as expert witness; scope of activities. • HB 1610 Drug Control Act; Schedule
I. • HB 1615 Chief Medical
Examiner; appointment, terms, and authority of medical examiners. • HB 1617 Legal malpractice; estate
planning. • HB 1618 Nonexoneration
of debts on property of decedent; notice to creditor and beneficiaries. • HB 1619 Watershed general permit;
nutrient discharge, review of allocations by State Water Control Board. • HB 1622 Commercial vehicles;
harmonizes penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) and commercial
DUI. • HB 1623 Residential rental
property; foreclosure shall act as a termination agreement. • HB 1625 Mobile food units; licenses. • HB 1626 License tax on peddlers and
itinerant merchants; adhesive license display. • HB 1628 Private security; compliance agent experience,
surety bond. • HB 1629 Business
advertising material; expands definition.
• HB 1630 Circuit court clerks; report of money kept by clerk. • HB 1641 Insurance policy limits;
disclosure, homeowners or personal injury liability insurance. • HB 1642 Naloxone or other opioid
antagonist; possession and administration. • HB 1646 Form of garnishment summons; maximum portion of
disposable earnings subject to garnishment. • HB 1647 Presentence report; waiver by defendant. • HB 1650 Relief; Keith Allen
Harward. • HB 1651 Inmate trust
accounts; exemption. • HB 1652
City of Richmond general district court; concurrent criminal jurisdiction. • HB 1654 Examining and approving a
statement in lieu of the settlement of accounts; fee for commissioner. • HB 1656 Health insurance; proton
radiation therapy coverage decisions.
• HB 1659 Workers' compensation; employer's lien, third party actions. • HB 1661 Administration of medications
to treat adrenal crisis. • HB 1662
Higher educational institutions, public; general education course credit, dual
enrollment courses. • HB 1663
Northern Va. Community College, et al.; computer science training, etc., for
public school teachers. • HB 1664
SCHEV; collection and publication of wage data. • HB 1665 Motion picture production; extends sunset date of
tax credit. • HB 1668 Retail Sales
and Use Tax; exempts legal tender coins.
• HB 1671 Natural gas utilities; qualified projects, investments in
eligible infrastructure. • HB 1675
Palliative care information and resources; VDH to make information available on
its website. • HB 1686 Planning
district commissions; permits Indian tribes recognized by federal government to
join. • HB 1687 Nonrepairable and
rebuilt vehicles; eliminates certain requirement sunset provision, report. • HB 1688 Practice of chiropractic;
certain medical evaluations. • HB
1689 Medical records or papers; fee limits, penalty for failure to
provide. • HB 1691 Widewater Beach
Subdivision; DCR to convey certain real property. • HB 1693 Virginia Public Procurement Act; contracts for
architectural and engineering services.
• HB 1694 Alcoholic beverage control; nonprofit banquet licensees, sale
of wine for off-premises consumption.
• HB 1697 Extension of approvals to address housing crisis. • HB 1699 Danville, City of;
recordation of deeds subject to liens for unpaid taxes. • HB 1705 Certification of driver
education courses; requirements. •
HB 1709 School boards; policies and procedures prohibiting bullying, parental
notification. • HB 1712 Energy
performance-based contract; cooperative procurement. • HB 1713 Nonconfidential court records; secure remote
access, date of birth verification.
• HB 1716 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Commission; extends
sunset provision. • HB 1718 Civics
Education, Commission on; renamed Commission on Civic Education, extends sunset
provision. • HB 1719 Wireless
E-911 Fund; distribution percentages.
• HB 1720 Flag at half staff or mast; public safety personnel. • HB 1721 Community Colleges, State
Board for; reduced rate tuition and mandatory fee charges. • HB 1727 State and Local Government
Conflict of Interests Act; school boards and school board employees. • HB 1728 Air transportation services
providers; VDH to review rules for use in medical situations. • HB 1729 Charter; Town of Port
Royal. • HB 1730 Electoral boards,
local; description of duties and responsibilities, required affirmation. • HB 1731 Joint Commission on
Administrative Rules; periodic review of exemptions. • HB 1731 Joint Commission on Administrative Rules; periodic
review of exemptions. • HB 1732
License plates, special; issuance for supporters of Virginia Nurses
Foundation. • HB 1734 Virginia
Parole Board; exceptions to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA). • HB 1736 Joint Commission
on Health Care; sunset. • HB 1737
Civilian employees and foreign service officers; personal jurisdiction over a
person, domicile, etc. • HB 1738
Retail sales and use tax; aviation parts, engines, and supplies. • HB 1740 Sanitary districts; creation
by board of supervisors. • HB 1741
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge; designating as Virginia Route 114
bridge. • HB 1743 Alcoholic
beverage control; retail on-premises license for nonprofit cinema houses. • HB 1744 Alcoholic beverage control;
disposable containers. • HB 1746
Higher educational institutions; possession and administration of
epinephrine. • HB 1747 Advance
directives; persons authorized to provide assistance in completing, training
programs. • HB 1748 Charity health
care services; liability protection for administrators. • HB 1750 Dispensing of naloxone;
patient-specific order not required.
• HB 1751 Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth; mission. • HB 1754 Securities Act; regulation of
federal covered securities. • HB
1760 Electric utilities; costs of pumped hydroelectricity generation and
storage facilities. • HB 1761
Regulation of taxicabs. • HB 1763
Special license plates; highway safety.
• HB 1766 Utility Facilities Act; associated facilities of an electrical
transmission line.
• HB 1767 Telemedicine, practice of;
prescribing controlled substances.
• HB 1768 Virginia Retirement System;
stress testing and reporting policies.
• HB 1770 Teacher licensure; career and technical education, certain
local waivers. • HB 1774
Stormwater management; work group to examine ways to improve. • HB 1775 Persons with developmental
disabilities; terminology. • HB
1777 Hospitals providing psychiatric services; denials of admission. • HB 1780 Jamestown-Yorktown
Foundation; duties of board of trustees.
• HB 1781 Farmers' markets; farm and forest land conversion. • HB 1784 Forensic discharge planning
services; local and regional correctional facilities. • HB 1785 Emergency vehicles, privately owned volunteer;
exemptions and requirements. • HB
1786 In utero exposure to a controlled substance; departments of social
services to collect information. •
HB 1787 Libraries, local and regional; boards not mandatory. • HB 1793 Burn ban; exception for frost
or freeze protection of orchard or vineyard. • HB 1795 Adoptive and foster care placements; Mutual Family
Assessment home study. • HB 1796
Oyster grounds; dredging projects in Lynnhaven River. • HB 1797 Proffers; notice of amendment. • HB 1798 Human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV); donation or acquisition of organs infected with virus. • HB 1799 Controlled substances; use of
FDA-approved substance upon publication of final rule, etc. • HB 1801 Alcoholic beverage control;
delivery privileges of persons granted a wine and beer license. • HB 1810 Retail Sales and Use Tax;
online access to certain information.
• HB 1811 Unlawful detainer; initial hearings on a summons, etc. • HB 1814 Worker retraining and
telework expenses; extends sunset date for tax credits. • HB 1815 Computer trespass; government
computers and computers used for public utilities, penalty. • HB 1816 Demurrers; amended
pleadings. • HB 1820 Real property
tax; board of equalization members in certain counties. • HB 1825 Ticket Resale Rights Act;
limitations on reselling tickets on Internet ticketing platform, penalty. • HB 1829 Teacher licensure;
certification or training in emergency first aid, etc., hands-on practice. • HB 1832 Negotiable instruments;
statute of limitations. • HB 1835
Decedent's life insurance policy; funeral service provider allowed to request,
etc. • HB 1837 Private certified
preschool or nursery school programs; licensure exemptions. • HB 1838 Neighborhood Assistance Act
tax credits; process of allocating credits. • HB 1840 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV);
confidentiality of tests, release of information. • HB 1842 Alcoholic beverage control; neutral grain spirits
or alcohol sold at government stores.
• HB 1845 Model addiction recovery program; DCJS, et al., to develop. • HB 1846 Death certificates;
filing. • HB 1848 Comprehensive
community colleges; tuition grants and fees for certain individuals. • HB 1849
Concealed handgun permit; permit requirements. • HB 1851 Assault and battery
against a family or household member; deferred disposition, waiver of appeal. •
HB 1854 Conflicts of Interests Acts, State & Local Government & General
Assembly, lobbyist; filing. • HB 1855 Court-ordered restitution; form order,
enforcement, noncompliance, etc. • HB 1858 Small Business and Supplier
Diversity, Department of; certification of certain businesses. • HB 1869
Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; tenant obligations. • HB 1874
Search warrants; customer records from financial institutions.
• HB 1876 Virginia Freedom of
Information Act; public access to library records of minors. • HB 1878
Suspension of license; person legally adjudged incompetent. • HB 1882 Capital
cases; replacing certain terminology. • HB 1883 Occupational safety and health
laws; increases maximum amount of civil penalties. • HB 1884 Real property tax;
exemption for certain surviving spouses. • HB 1885 Opioids; limit on amount
prescribed, extends sunset provision. • HB 1888 Wireless telecommunications
devices; use by persons driving school buses. • HB 1889 License taxes, local;
exemption for certain defense production businesses. • HB 1890 Sales and use
tax; collection of taxes from consuming contractors. • HB 1903 Business
records; admissibility in criminal proceedings. • HB 1909 Real property tax; nonjudicial
sale of tax delinquent property. • HB 1910 Definition of mental health service
provider. • HB 1911 Higher educational institutions, public; resident
assistants training in mental health. • HB 1912 Absentee voting; eligibility of
persons granted protective order. • HB 1913 Cigarettes; purchase for resale,
issuance of a cigarette exemption certificate, penalties. • HB 1919 Assisted
living facilities; cap on civil penalties. • HB 1921 Battery; expands penalty
when against health care provider. • HB 1921 Battery; expands penalty when
against health care provider. • HB 1922 Financial exploitation of adults;
reporting to local law enforcement and State Police. • HB 1924 Public schools;
suspensions. • HB 1926 ABC; definition of municipal golf course, food sales
exemptions. • HB 1927 "Song of the Mountains"; designating as state
television series. • HB 1929 Public-Private Transportation Act; comprehensive
agreement. • HB 1931 Fare enforcement inspectors; enforcement of payment of
fares for use of mass transit facilities. • HB 1932 Virginia Freedom of Information (FOIA)
Advisory Council; terms of nonlegislative citizen members. • HB 1933 Candidate withdrawal; notice
of withdrawal, information to voters.
• HB 1936 Derelict and blighted buildings; land banks, receivership. •
HB 1938 Slingbow hunting; authorizes use to hunt small and big game. • HB 1939
Hunting apparel; blaze pink. • HB 1940 Virginia Public Procurement Act;
selection of pre-release and post-commitment services. • HB 1941 Immunity of
persons; statements regarding matters of public concern communicated to a third
party. • HB 1942 Fostering Futures program; individual participating in program
subject to a background check. • HB 1943 Administrative Process Act; economic
impact analysis of proposed regulations. • HB 1944 Administrative Process Act;
certain regulations for licensed providers by DMAS and DBHDS. • HB 1945 Adult
exploitation; broadens definition for purposes of social services laws. • HB
1946 State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Office of the; amends provisions related
to Office. • HB 1950 Cigarette tax, local; refund of returned tax stamps. • HB
1951 Criminal Justice Services Board and its Committee on Training; citizen
membership. • HB 1952 Proposed acquisitions of real property; review by
Department of General Services. • HB 1958 Chesterfield County; amending
charter, corrects or repeals outdated provisions, technical amendment. • HB
1960 Tow truck drivers and towing and recovery operators; civil penalty for
improper towing. • HB 1961 License tax, local; methodology for deducting
certain gross receipts. • HB 1965 Two-Year College Transfer Grant Program;
Expected Family Contribution. • HB 1968 Small Business Investment Grant Fund;
changes to Fund. • HB 1969 Small Business Jobs Grant Fund Program; reduces
minimum percentage of revenues. • HB 1970 Economic revitalization zones;
counties may establish by ordinance. • HB 1971 FOIA; record and meeting
exclusions for multidisciplinary child abuse teams. • HB 1973 Economic
Development Access Program; bonded projects. • HB 1977 Williamsburg, City of;
amending charter, expands membership on redevelopment and housing authority. •
HB 1979 Contractors, Board for; exemptions, responsibility for contracting with
unlicensed person. • HB 1981 School Divisions of Innovation; definition,
regulatory provisions. • HB 1982 Graduation requirements; verified units of
credit, satisfactory score on the PSAT examination. • HB 1987 Alcoholic
beverage control; new license for certain commercial lifestyle centers. • HB 1992
Lien priority; inserts "real estate" in several places related to
priority of tax liens. • HB 1993 Interstate pipeline construction; Department
of Transportation oversight. • HB 1994 Zoning appeals, board of; clarifies
provisions referring to appeal costs, includes governing body. • HB 1996
Incompetent defendants; psychiatric treatment. • HB 1998 Secure and Resilient
Commonwealth Panel; revises membership and duties, report. • HB 2003 Local
government revenues and expenditures; reports to Auditor of Public Accounts. •
HB 2006 Va. Fair Housing Law; responsibilities with respect to use of an
assistance animal in a dwelling. • HB 2009 Stormwater and erosion management;
administration of program by certified third party. • HB 2014 Standards of
quality; biennial review by Board of Education. • HB 2015 DRIVE SMART Virginia
Education Fund; created. • HB 2016 Electric personal delivery devices;
operation on sidewalks and shared-use paths. • HB 2017 Virginia Public
Procurement Act; bid, performance, and payment bonds, waiver by localities. •
HB 2019 Transportation network company partner; vehicle registration repeal. •
HB 2022 Transportation, Department of; traffic incident response and
management. • HB 2023 Highway maintenance payments; bicycle lanes. • HB 2024 Condemnation
powers and proceedings; notice to owner or tenant. • HB 2026 Property and bulk
property carriers; regulation, combines authorities. • HB 2029 Alcoholic
beverage control; privileges of licensed distillers appointed as agents of ABC
Board. • HB 2032 Filing and application fees for transportation network
companies. • HB 2033 Landlord and tenant law; residential tenancies, landlord
and tenant obligations and remedies. • HB 2034 Virginia Residential Property
Disclosure Act; adds two new disclosures. • HB 2035 Electronic filing of land
records; fee for paper filing. • HB 2037 Health insurance; calculation of
cost-sharing provisions. • HB 2040 Postsecondary schools; enrollment agreement
with each student. • HB 2045 Property Owners' Association Act; designation of
authorized representative by seller. • HB 2046 Unused dispensed drugs;
guidelines for provision of counseling and information on proper disposal. • HB
2050 Tenancy; severance by the entireties by written instrument. • HB 2051
Marijuana offenses; driver's license forfeiture. • HB 2053 Direct primary care
agreements; the Commonwealth's insurance laws do not apply. • HB 2055 Rural
Coastal Virginia Community Enhancement Authority; created, report. • HB 2058
Sales and use tax; nexus for out-of-state businesses. • HB 2064 Assault and
battery against a family or household member; eligibility for first offender
status. • HB 2066 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact of 1998;
criminal history record information. • HB 2067 Law-enforcement officers; decertification,
notification. • HB 2072 Nursing home family councils; rights of family members.
• HB 2074 Income tax, state and corporate; subtraction for Virginia venture
capital account investment. • HB 2075 Commercial driver's license; instruction
in comprehensive community colleges. • HB 2076 State Water Control Board;
stormwater management programs, regulations, professional license. • HB 2078
Alcoholic beverage control; annual mixed beverage performing arts facility
license. • HB 2084 Search warrants; person subject to arrest. • HB 2090
Charitable solicitations; registration statement to include percentage of
contributions. • HB 2095 Peer recovery specialists and qualified mental health
professionals; registration. • HB 2096 Virginia Industries for the Blind;
exempted from certain procurements. • HB 2101 Health care providers; data
collection. • HB 2101 Health care providers; data collection. • HB 2102
Insurance regulation; corporate governance annual disclosures. • HB 2105
Investment of Public Funds Act; investment of public funds in Virginia
Investment Pool Trust Fund. • HB 2106 Workforce Development, Virginia Board of;
revises composition of Board. • HB 2107 Health Insurance Reform Commission;
assessment sent to Bureau of Insurance. • HB 2108 Virginia Wireless Services
Authority Act; rates and charges. • HB 2111 State Corporation Commission;
charges for copies. • HB 2113 Breach of payroll data; notification requirement.
• HB 2119 Laser hair removal; limits practice. • HB 2127 Victims of sexual
assault; rights of victims, physical evidence recovery kits. • HB 2136
Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact; Va. authorized to
become a signatory. • HB 2137 Northern Virginia Transportation Authority;
regional transportation plan. • HB 2138 Transportation planning, state and
local; adoption of comprehensive plan in Northern Virginia. • HB 2139 Highways,
Commissioner of; annual report requirements. • HB 2140 Teachers turnover; exit
questionnaire. • HB 2141 Public education; Board of Education to report on
condition and needs. • HB 2143 FOIA; training approved by Virginia Freedom of
Information Advisory Council, online courses offered. • HB 2144 Virginia
Freedom of Information Advisory Council; increases membership, effect of
missing meetings. • HB 2146 Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council;
online public comment form. • HB 2148 Veterans Services Foundation; powers and
duties, appointment of Executive Director, report. • HB 2149 Aircraft; aircraft
to be registered with Department of Aviation. • HB 2151 Virginia Resources
Authority. • HB 2152 Charter; City of Hopewell; water renewal commission. • HB
2153 Durable Do Not Resuscitate Orders; reciprocity. • HB 2154 Running bamboo;
locality may, by ordinance, provide for control, civil penalty. • HB 2156 Child
welfare agencies; licensure for agencies operated by the Commonwealth. • HB
2161 Opioids; workgroup to establish guidelines for prescribing. • HB 2162
Substance-exposed infants; study of barriers to treatment in Commonwealth. • HB
2163 Buprenorphine without naloxone; prescription limitation. • HB 2164 Drugs
of concern; drug of concern. • HB 2165 Opiate prescriptions; electronic
prescriptions. • HB 2167 Opioids and buprenorphine; Boards of Dentistry and
Medicine to adopt regulations for prescribing. • HB 2168 Virginia Coal Train
Heritage Authority; established. • HB 2169 Gas severance tax. • HB 2171 Higher
educational institutions, public; use of investment fund earnings. • HB 2172
Southern Virginia Higher Education Center; members of board of trustees, powers
and duties. • HB 2174 School boards; annual report on pupil/teacher ratios in
elementary, middle, etc., school classrooms. • HB 2177 Administrative Process
Act; exemption for Charitable Gaming Board. • HB 2178 FOIA; proprietary records
and trade secrets, charitable gaming supplies. • HB 2179 Form of ballot; order
of independent candidates, required paperwork. • HB 2183 Medicaid; eligibility
of incarcerated individuals. • HB 2184 Inmates; inpatient psychiatric hospital
admission. • HB 2185 Alcoholic beverage control; granting of mixed beverage
licenses to Meadows Golf and Swim Club, etc. • HB 2193 Personal property tax;
business property. • HB 2200 Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Fund; assessment
of reclamation tax revenues. • HB 2201 Failure to drive on right side of
highways or observe traffic lanes; increases penalties. • HB 2203 Uniform
Statewide Building Code; notice to residents of code violations. • HB 2206
Virginia Veteran and Family Support program; established, report. • HB 2209 Emergency
Department Care Coordination Program; established. • HB 2214 Transportation,
Department of, and University of Virginia; use agreement. • HB 2215 Adoption
assistance; children with special needs. • HB 2216 Putative Father Registry;
changes name to Virginia Birth Father Registry. • HB 2217 Address
confidentiality program; victims of sexual violence and human trafficking. • HB
2218 Public charter school applications and charter agreements; review by the
Board of Education. • HB 2219 Real property tax; Stafford County may adopt, by
ordinance, to restrict deferral of taxes. • HB 2229 Electronic credentials;
creates standards for DMV in issuing, reviewing, etc., report. • HB 2230 Stock
corporations; shareholders' meetings. • HB 2231 Ignition interlock system;
period of time which person is prohibited to drive, etc. • HB 2237 State
Inspector General, Office of the; "state agency" includes any local
dept. of social services. • HB 2239 Farm use vehicles, certain; registration
exemption, highway distance limitations. • HB 2240 Victims of crime; right to
nondisclosure of certain information. • HB 2241 Transportation planning
activities; responsibility of Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment. •
HB 2243 Line of Duty Act; clarifies provisions of Act. • HB 2244 Public-Private
Transportation Act of 1995; changes name of Advisory Committee. • HB 2245
Virginia Research Investment Committee; expands role of Committee. • HB 2246
Virginia Tax Amnesty Program; established. • HB 2247 Va. Alcoholic Beverage
Control Authority; eligibility of employees for Workforce Transition Act. • HB
2248 Capital outlay plan; revises six-year plan for projects. • HB 2249
Virginia State University; revenue-producing capital project. • HB 2250
Commonwealth of Virginia Institutions of Higher Education Bond Act of 2017;
created. • HB 2254 Tobacco Board; composition, increases excise tax on bright
flue-cured & type 21 dark-fired tobaccos. • HB 2255 Bear hunting; youth
resident license. • HB 2257 High school family life education curricula; effective
and evidence-based programs on consent. • HB 2258 Suicide; task force to raise
public awareness, etc. • HB 2262 Online Virginia Network Authority;
established, membership, report. • HB 2267 Health benefit plans; coverage for
hormonal contraceptives. • HB 2269 Motor vehicle safety inspection;
Superintendent shall provide information upon written request. • HB 2274
Condominium Act; resale by purchaser, designation of authorized representative.
• HB 2276 Death certificate; amendments other than correction of information. •
HB 2277 Licensure of doctors of medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, and
podiatry; requirements. • HB 2277 Licensure of doctors of medicine, osteopathy,
chiropractic, and podiatry; requirements. • HB 2278 Cooperative Marketing Fund;
programs eligible for matching grant funds. • HB 2279 Child-protective
services; complaints involving members of the United States Armed Forces. • HB
2281 Residential rental property; foreclosure shall act as a termination of
rental agreement by landlord. • HB 2282 Children, trafficking of; guidelines
for training school counselors, etc. • HB 2285 Gubernatorial appointments to
boards; membership and terms. • HB 2287 Juvenile Justice, Department of;
confidentiality of records. • HB 2289 Divorce or dissolution of marriage; award
of life insurance. • HB 2290 Driver education programs; instruction concerning
traffic stops. • HB 2291 Electric utilities; costs of modifications to nuclear
generation facilities. • HB 2296 African Americans, formerly enslaved; identification
of history in Virginia. • HB 2297 Oyster planting grounds; Marine Resources
Commission to post. • HB 2300 Health, Department of; frequency of inspections.
• HB 2301 Nurses, licensed practical; administration of vaccinations. • HB 2302
Veterans Services, Board of; membership, duties. • HB 2303 Small agricultural
generators; establishes parameters of a program. • HB 2304 Long-term care;
requirements of Department of Medical Assistance Services. • HB 2306 Arlington
County School Board; maximum salary of members. • HB 2308 Concealed handgun;
retired conservation officers may carry. • HB 2311 Nutrient Offset Fund; sale
of credits. • HB 2313 Courthouses; county removal. • HB 2317 Harm reduction
programs; public health emergency, etc. • HB 2318 Virginia Birth-Related
Neurological Injury Compensation Program; removes certain conditions. • HB 2319
National Flood Insurance Program; participation by affected localities, report.
• HB 2324 Jurors; payment by prepaid debit card or card account. • HB 2325
Concealed handgun permit; application for permit requires photo identification.
• HB 2327 Driving under influence of alcohol; implied consent, refusal of blood
or breath tests. • HB 2328 Persons allowed services without fees or costs;
inability to pay on account of poverty, guidelines. • HB 2329 Capitol Police,
Division of; arrest without warrant. • HB 2331 Community services boards;
preadmission screening for regional jail inmates. • HB 2332 Teachers;
compensation at rate competitive with national average salary. • HB 2336
Law-enforcement officer; report of officer involved in accident. • HB 2338
Restitution; priority of payments. • HB 2341 Education, Board of; membership. •
HB 2347 Commonwealth's Development Opportunity Fund; limitation on use of
moneys from the Fund. • HB 2348 Women's right to vote; Va. Historical Society
shall plan commemoration of centennial anniversary. • HB 2350 Electronic
devices; use of system to trespass. • HB 2352 Teacher licensure by reciprocity;
professional teacher's assessments, report. • HB 2354 Conflict of Interests
Act, State and Local Government; school board employees, Planning District 4. •
HB 2355 Students receiving home instruction; participation in AP and
PSAT/NMSQT. • HB 2356 Fort Monroe Authority; increases number of members on Board
of Trustees. • HB 2358 Water utilities; suspension of proposed rate increases.
• HB 2359 Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority; changes effective date
for creation of Authority. • HB 2360 Virginia Information Technologies Agency;
procurement of information technology. • HB 2362 Tow truck drivers; issuance of
temporary registration by Department of Criminal Justice Services. • HB 2364
Public officers; automatic suspension upon conviction of felony. • HB 2366
Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of construction
management contracts. • HB 2367 Virginia Port Authority; removal of members on
Board of Commissioners. • HB 2369 Concealed handgun permit; change of address.
• HB 2374 Charitable gaming; prohibited practices. • HB 2377 Retail Sales and
Use Tax; exemption of certain textbooks and other educational materials. • HB
2379 Roanoke Higher Education Authority; removes president of Bluefield College
from board of trustees. • HB 2381 Dangerous dogs; clarifies definition, etc. •
HB 2383 Combined sewer overflow outfalls; DEQ to identify owner of outfall
discharging into Chesapeake Bay. • HB 2386 Unpaid court fines, etc.; increases
grace period for collection. • HB 2390 Renewable energy power purchase
agreements; expands pilot program, sunset provision. • HB 2391 Personnel
Management Information System; state agency positions designated as sensitive.
• HB 2395 Public Schools; dyslexia advisor. • HB 2396 Virginia Public
Procurement Act; participation of employment services organizations. • HB 2397
Candidates; petition signature requirements in certain towns. • HB 2404 PANDAS
and PANS; created, report. • HB 2410 Terrorist organization, designated;
providing material support, penalty. • HB 2415 Ballots; number ordered to be
printed. • HB 2417 Prepayment analytics; DMAS shall establish program relating
to fraud prevention. • HB 2418 Alcoholic beverage control; banquet licenses for
wineries and breweries. • HB 2422 Insurance institution or agent; notice of
financial information collection and disclosure practices. • HB 2423 Golf
carts; use on public highways in Town of Jarratt. • HB 2424 Concealed weapons;
carrying of firearms by former attorneys for the Commonwealth, etc. • HB 2425
Administration, Secretary of; policy of the Commonwealth regarding state
employment. • HB 2427 Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program; changes to
Program, Commonwealth Award grants. • HB 2428 Workforce Transition Act;
eligibility. • HB 2429 Firearms; purchase, possession, or transportation. • HB
2431 School property; retail fee-based electric vehicle charging stations. • HB
2432 Teachers and other school personnel; investigation of certain complaints,
license revocation. • HB 2433 Alcoholic beverage control; cider shall be
treated as wine for all purposes of ABC law. • HB 2436 Auditor of Public
Accounts; online database, register of funds expended. • HB 2449 Term limits;
members of certain Authorities in City of Chesapeake limited to two terms. • HB
2453 Amateur radio operators; use of flashing amber lights. • HB 2455 Personal
property tax, tangible; list of uncollected balances. • HB 2457 Health and
Human Resources Secretariat; agencies of Secretariat shall share data, records,
etc. • • HB 2457 Health and Human Resources
Secretariat; agencies of Secretariat shall share data, records, etc. • HB 2460
Historic rehabilitation; limits amount of tax credits that may be claimed by
each taxpayer. • HB 2462 Inpatient psychiatric hospital admission; defendant
found incompetent. • HB 2463 Highways, Commissioner of; commercial
establishment entrances. • HB 2464 Petersburg, City of; amending charter,
repeals or updates obsolete provisions, technical amendments. • HB 2467 Driving
on a suspended or revoked license; period of suspension. • HB 2469 Zoning;
delinquent charges. • HB 2470 Drug Control Act; Schedule II and Schedule V. •
HB 2471 Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority; membership, powers
and duties. • HB 2474 Virginia Coalfields Expressway Authority; established,
report. • HB 2477 Onsite sewage systems and private wells; VDH to take steps to
eliminate site evaluation. • HJ 545 Constitutional amendment; powers of General
Assembly, etc. • HJ 562 Constitutional amendment; real property tax exemption
for spouse of disabled veteran. • HJ 693 Constitutional amendment (first
resolution); Transportation Funds. • SB 786 Charter; Town of Grottoes. • SB 793
Small businesses; waiver of tax penalties. • SB 800 Direct primary care
agreements; the Commonwealth's insurance laws do not apply. • SB 804 Retail
Sales and Use Tax; media-related exemptions. • SB 806 Interstate 73 Corridor
Development Fund and Program; created. • SB 812 Asbestos, Lead, and Home
Inspectors, Board for; home inspections, required statement. • SB 815 Child
support, unpaid; priority of debts to be paid from decedent's assets. • SB 817
Restricted driver's license; purposes. • SB 829 Alternatives to suspension;
Board of Education shall establish guidelines for local school boards. • SB 839
Virginia Consumer Protection Act; prohibited practices, etc. • SB 840 Civics
Education, Commission on; renamed Commission on Civic Education, extends sunset
provision. • SB 848 Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal,
etc. • SB 852 Pet shops; procurement of dogs from unlicensed dealers. • SB 853
Criminal cases; delayed appeals, assignments of errors dismissed in part. • SB
854 Unpaid court fines, etc.; increases grace period for collection. • SB 855
Trooper Chad Phillip Dermyer Memorial Bridge; designating as Rt. 143 bridge
over Interstate 64. • SB 856 Cats and dogs; authorizes local government to
provide for lifetime licenses. • SB 864 Electoral board appointments; chief
judge of judicial circuit or his designee make appointment. • SB 866 Boating
safety course; database listing operators who have passed course. • SB 867 Lien
against person whose negligence causes injury; emergency medical services
agency. • SB 868 Child protective services; investigation of complaints of
child abuse or neglect. • SB 869 Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders
Commission; sunset. • SB 870 Electronic filing of land records; fee for paper
filing. • SB 873 Authority of fire chief over unmanned aircraft systems at a
fire, etc.; civil liability. • SB 874 Attorney discipline; procedures. • SB 875
Recordation tax; exempts deed of trust or mortgage given by utility consumer
services cooperatives. • SB 880 Genetic counselors; licensing; grandfather
clause. • SB 886 Gas severance tax. • SB 889 Concealed handgun permit fees;
exemptions; retired probation and parole officers. • SB 891 Perpetual care
trust funds; method of distribution. • SB 894 Commissioner of Behavioral Health
and Developmental Srvcs; reports of critical incidents or death. • SB 896
Volunteer Firefighters' and Rescue Squad Workers' Service Award Fund Board;
meetings. • SB 897 Child care providers; criminal history background check;
penalty. • SB 898 Combined sewer overflow outfalls; DEQ to identify owner of
outfall discharging into Chesapeake Bay. • SB 899 Reformulated gasoline; sale
for farm use. • SB 903 Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act. • SB 904
VWC; permits commissioners and deputy commissioners to carry a concealed
weapon. • SB 906 Introduction of snakehead fish; penalty. • SB 907 Higher
educational institutions, public; certain positions require residency of the
Commonwealth. • SB 909 Menhaden; total allowable landings. • SB 910 Virginia
Oil and Gas Act; sampling and replacing contaminated wells. • SB 911 Orphaned
Well Fund; surcharge. • SB 912 Virginia taxable income of residents;
reorganization of additions, subtractions, and deductions. • SB 913 Uniform
Trust Decanting Act; creation. • SB 916 Virginia Register Act; guidance
documents; duty to file with the Registrar. • SB 919 Removal of blight; building
collapse; emergency. • SB 920 Lien priority. • SB 922 DPOR and DHP; licensure,
certification, registration, and permitting. • SB 926 Noise violations; civil
penalty. • SB 927 Eminent domain; timing for initiation of 'quick-take'
condemnation procedure for just compensation. • SB 928 Substitute judges. • SB
932 Conveyance of utility easements; transportation. • SB 934 Retail Sales and
Use Tax; exempts legal tender coins. • SB 935 Inpatient psychiatric hospital
admission; defendant found incompetent. • SB 936 Constitutional officers; local
leave benefits. • SB 941 Forensic discharge planning services; local and
regional correctional facilities. • SB 944 Institutions of higher education;
possession and administration of epinephrine. • SB 946 Appeal to Supreme Court;
time frame for filing of petition. • SB 947 Petition for appeal to Supreme
Court; time period within which petition must be presented. • SB 948 Tobacco
Board; composition, increases excise tax on bright flue-cured & type 21
dark-fired tobacco. • SB 949 Southern Virginia Higher Education Center; members
of board of trustees, powers and duties. • SB 950 Nonrepairable and rebuilt
vehicles; eliminates certain requirement sunset provision, report. • SB 951
School service providers; student access to collected personal information. •
SB 953 Muzzleloader firearms; definition. • SB 960 Absentee ballots; expediting
counting of absentee ballots returned by mail prior to election day. • SB 961
Absentee voting; processing of rejected absentee ballots. • SB 961 Absentee
voting; processing of rejected absentee ballots. • SB 962 Sales and use tax;
nexus for out-of-state businesses. • SB 963 Land preservation tax credit; per
taxpayer limitation. • SB 964 Running bamboo; cutting by localities; ordinance
prohibiting spread; designation of certain plants. • SB 965 State and Local
Government Conflict of Interests Act; prohibited contracts. • SB 966
Residential rental property. • SB 967 Local industrial development authorities;
port authority. • SB 968 Hunting license; bear, deer, or turkey; electronic
carry. • SB 969 Legislative drafting requests. • SB 973 Assault and battery;
health care providers; penalty. • SB 974 Palliative care information and
resources. • SB 975 Community services boards; preadmission screening for
regional jail inmates. • SB 976 Va Economic Development Partnership Authority;
site and building assessment program. • SB 977 Commonwealth's tax code;
conformity with federal law; emergency. • SB 981 Charity health care services;
liability protection for administrators. • SB 982 Motion picture production tax
credit. • SB 988 Virginia Employment Commission; population projections. • SB
989 Commonwealth's Twenty marksmanship award. • SB 990 Electric energy;
consumption reduction goal, annual progress reports. • SB 991 Residential
rental property. • SB 992 Charter; City of Hopewell; water renewal commission.
• SB 994 Insurance assessments; refunds of overpayments. • SB 999 Comprehensive
community colleges; academic credit. • SB 1001 Fort Monroe Authority; increases
number of members on Board of Trustees. • SB 1003 Wireless E-911 Fund;
distribution percentages. • SB 1005 Community services boards and behavioral
health authorities; services to be provided, report. • SB 1006 Commitment
hearings; sharing of records and information. • SB 1008 Barrier crimes;
clarifies individual crimes, criminal history records checks. • SB 1009
Telemedicine, practice of; prescribing controlled substances. • SB 1018
Temporary exemption periods from retail sales and use taxes for qualifying
items; sunset dates. • SB 1019 Board of Accountancy. • SB 1020 Peer recovery
specialists and qualified mental health professionals; registration. • SB 1021
Failure to obey highway sign where driver sleeping or resting; prepayable
offense. • SB 1024 Doctor of medicine, etc.; reporting disabilities of drivers
to DMV, not subject to civil liability. • SB 1025 Payment of estimated taxes by
certain public service corporations; repeal. • SB 1026 Two-Year College
Transfer Grant Program; Expected Family Contribution. • SB 1027 Cannabidiol oil
and THC-A oil; permitting of pharmaceutical processors to manufacture and
provide. • SB 1031 Naloxone or other opioid antagonist; possession and
administration. • SB 1032 Comprehensive community colleges; tuition grants and
fees for certain individuals. • SB 1033 Breach of payroll data; notification
requirement. • SB 1034 Historic rehabilitation; limits amount of tax credits
that may be claimed by each taxpayer. • SB 1037 Virginia Residential Property
Disclosure Act; required disclosures; local historic districts. • SB 1040 FOIA;
record exclusion for personal contact information, definition. • SB 1041
Virginia Driver's Manual course; age requirements. • SB 1042 Virginia Resources
Authority. • SB 1043 Joint Commission on Health Care; sunset. • SB 1044
Nonconfidential court records; secure remote access, date of birth
verification. • SB 1045 Capital outlay plan; revises six-year plan for
projects. • SB 1046 Board of Medicine; requirements for licensure. • SB 1048
Death certificate; amendments other than correction of information. • SB 1050
Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth; mission. • SB 1054 Fire alarms;
maliciously activating, penalty. • SB 1060 Female genital mutilation; criminal
penalty and civil action. • SB 1061 Government Data Collection and
Dissemination Practices Act; exemption for sheriff's departments. • SB 1062
Definition of mental health service provider. • SB 1063 Corrections, State
Board of; membership, powers and duties. • SB 1069 Salvage vehicles, out-of-state;
titling vehicles in the Commonwealth. • SB 1073 Bridgewater, Town of; amending
charter, sets out various powers typically exercised by towns, etc. • SB 1074
Automobile clubs; a service agreement offered by a club does not constitute
insurance. • SB 1075 Veterans Services Foundation; powers and duties,
appointment of an Executive Director, report. • SB 1083 Charter; Town of
Herndon. • SB 1084 Herndon, Town of; amending charter, shifts municipal
elections from May to November. • SB 1085 Drivers' licenses, etc.; expiration
and renewal of driver credentials. • SB 1086 In utero exposure to a controlled
substance; departments of social services to collect information. • SB 1091
Marijuana offenses; driver's license forfeiture. • SB 1098 Standards of Quality;
standards for accreditation in public schools. • SB 1100 New Economy Workforce
Credential Grant Program; reporting by SCHEV on Program. • SB 1101 Filing and
application fees for transportation network companies. • SB 1102 FOIA; records
of completed unattended death investigations, definition, mandatory disclosure.
• SB 1104 Form of ballot; order of independent candidates, required paperwork.
• SB 1108 Alcoholic beverage control; creates walking tour permit. • SB 1113
Contractors, Board for; optional bonding for Class A and B contractors. • SB
1116 Public school employees, certain; assistance with student insulin pumps by
register nurse, etc. • SB 1117 School counselors; licensure. • SB 1118 Line of
Duty Act; Act includes firefighter trainees. • SB 1122 Applicants for public
assistance; contact information. • SB 1123 Manufactured Home Lot Rental Act;
notice of uncorrected violations. • SB 1127 State Water Control Board;
stormwater management programs, regulations, professional license. • SB 1129
Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of construction
management contracts. • SB 1134 Charter; City of Williamsburg. • SB 1134
Charter; City of Williamsburg. • SB 1136 Money order sellers and money
transmitters; required investments. • SB 1140 Legal malpractice; estate
planning. • SB 1143 Oyster grounds; dredging projects in Lynnhaven River. • SB
1144 Oyster planting grounds; Marine Resources Commission to post. • SB 1148
Airspace; authority to lease or convey. • SB 1150 Alcoholic beverage control;
ABC Board to require bar bystander training. • SB 1153 Inverse condemnation
proceeding; reimbursement of owner's costs. • SB 1154 Terrorist organization,
designated; providing material support, penalty. • SB 1158 Insurance;
reciprocals. • SB 1159 Public schools; career and technical education
credential. • SB 1160 Teacher Education and Licensure, Advisory Board on;
increases membership. • SB 1164 Child-protective services; complaints involving
members of the United States Armed Forces. • SB 1165 Neighborhood Assistance
Act tax credits; allocation of credits. • SB 1168 Neighborhood Assistance Act;
reorganizes provisions of tax credit program. • SB 1169 Minimum city population
required to enforce certain ordinance violations. • SB 1172 Fare enforcement
inspectors; fares for use of mass transit. • SB 1173 Vested property rights;
nonconforming uses. • SB 1175 Workers' compensation; employer's lien, third
party actions. • SB 1176 Nonexoneration of debts on property of decedent;
notice to creditor and beneficiaries. • SB 1177 Surviving spouse's elective
share; homestead allowance benefit. • SB 1178 Buprenorphine without naloxone;
prescription limitation. • SB 1179 Opioids; workgroup to establish guidelines
for prescribing. • SB 1180 Opioids and buprenorphine; Boards of Dentistry and
Medicine to adopt regulations for prescribing. • SB 1182 Veterans Services,
Board of; membership, duties. • SB 1189 Water and sewer services; liens,
owners, lessees, or tenants. • SB 1191 Assisted living facilities; cap on civil
penalties. • SB 1192 Small Business and Supplier Diversity, Department of;
powers of the Director. • SB 1193 Contractors, Board for; exemptions,
responsibility for contracting with unlicensed person. • SB 1195 Produce
safety; farm inspections, civil penalty. • SB 1196 James River; designation
portion a component of Scenic Rivers System. • SB 1201 Workers' compensation;
suitably equipped automobile for incapacitated employee. • SB 1202 Commercial
Space Flight Authority; development of six-year strategic plan. • SB 1203 Working
waterfront development areas; establishment. • SB 1205 Commercial fishing
vessels; classifies vessels as a separate class of property. • SB 1207 Electric
personal delivery devices; operation on sidewalks and shared-use paths. • SB
1210 Unlawful creation of image of another; civil action. • SB 1211 Vehicle
license fees and taxes, local; collection by counties and adjoining towns. • SB
1216 Alcoholic beverage control; availability of food when spirits served. • SB
1217 Negotiable instruments; statute of limitations. • SB 1221 Emergency
custody or involuntary admission process; alternative transportation model. •
SB 1224 Landowner liability; recreational access. • SB 1225 Arts and cultural
districts. • SB 1226 Virginia Freedom of Information Act; proprietary records
and trade secrets. • SB 1228 Va. Fair Housing Law; responsibilities with
respect to use of an assistance animal in a dwelling. • SB 1229 Driver's
license or learner's permit; issuance, minimum standards for vision tests. • SB
1230 Opiate prescriptions; electronic prescriptions. • SB 1231 Property Owners'
Association Act; designation of authorized representative by seller. • SB 1232
Opioids; limit on amount prescribed, extends sunset provision. • SB 1234 Higher
educational institutions, public; SCHEV to develop a passport credit program. •
SB 1237 Housing authorities; authorization by governing body of town. • SB 1242
Advance directives; persons authorized to provide assistance in completing,
training programs. • SB 1245 Public education; economics education and
financial literacy. • SB 1248 Real property tax; Stafford County may adopt, by
ordinance, to restrict deferral of taxes. • SB 1250 Motor vehicle safety
inspection; Superintendent shall provide information upon written request. • SB
1251 Washington Metrorail Safety Commission Interstate Compact; definitions,
Board of Directors. • SB 1254 Voting machines; Department of Elections shall
coordinate post-election risk-limiting audit, report. • SB 1255 Condominium
Act; resale by purchaser, designation of authorized representative. • SB 1257
Two-way video testimony; forensic analysis and examination. • SB 1258 Virginia
Solar Energy Development and Energy Storage Authority; increases membership. •
SB 1260 Search warrants; person subject to arrest. • SB 1261 George
Washington's rye whiskey; designating as the state spirit. • SB 1265 General
Services, Department of; maintenance of property records. • SB 1270 Ohio River
Basin Commission; repeals sections relating to participation by the
Commonwealth. • SB 1272 Nonresident Violator Compact of 1977; codification. •
SB 1273 City of Richmond general district court; concurrent criminal
jurisdiction. • SB 1274 License taxes, local; exemption for certain defense
production businesses. • SB 1276 Traffic violations, certain; dismissal for
proof of compliance with law. • SB 1279 Flashing amber lights; vehicles used to
collect and deliver packages. • SB 1282 Wireless communications infrastructure;
procedure for approved by localities. • SB 1284 Court-ordered restitution; form
order, enforcement, noncompliance, etc. • SB 1286 Land preservation tax
credits; withholding tax of nonresident owners. • SB 1287 Virginia Alcoholic
Beverage Control Authority; changes effective date for creation of Authority. •
SB 1288 Juvenile Justice, Department of; confidentiality of records. • SB 1289
Natural gas utilities; qualified projects, investments in eligible
infrastructure. • SB 1293 State agencies; criminal background checks for
certain positions. • SB 1296 County food and beverage tax; referendum. • SB
1304 Municipal elections; local option for timing of elections, effective date.
• SB 1305 Persons allowed services without fees or costs; inability to pay on
account of poverty, guidelines. • SB 1307 Auditor of Public Accounts; register
of funds expended, etc. • SB 1307 Auditor of Public Accounts; register of funds
expended, etc. • SB 1308 Sales and use tax; collection of taxes from consuming
contractors. • SB 1309 Transacting business under assumed name; filing of
certificate with clerk of SCC. • SB 1310 Search warrants; customer records from
financial institutions. • SB 1311 Hampton Roads Sanitation District; adds
County of Surry to territory. • SB 1312 Conflicts of Interests Acts, State
& Local Government & General Assembly, lobbyist; filing. • SB 1313
Regional jails; reimbursement of capital costs of construction, etc., to
locality. • SB 1316 Trucks; overweight permits for hauling asphalt. • SB 1318
Troutdale, Town of; amending charter, specifies terms of mayor and recorder as
four years. • SB 1319 Wytheville, Town of; amending charter, removes certain
provisions requiring special election. • SB 1320 Admissions tax; Washington
County to impose on multi-sports complex and entertainment venue. • SB 1321
Ophthalmic prescriptions; definitions, who may provide prescriptions,
requirements. • SB 1322 Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995; changes name
of Advisory Committee. • SB 1323 Neonatal abstinence syndrome; Board of Health
to adopt regulations to include as reportable disease. • SB 1325 Alcoholic
beverage control; mixed beverage licenses for certain properties. • SB 1328
Enterprise zone grants and tax credits; qualified real property improvement
expenditures. • SB 1330 Critical incident stress management team; peer support
team privileged communications. • SB 1331 Transportation planning activities;
responsibility of Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment. • SB 1332
"Song of the Mountains"; designating as state television series. • SB
1333 Garnishment; form of summons, maximum portion of disposable earnings
subject to garnishment. • SB 1334 Virginia Public Procurement Act; small
business enhancement program, limitations. • SB 1341 Government records;
digital certification. • SB 1342 District courts; jurisdictional limit does not
include any attorney fees. • SB 1343 Guardian ad litem; reimbursement for cost.
• SB 1350 Motor vehicle sales and use tax; refund to purchaser. • SB 1352
Capital cases; replacing certain terminology. • SB 1359 School boards, local;
lead testing of potable water in schools. • SB 1360 Military Affairs,
Department of; civil actions. • SB 1363 Statewide one-stop online portal for
address changes; Secretary of Transportation to study. • SB 1364 Property and
bulk property carriers; regulation, combines authorities. • SB 1366
Transportation network company partner; vehicle registration repeal. • SB 1367
F. W. "Wakie" Howard, Jr., Bridge; designating as State Route 155
bridge in New Kent County. • SB 1369 Commonwealth of Virginia Institutions of
Higher Education Bond Act of 2017; created. • SB 1370 Virginia State
University; revenue-producing capital project. • SB 1371 Virginia Research
Investment Committee; expands role of Committee. • SB 1374 Contractors, Board
for; adds a professional engineer to membership. • SB 1376 Higher educational
institutions, public; public notice of proposed undergraduate tuition increase.
• SB 1382 Alcoholic beverage control; applications for retail license. • SB
1384 Motor carrier size and weight limitations; with federal law. • SB 1387 Joint
Legislative Audit and Review Commission; operational and programmatic
efficiency. • SB 1390 Cigarettes; purchase for resale, penalties. • SB 1391
Alcoholic beverage control; new license for certain commercial lifestyle
centers. • SB 1393 Electric utilities; community solar pilot programs. • SB
1394 Small agricultural generators; establishes parameters of a program. • SB
1395 Small renewable energy projects; eligibility for permits by rule. • SB
1398 Coal combustion residuals unit; closure permit, assessments required. • SB
1403 Controlled substances; use of FDA-approved substance upon publication of
final rule, etc. • SB 1412 Adoption; leave benefit. • SB 1413 Immunity of
persons; statements regarding matters of public concern communicated to a third
party. • SB 1414 Students receiving home instruction; participation in AP and
PSAT/NMSQT. • SB 1415 Virginia Port Authority; removal of members on Board of
Commissioners. • SB 1416 Investment of Public Funds Act; investment of public
funds in Virginia Investment Pool Trust Fund. • SB 1417 Commercial air service
plan; Virginia Aviation Board shall develop and review. • SB 1418 Electric
utilities; costs of pumped hydroelectricity generation and storage facilities.
• SB 1421 Condemnation proceeding; interest on the amount of award. • SB 1425
Ticket Resale Rights Act; limitations on reselling tickets on Internet
ticketing platform, penalty. • SB 1429 Onley, Town of; amending charter, shifts
municipal elections from May to November. • SB 1430 Higher educational institutions;
student-death-related crisis. • SB 1431 Administrative Process Act; economic
impact analysis of proposed regulations. • SB 1434 Assisted living facilities
and adult day care centers; background checks. • SB 1437 Aging, Commonwealth
Council on; duties. • SB 1438 Virginia Tax Amnesty Program; established. • SB
1447 Roanoke Higher Education Authority; removes president of Bluefield College
from board of trustees. • SB 1448 Alcoholic beverage control; privileges of
licensed distillers appointed as agents of ABC Board. • SB 1459 Discharge of
treasurer; legal pleadings. • SB 1461 Foster care; local in the Commonwealth's
program of medical assistance. • SB 1462 Financial exploitation of adults;
cases referred to law-enforcement agency. • SB 1463 Virginia Tobacco Region
Revolving Fund; revises definition of project. • SB 1465 Concealed handgun;
retired conservation officers may carry. • SB 1467 Central absentee voter
precincts; expedited counting of absentee ballots. • SB 1469 Alcoholic beverage
control; disposable containers. • SB 1473 Electric utilities; recovery of costs
of undergrounding distribution lines. • SB 1475 Family life education; changes
to curriculum guidelines and curricula. • SB 1479 Relief; Keith Allen Harward.
• SB 1483 Cooperative Marketing Fund; programs eligible for matching grant
funds. • SB 1484 Prescription Monitoring Program; disclosure of information to
certain physicians or pharmacists. • SB 1486 Law-enforcement officer; report of
officer involved in accident. • SB 1487 Public officers; automatic suspension
upon conviction of felony. • SB 1492 Water utilities; retail rates of
affiliated utilities, definitions, etc. • SB 1493 Northern Va. Community
College, et al.; computer science training, etc., for public school teachers. •
SB 1493 Northern Va. Community College, et al.; computer science training,
etc., for public school teachers. • SB 1494 Transportation network company;
brokers allowed to arrange rides with TNC. • SB 1497 Manufactured home;
excludes a park model recreation vehicle from definition. • SB 1498 Intoxicated
drivers; punitive damages for persons injured. • SB 1501 Physical evidence
recovery kit; victim's right to notification of scientific analysis
information. • SB 1506 Applicant Fingerprint Database; Federal Bureau of
Investigation records. • SB 1507 Safety inspections; appointments. • SB 1508
Virginia Public Procurement Act; architectural and professional engineering
term contracts. • SB 1509 Administrative Process Act; exemption for Charitable
Gaming Board. • SB 1511 Advance directives; admission of person for mental
health treatment, capacity determinations. • SB 1512 Charitable gaming; conduct
of games, special permits. • SB 1514 Parking of certain vehicles; local
regulation. • SB 1516 Public schools; dyslexia advisor. • SB 1523 Teachers
turnover; exit questionnaire. • SB 1527 Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program;
changes to Program, Commonwealth Award grants. • SB 1530 Administration,
Secretary of; policy of the Commonwealth regarding state employment. • SB 1532 Motor
vehicle license fees; exemption of antique vehicles. • SB 1533 Antique
firearms; possession by nonviolent felons. • SB 1534 Higher educational
institutions, public; general education course credit, dual enrollment courses.
• SB 1535 Real estate appraisers; exemptions from licensure. • SB 1538 Virginia
Public Procurement Act; participation of employment services organizations. •
SB 1539 Chief Workforce Development Advisor; responsibilities. • SB 1542
Occupational safety and health laws; increases maximum amount of civil
penalties. • SB 1546 Drug Control Act; adds certain chemical substances to
Schedule I. • SB 1548 Virginia Public Procurement Act; public body may purchase
from contract of Va. Sheriffs' Association • SB 1552 Ballots; number ordered to
be printed. • SB 1553 Term limits; members of certain Authorities in City of
Chesapeake limited to two terms. • SB 1555 Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation;
duties of board of trustees. • SB 1558 Blanket surety bonds; proof of coverage
of local officer. • SB 1559 Zoning appeals, board of; recipient to receive
notice of zoning violation. • SB 1561 Emergency Department Care Coordination
Program; established. • SB 1564 DUI; search warrants for blood withdrawals. •
SB 1573 Appraisal management companies; compensation of appraiser within 30
days of delivery of report. • SB 1574 Virginia Economic Development Partnership
Authority; membership, powers and duties. • SB 1576 Worker retraining and
telework expenses; extends sunset date for tax credits. • SB 1577 Alternative onsite
sewage systems; sampling. • SB 1578 Short-term rental of property; registration
of persons offering property for rental. • SB 1580 Petersburg, City of;
amending charter, repeals or updates obsolete provisions, technical amendments.
• SB 1583 Teacher licensure; career and technical education, certain local
waivers. • SB 1586 Libraries, local and regional; boards not mandatory. • SB
1587 Alcoholic beverage control; wine and beer licenses. • SB 1588 General
Assembly Building replacement project; sale of surplus property. • SB 1591
Economic Development Access Program; bonded projects. • SB 1594 Conservators of
the peace; investigator employed by an attorney for the Commonwealth. • SJ 295
Constitutional amendment (first resolution); legislative review of administrative
rules. • SJ 331 Constitutional amendment; property tax, exemption for flooding
remediation, abatement, etc.
Not bad until
you look at what didn’t pass…
•HB 6 Campaign Finance Disclosure Act; unlawful conversion of
political contributions to personal use. • HB 40 Public safety answering points; deployment of text-to-9-1-1.
• HB 60 Income tax, state; subtraction for National Guard pay. • HB 75 Reckless driving; right to appeal. • HB 96 Problem-Solving Court Act; established, report. • HB 102 Felony homicide; certain drug offenses, penalty. • HB 129 Local government; publication of notices for charter
changes, referenda, and public hearings, etc. • HB 130 Limited liability companies; series. • HB 157 Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of; approval
of guidance document prior to adoption. • HB 163 Income tax, state; deduction for senior citizens. • HB 165 Meals and food and beverage taxes, local; exemption for
sales of meals for fundraising purposes. • HB 171 Alcoholic beverage control; food-beverage ratio for certain
mixed beverage licensees. • HB 193 Certificates of public need; creates three-phase process to
sunset requirements for medical care. • HB 215 Income tax, state; annual adjustment for inflation. • HB 219 Alcoholic beverage control; food-beverage ratio. • HB 251 Cover sheets; multiple deeds or instruments concerning the
same interest in real property. • HB 253 License tax, local, and state contractor's license;
certificate of workers' compensation compliance. • HB 271 Parenting time; replaces "visitation" in statutory
language. • HB 286 Legal notices; advertisement by locality. • HB 346 Consumer finance companies; motor vehicle title loans,
prohibited practices. • HB 350 Certificate of public need; changes to Medical Care
Facilities Certificate of Public Need Program. • HB 352 Electric utilities; energy efficiency programs. • HB 362 Accident and sickness insurance; step therapy protocols,
disclosure of information. • HB 379 Electric utility; customer account information, warrant
required. • HB 400 Virginia Student Loan Refinancing Authority; established,
report. • HB 401 Student loan servicers; student loan ombudsman. • HB 452 Virginia Energy Storage Consortium; created, report. • HB 461 Handheld personal communications devices; use while driving,
penalty. • HB 473 Palliative Care Information and Education Program;
established. • HB 490 Workers' compensation; cost of living supplements. • HB 500 Child care providers; criminal history background checks. • HB 539 Income tax, corporate; lowers rate of taxation. • HB 540 Income tax, state; increases deduction for personal
exemptions. • HB 545 License tax, local; staffing firm deductions. • HB 575 Energy efficiency programs; total resource cost test. • HB 576 Electric and natural gas utilities; energy efficiency goals
established, report. • HB 601 Health insurance; mandated coverage for treatment of inborn errors
of metabolism. • HB 602 Petit larceny; prior convictions, penalty. • HB 618 Distributed electric generation; establishment of community
solar gardens. • HB 625 Minors; abduction for purpose of prostitution. • HB 666 Contracts; certain provisions for sale or lease of consumer
goods or services declared void. • HB 678 Human trafficking training; DCJS to establish for
law-enforcement, etc. • HB 693 Income tax, state; adjusts standard deduction for inflation.
• HB 710 Property Owners' Association Act; conforms maximum fees for
disclosure packets. • HB 754 Domestic violence-related misdemeanors; enhanced penalty. • HB 765 Assault and battery against a family or household member;
first offense, enhanced penalties. • HB 768 Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or
training course. • HB 790 Solid waste disposal fee; removes Pittsylvania County from
list of counties authorized to levy. • HB 794 Death penalty; severe mental illness. • HB 809 Firearms; selling, bartering, etc., to persons not lawfully
present in United States, penalty. • HB 835 Alcoholic beverage control; privileges of licensed art
instruction studios. • HB 838 Professions, occupations, and trades; applicant's criminal
history. • HB 839 State Library Board; retention of surveillance videos. • HB 843 Income tax, state; reduces top marginal tax rate. • HB 877 Taxation, Department of; increases period taxpayer may file
an amended return. • HB 880 Income tax, state; withholding tax for an employee. • HB 881 Child day programs; exempts from licensure certain martial
arts programs. • HB 887 Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of
construction management. • HB 897 Tow truck drivers; registration of drivers convicted of
violent crimes. • HB 900 Associate physicians; requirements for licensure, practice
agreements. • HB 904 Alcoholic beverage control; limited mixed beverage license
for retail cigar shops. • HB 908 Electrical transmission lines; SCC to consider impact on
historic resources. • HB 922 Computer trespass; increases penalty if government computer
and computer used for public utilities. • HB 936 Students, certain, with limited English proficiency; Board
shall make provision in its regulations. • HB 956 Legal notices; advertisement by certain towns. • HB 957 Laser hair removal technicians; licensure by Board of
Medicine. • HB 963 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act; created, penalty.
• HB 966 Income tax, corporate; apportionment of income to Virginia.
• HB 969 Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Act; conforms the
Commonwealth's sales and use tax laws. • HB 978 Health insurance; proton radiation therapy coverage
decisions. • HB 1019 Education improvement scholarships; modifies tax credit
program, pre-kindergarten eligibility. • HB 1021 Medicaid nonemergency transportation providers; criminal
history background checks. • HB 1035 Elderly care savings trust accounts; established,
administered by the Virginia College Savings Plan. • HB 1042 Toll facility operators or their agents; exempted from
charges for information supplied by DMV. • HB 1065 Ground water conservation incentive program; State Water
Control Bd. to establish voluntary program. • HB 1067 Commonwealth of Virginia Transform I-66 Corridor Outside the
Beltway Bond Act of 2016; created. • HB 1072 Virginia Retirement System; modifies hybrid retirement
program. • HB 1078 Legal notices; advertisement of by certain towns. • HB 1080 Onsite sewage systems; designs for treatment works from
professional engineers. • HB 1089 Virginia Lottery Fund; administrative expenses, reduces cap
on appropriations to Fund. • HB 1089 Virginia Lottery Fund; administrative expenses, reduces cap
on appropriations to Fund. • HB 1095 Income tax, state; reduces top marginal individual tax rate.
• HB 1098 Chiropractic, practice of; expands definition. • HB 1104 Firefighters employed by localities; entitlement to
continued compensation. • HB 1113 Prescription drugs; price transparency. • HB 1121 Absentee voting; verification of signatures by officers of
elections. • HB 1130 Medical records; fee limits and penalty for failure to
provide. • HB 1133 Paid Sick Leave Pilot Program; established, paid sick leave
tax credit. • HB 1136 Capital outlay plan; revises six-year plan for projects. • HB 1161 Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act; created. • HB 1171 Corrections, State Board of; notification of tertiary care
of prisoner. • HB 1193 Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. • HB 1196 Arrest; failure to be physically taken into custody by using
physical means to resist. • HB 1210 Gun safes; establishes an exemption from retail sales tax. •
HB 1233 Charitable gaming; conduct of bingo games. • HB 1239 Fire Programs Fund; increases rate of assessment for Fund. •
HB 1241 Guardian ad litem; standards for those appointed in custody
& visitation cases, certification form. • HB 1251 Health insurance; assignment of benefits. • HB 1262 Charitable gaming; conduct of instant bingo, network bingo,
pull tabs, and seal cards. • HB 1282 Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement; SCT to
work with Virginia-Israel Advisory Board. • HB 1285 Community energy programs; investor-owned electric utilities
and electric cooperatives to establish. • HB 1286 Distributed and renewable generation of electric energy; net
energy metering. • HB 1302 Charitable gaming; conduct of bingo games, prohibited
practices. • HB 1306 Family day homes; voluntary listing of certain homes. • HB 1314 Grapevine Grant Fund and Program; created. • HB 1317 Sexual abuse of certain children; penalty. • HB 1328 Unfaithful delegates; constitutional convention, penalty. • HB 1332 Virginia Electronic Communications Privacy Act; established,
report. • HB 1346 Commonwealth Transportation Board; increases regional
membership. • HB 1347 Wireless communications; infrastructure established. • HB 1358 Gas emissions; control systems for certain landfills. • HB 1363 Local officers; petition requirements for removal of county
supervisor, etc. • HB 1379 Voter list maintenance; use of Electronic Registration
Information Center, etc. • HB 1380 Absentee voting; electronic signatures prohibited on certain
applications for absentee ballots. • HB 1388 State agencies; review of potential anti-competitive actions
and promulgation of regulations. • HB 1389 FOIA; record exclusion for trade secrets submitted to
Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy. • HB 1393 Direct primary care agreements; Commonwealth's insurance
laws do not apply. • HB 1395 Same-sex marriages; civil unions. • HB 1397 Income tax, state; subtraction for National Guard pay. • HB 1398 Hate crimes; acts against law-enforcement officers, firefighters,
and EMS personnel. • HB 1399 Elections, State Board of, and local electoral boards;
appointments, proportion of political party. • HB 1403 Driving under influence of alcohol; subsequent offenses,
penalty. • HB 1406 Firearms; restoration of right to person convicted of a
nonviolent felony to possess, etc. • HB 1407 Voters, qualified; definition of violent felony. • HB 1409 House of Delegates and Senate districts; General Assembly
authorized to make technical adjustments. • HB 1410 Higher educational institutions, baccalaureate public;
enrollment of non-Virginia students. • HB 1412 Weight limits; increases maximum gross weight of a motor
vehicle eligible for an overload permit. • HB 1413 Driver's licenses; expiration and renewal. • HB 1416 Line of Duty Act; payments to beneficiaries. • HB 1417 School buses; requirements of drivers approaching or
immediately preceding a bus. • HB 1418 Firearms; libraries owned or operated by localities. • HB 1419 Temporary driver's licenses, permits, etc.; DMV authorized
to issue to certain aliens. • HB 1420 Certificate of public need; repeals certain requirement
involving psychiatric beds, etc. • HB 1421 High school graduation; standard diploma, career and
technical education credential, exception. • HB 1423 Potomac River Watershed; DEQ to identify owner of any
combined sewer overflow outfall, etc. • HB 1424 Prescription drugs; purpose of labeling. • HB 1425 President and Vice President electors; allocation of
electoral votes by congressional district. • HB 1427 Judges; reduces number in circuit courts in the Twenty-first
and Twenty-second Circuits. • HB 1429 License plates, special; issuance for active duty U.S. Air
Force members or certain veterans. • HB 1430 Third-party registration groups; registration, disclosure,
and recordkeeping requirements, etc. • HB 1434 Tuition Assistance Grant Program; eligible institutions,
student speech and expression. • HB 1435 VIEW; pilot program for substance abuse screening and
assessment. • HB 1436 Unemployment compensation; wage offset. • HB 1438 Natural gas companies; right of entry. • HB 1439 Income tax, individual and corporate; small business job
creation tax credit. • HB 1441 Incapacitated persons; expands class of victims of crime of
financial exploitation. • HB 1442 Open-end credit plans; caps amount of loan origination fee.
• HB 1443 Consumer finance lending; application to Internet loans. • HB 1444 Minimum wage; increases minimum wage from its current
federally mandated level. • HB 1445 Wages and salaries; eliminates payment by prepaid cards,
etc., without employee's consent. • HB 1446 Campaign finance; permitted use of excess funds. • HB 1447 Higher educational institutions; establishment of substance
abuse recovery housing program. • HB 1448 Self-settled spendthrift trusts; certain legal entities to
act as qualified trustee. • HB 1449 Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal,
etc. • HB 1452 Higher educational institutions; graduation requirements,
course in Western civilization, etc. • HB 1458 Law enforcement, local; fees for concealed handgun permits,
courthouse and courtroom security. • HB 1459 Campaign finance; prohibited personal use, penalty. • HB 1460 Private wells; Stafford County authorized to regulate. • HB 1462 Voter identification; accepted forms of identification. • HB 1464 Felony conviction; compensation for wrongful incarceration.
• HB 1464 Felony conviction; compensation for wrongful incarceration.
• HB 1465 Electric energy; consumption reduction goal, annual progress
reports. • HB 1469 Concealed handguns; authorization and training for persons
designated to carry on school property. • HB 1470 Land preservation tax credits; limitations. • HB 1473 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act; penalty. • HB 1480 Mental health awareness training; law-enforcement officers,
firefighters, and emergency personnel. • HB 1481 Ordinances relating to fire departments and fire companies;
operators of emergency vehicles. • HB 1482 Presidential electors; National Popular Vote Compact. • HB 1487 Judges; reduces number in circuit court in 19th Judicial
Circuit District. • HB 1488 Collection of delinquent local taxes; period of delinquency.
• HB 1489 Recordation tax; exemption for certain limited liability
companies & limited/general partnerships. • HB 1495 Servicemembers Civil Relief Act; attorney fees. • HB 1496 Oyster planting grounds; Marine Resources Commission to
post. • HB 1498 School boards; assignment of teachers, class size limits. • HB 1499 Apportionment of income; corporate income tax. • HB 1501 Virginia Retail Sales and Use Tax Act. • HB 1502 Communications sales and use tax; sales price. • HB 1503 Membership in Multistate Tax Commission. • HB 1506 Vacant developed property; overgrown shrubs and trees. • HB 1507 Powers & duties of conservator appointed for an
absentee; support of an absentee's spouse. • HB 1510 Appointment of guardian ad litem in civil cases. • HB 1511 Presentence reports. • HB 1513 Personal appearance by two-way electronic video and audio
communication. • HB 1522 Death penalty; severe mental illness. • HB 1523 Substitute judges; appointment to district courts. • HB 1526 Alcoholic beverage control; mixed beverage annual live
entertainment venue license, etc. • HB 1527 Corporations; reinstatement. • HB 1528 Alcoholic beverage control; tastings conducted by
manufacturers, wine and beer wholesalers, reps. • HB 1530 Small Business and Supplier Diversity, Department of;
certification programs for certain businesses. • HB 1531 Department of Health; regulations governing Other Do Not
Resuscitate Orders. • HB 1533 Required immunizations; meningococcal conjugate. • HB 1534 Student discipline; long-term suspension. • HB 1535 Public schools; student discipline. • HB 1536 Student discipline; suspension or expulsion of students in
preschool through grade five. • HB 1550 Involuntary Mental Commitment Fund; DBHDS, et al., to study
use of Fund. • HB 1553 Property Owners' Association Act; actions taken by board of
directors without a meeting. • HB 1557 Temporary injunction of contract for services; rape,
forcible sodomy, or object sexual penetration. • HB 1558 Safety restraint use in motor vehicles. • HB 1561 Public school buses; seat belts. • HB 1563 Hospitals; regulations governing, facilities performing
abortions. • HB 1564 Planning & Budget, Department of; establishment of Div.
of Regulatory Management & Red Tape Comm. • HB 1566 Professions and occupations; active supervision of
regulatory boards, definitions, report. • HB 1575 Oyster dredge; transportation across sanctuary area. • HB 1576 Purse net fishing prohibited. • HB 1577 Management of menhaden. • HB 1581 Made in Appalachia Initiative; refundable tax credits. • HB 1583 Southwestern Virginia Training Center; delay closure. • HB 1584 Solicitation of professional employment; person charged with
traffic infraction or reckless driving. • HB 1588 Baiting of deer. • HB 1589 Order of publication; use of electronic medium. • HB 1593 Sales and use tax; personal hygiene products. • HB 1594 Local election districts and precincts. • HB 1595 Vehicle license fees and taxes, local; collection by counties
and adjoining towns. • HB 1598 Voter registration; proof of citizenship required to
register to vote in certain elections. • HB 1599 Suspension of driver's license for unpaid fines, etc.;
written offer of employment. • HB 1601 Electors for President and Vice President; allocation of electoral
votes by congressional district. • HB 1602 Invasion of privacy; civil action, damages, attorney fees
and costs. • HB 1603 Absentee voting; eligibility of certain caregivers. • HB 1606 Handheld personal communications devices; use of devices in
highway work zones. • HB 1607 High school graduation; verified credit, locally selected,
recognized academic assessments. • HB 1611 Child support arrearages; suspension of driver's license. • HB 1612 Physical Privacy Act; created. • HB 1613 Testimony of law-enforcement officer; failure of body-worn
camera. • HB 1614 Motor Vehicles, Department of; disclosure of photographs,
search warrant. • HB 1616 Felony homicide; certain drug offenses constitute second
degree murder, penalty. • HB 1620 Open-end credit plans. • HB 1621 Preliminary hearing; certification of ancillary
misdemeanors, fees and costs. • HB 1624 Host Cities Economic Development Incentive and Host Cities
Transportation Support Funds. • HB 1627 Interior lights; certain vehicles used on highway to ensure
lights are in good working order. • HB 1631 Elections; early voting. • HB 1632 Renewable energy property; tax credit for property placed in
service. • HB 1633 Careless driving; cause of injury to vulnerable road user. •
HB 1634 State agencies; criminal background checks for certain
positions, annual report to DHRM. • HB 1635 Historic rehabilitation; limits amount of tax credits that
may be claimed by each taxpayer. • HB 1636 Energy efficiency programs; total resource cost test. • HB 1637 Possession or distribution of marijuana for medical
purposes; Crohn's disease. • HB 1638 Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; insurance,
early termination of rental agreement. • HB 1639 Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; relationship
between landlord and insurance company. • HB 1640 Motor Vehicles, Department of; titling an out-of-state trailer.
• HB 1643 Electronic wills; process for execution of will. • HB 1643 Electronic wills; process for execution of will. • HB 1644 Driving under influence of alcohol; first offenders, secure
transdermal alcohol monitoring. • HB 1645 State Sickness and Disability Program; benefits. • HB 1648 Notice by trustee required before foreclosure sale; tenant
of property subject to sale. • HB 1649 Charter; Town of Herndon. • HB 1653 Virginia Code Commission; duties. • HB 1655 Sentencing guidelines; appeals. • HB 1657 Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act;
license plate readers. • HB 1658 Electric utility customer; account information confidential.
• HB 1660 Va. history & U.S. Constitution; Federalist Papers are
required to be taught & explained to student. • HB 1666 Speed monitoring systems; locality may, by ordinance,
establish. • HB 1667 Public contracts; gender identity, civil liability. • HB 1669 Gas severance tax. • HB 1670 Property Owners' Association Act; amendment of declaration.
• HB 1672 Coalfield region public education tax credit. • HB 1673 Issuance of disabled parking placards by physician. • HB 1674 Conditional rezoning proffers; definition of public
facilities. • HB 1676 Individual income tax; subtraction for National Guard wages.
• HB 1677 General Assembly; introduction of legislation, recorded vote
in committee or subcommittee. • HB 1678 FOIA; trade secrets submitted to the Department of Mines,
Minerals and Energy. • HB 1679 Well permit applications; disclosure of trade secrets. • HB 1680 Marine Resources Commission; advisory committees. • HB 1681 Transient occupancy tax; state parks. • HB 1682 Temporary driver's licenses; eligibility. • HB 1683 Prohibited public carrying of certain firearms; penalty. • HB 1684 Firearms; restricting access to children, Class 1
misdemeanor. • HB 1685 Handguns; limitation on purchases, penalty. • HB 1690 Virginia Preschool Initiative; local matching funds. • HB 1692 Effect of divorce proceedings; transfer of matters to the
juvenile and domestic relations court. • HB 1695 Crossing bridge or culvert by vehicle heavier than allowed.
• HB 1696 Filling vacancies in the United States Senate. • HB 1698 Polling places; memorandum of understanding. • HB 1700 Firearms; carrying in public while intoxicated, etc.,
penalty. • HB 1701 Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory (FOIA) Council;
membership. • HB 1702 Hate crimes; reporting to State Police. • HB 1703 Electric and natural gas utilities; energy efficiency goals.
• HB 1704 Grand larceny and certain property crimes; increases
threshold amount of money taken, etc. • HB 1706 Law-enforcement immunity; storage of firearms. • HB 1707 Tax credits, certain; elimination of state-level charitable
contribution deductions. • HB 1710 Gun safes; establishes an exemption from retail sales tax. •
HB 1711 Minimum city population required to enforce certain
ordinance violations. • HB 1714 Corporate income tax; rate of taxation. • HB 1715 Virginia Highway Corporation Act of 1988; powers of State
Corporation Commission. • HB 1717 Individual income tax; subtraction for interest and
dividends from Virginia-based corporations. • HB 1722 Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for
certain diseases. • HB 1723 Resettlement of refugees; notice to localities, the Sec. of
the Commonwealth, and General Assembly. • HB 1724 Tuition; eligibility for in-state charges for members of
Virginia National Guard. • HB 1725 Driving in the left lane on highways laned for traffic. • HB 1726 Disarming a law-enforcement officer; penalty. • HB 1733 Removal of public officers from office; recall elections for
certain elected and appointed officers. • HB 1735 Conditional rezoning proffers; provisions applicable to
certain proffers. • HB 1739 Civil immunity; emergency services and communications. • HB 1742 License plates, special; changes fees for plates for certain
veterans. • HB 1745 Restoration of firearms rights; report to State Police. • HB 1749 Accident and sickness insurance rate filings; agent commissions.
• HB 1752 Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority (VEDP);
grants and other economic incentives. • HB 1755 Step therapy protocols; disclosures. • HB 1756 Education improvement scholarships tax credit; eligibility
requirements. • HB 1757 School personnel; staffing ratios; school nurses. • HB 1758 Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk,
penalties. • HB 1759 Redeemable beverage containers. • HB 1762 Abortion; informed written consent required, civil penalty.
• HB 1764 Regional school boards; full-time virtual school programs. •
HB 1765 Circuit court; failure to appear in accordance with
condition of bail, etc. • HB 1769 Malicious bodily injury to or pointing of laser at members
of United States Armed Forces. • HB 1771 Minimum wage. • HB 1772 Low-income taxpayer tax credit. • HB 1773 Firearms; criminal history record information check before
transfer, penalties. • HB 1776 Hate crimes; adds gender, sexual orientation, gender
identity, or disability, penalty. • HB 1778 Purchase and transport of firearms; simple assault hate
crime. • HB 1779 Hate crimes; immigration status; penalty. • HB 1782 Corrections, State Board of; membership, powers and duties,
review of deaths of inmates. • HB 1783 Prisoners; mental health screening upon admission to a local
correctional facility. • HB 1788 Incapacitated persons; abuse and neglect, financial
exploitation, penalty. • HB 1789 Emergency vehicles, privately owned volunteer; requirement
for flashing lights and sirens. • HB 1792 Firearms; felon sharing residence with person who legally
possesses. • HB 1794 Case management system; public accessibility. • HB 1800 Electric utility regulation; third party power purchase
agreements. • HB 1802 Companion animals; prohibits tethering of animals outdoors
unless owner is outdoors. • HB 1803 Workers' compensation; disease presumptions, correctional
officers. • HB 1803 Workers' compensation; disease presumptions, correctional
officers. • HB 1804 Practical design standards for projects. • HB 1805 School divisions, certain; development of plan to fund and
phase in full-day kindergarten. • HB 1806 Income tax subtractions and credits for investments in
technology businesses. • HB 1807 Teacher grievance procedures; hearing, three-member
fact-finding panel. • HB 1808 Virginia Public Procurement Act; use of best value
contracting. • HB 1809 Computer crimes; penalties. • HB 1812 Presentence reports; access by work release programs. • HB 1813 Health insurance; assignment of benefits. • HB 1817 Consumer finance loans; rate of interest. • HB 1818 Absentee voting; entitles persons age 65 or older on date of
an election to vote absentee. • HB 1819 Absentee voting; no-excuse, in-person. • HB 1821 Regulatory Management, Division of; created within
Department of Planning and Budget, report. • HB 1822 Place of worship; carrying dangerous weapon personal
protection. • HB 1823 Property tax exemptions in Frederick County. • HB 1824 DPOR; deregulation of interior designers. • HB 1826 Motor vehicles; proof of financial responsibility. • HB 1827 Motor vehicle liability insurance; proof in electronic form.
• HB 1828 School attendance officer; powers and duties. • HB 1830 Income tax, state and corporate; artificial intelligence
industry tax deduction. • HB 1831 Prioritization of statewide transportation projects;
exceptions. • HB 1833 Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; conservation officers.
• HB 1834 Distracted driving; penalty. • HB 1839 School principals; incident reports. • HB 1841 Virginia Veteran Entrepreneurship Grant Program and Fund. • HB 1843 Principals; student discipline, alternatives to referring
incidents. • HB 1844 Supreme Court of Virginia; Executive Secretary to maintain
case information system. • HB 1847 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Compact of
1966; amendments, effective clause. • HB 1850 Commercial vehicles; harmonizes penalties for driving under the
influence (DUI) and commercial DUI. • HB 1857 Tuition, in-state; eligibility, certain individuals who have
applied for permanent residency, etc. • HB 1859 Nonfederally managed hazardous sites; DEQ to publish and
update annually. • HB 1860 Aboveground storage tanks; State Water Control Board to
regulate, civil and criminal penalties. • HB 1861 Product safety; flame retardants, penalty. • HB 1862 Driver's license; suspension for nonpayment of fines or
costs. • HB 1863 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and VIEW; hardship
exception. • HB 1864 Firearms; access by children; penalty. • HB 1865 Firearms; transfer, criminal history record check delay. • HB 1866 Issuance of temporary licenses, permits, or special
identification cards; requirements. • HB 1867 Virginia Housing Trust Fund; revenue deposits. • HB 1868 Child labor; tobacco farms. • HB 1870 Deleterious substances; discharge into state waters. • HB 1871 Administrative Process Act; review of regulations by Joint
Commission on Administrative Rules. • HB 1872 State employee health insurance plan; coverage for vision
therapy. • HB 1873 Children from birth to age five who are deaf, deaf-blind, or
hard-of-hearing; parent resource. • HB 1875 Waterfowl blinds; reduces distance of floating blinds from
stationary blinds. • HB 1877 Tethering of dogs; local ordinances. • HB 1879 Concealed handgun permit; disqualification, driving
illegally after consumption of alcohol. • HB 1880 Virginia Public Procurement Act; competitive negotiation for
professional services. • HB 1881 Virginia Highway Corporation Act of 1988; toll rate approval
by State Corporation Commission. • HB 1886 Higher educational institutions, public; admission of
certain undergraduate students. • HB 1887 Higher educational institutions; tuition assistance for
non-Virginia students. • HB 1891 Geothermal heat pump property expenditure; establishes a tax
credit for taxable years 2017-2021. • HB 1892 Higher educational institutions, public; independent audit.
• HB 1893 Youth-controlled online businesses; registered office. • HB 1894 DCJS training standards; community engaged policing. • HB 1895 Virginia Student Loan Refinancing Authority; established,
refinancing loan guaranty program. • HB 1896 Victim and witness assistance programs; DCJS to develop
guidelines. • HB 1897 Aquaculture; protection of use in an agricultural zone. • HB 1898 Controlled substances; limits on prescription containing
opioids. • HB 1899 Conditional rezoning proffers; affordable dwelling units. • HB 1900 Dogs; running at large on another landowner's property,
penalty. • HB 1901 Alcoholic beverage control; tied house exception. • HB 1902 Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995, et al.; affected
local jurisdictions and public entities. • HB 1904 Voter identification; repeal of photo identification
requirements. • HB 1905 All-electronic toll facilities; evidence provided for unpaid
tolls, penalty. • HB 1906 Marijuana; decriminalization of simple marijuana possession.
• HB 1907 School security officers; authorized to carry a firearm. • HB 1908 Police and court records; expungement of records. • HB 1914 School board members; criminal background checks. • HB 1915 Student loan servicers; student loan ombudsman. • HB 1916 Virginia Student Loan Authority; established, report. • HB 1917 Coalfield region energy production; establishes a tax credit
for taxable years 2017 through 2021. • HB 1918 Acute psychiatric patient registry; DBHDS to develop and
administer. • HB 1920 Property transportation network companies; required to
provide motor vehicle liability coverage. • HB 1923 Virtual Virginia; availability to all public middle and high
schools. • HB 1925 Local cigarette tax. • HB 1928 Felony homicide; certain drug offenses constitute second
degree murder, penalty. • HB 1930 Overdoses; safe reporting. • HB 1934 Police service; civil penalty when excessive number of calls
from same property. • HB 1935 Absentee voting; no-excuse, in-person available 21 days
prior to election. • HB 1935 Absentee voting; no-excuse, in-person available 21 days prior
to election. • HB 1937 Professions and occupations; active supervision of
regulatory boards. • HB 1947 Guardians; temporary delegation of powers regarding an
incapacitated person. • HB 1948 Substance abuse treatment upon conviction of a crime;
recovery community organization. • HB 1949 Initial licensure fee waiver for certain teachers. • HB 1953 Voter identification; accepted forms of identification. • HB 1954 Farm products; crime to maliciously damage or destroy. • HB 1955 Voter registration records; deadline extension. • HB 1956 Prescription drug order; requirements for shipping Schedule
VI controlled substances. • HB 1957 Guardian ad litem; standards for those appointed in custody
and visitation cases. • HB 1959 Student internships; tax credit to an employer for each
intern hired. • HB 1962 Education improvement scholarships; increases tax credit. • HB 1963 Education improvement scholarships tax credit;
pre-kindergarten eligibility. • HB 1964 Coastal Protection and Flooding Adaptation, Secretary for;
creates position. • HB 1966 Education improvement scholarships tax credit; eligibility
& benefits for certain students. • HB 1967 Virginia Retirement System; modifies hybrid retirement
program. • HB 1972 Closure of the Southwestern Virginia Training Center and the
Southeastern Virginia Training Center. • HB 1974 Clean Power Plan; state implementation plan; General
Assembly approval. • HB 1975 Temporary detention; minimum time period. • HB 1976 Inoperable vehicles; James City County authorized to
prohibit any person from keeping, etc. • HB 1978 Profane swearing in public. • HB 1980 Virginia Employment Commission; jobs reports. • HB 1983 School calendar; opening day of school year. • HB 1984 Limited Liability Company Protected Series Act;
establishment of protected series. • HB 1985 Health benefit plans; sale by authorized foreign health
insurers. • HB 1986 Computer trespass; penalty. • HB 1988 Outdoor lighting fixtures; use of light-emitting diodes
(LEDs). • HB 1989 Excusable or justifiable self-defense; costs and attorney
fees in civil or criminal cases. • HB 1990 Concealed handgun permits; age requirement for persons on
active military duty. • HB 1991 Local composite index; supplemental basic aid payments. • HB 1995 Health insurance; coverage for autism spectrum disorder. • HB 1997 Warrantless arrest for misdemeanor; transportation to crisis
stabilization unit. • HB 1999 Immigrant Assistance, Office of; created in Department of
Social Services. • HB 2001 Higher educational institutions; immigration enforcement. • HB 2004 Higher educational institutions, public; annual executive
summary. • HB 2005 Leaving vehicles unattended and running; prohibition. • HB 2007 Students who receive home instruction; dual enrollment
courses. • HB 2008 Stormwater; erosion and sediment control, 10,000 square foot
minimum disturbance. • HB 2010 Virginia Lottery; regulations of sale of lottery tickets
over Internet. • HB 2011 Discrimination; separation of the sexes. • HB 2012 Stormwater; failed best management practice. • HB 2013 Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority; board
of directors, qualifications. • HB 2018 Virginia Alternative Energy and Coastal Protection Act;
established, report. • HB 2020 Temporary driver's licenses, permits, or special
identification cards; requirements for issuance. • HB 2021 Norfolk Southern Railway right-of-way; public transit or
multimodal transportation projects. • HB 2027 Adoption fees and expenses, certain; creates income tax
deduction and credit. • HB 2028 Industrial hemp; removes all restrictions on production,
including licensing and regulations. • HB 2030 Food products; sale at farmers market, farm, or home. • HB 2031 School calendar; opening day of the school year. • HB 2036 Tow truck drivers; exempts registration with DCJS,
exceptions. • HB 2038 Recordation tax; refinancing deeds of trust. • HB 2039 Child pornography; discretionary sentencing guideline
midpoints for possession. • HB 2041 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Scholarship Pilot
Program; DSS to establish and administer. • HB 2042 Suicide prevention; continuing education requirements for
providers. • HB 2043 Law-enforcement officer; public release of identifying
information, etc. • HB 2044 Protective orders; possession of firearms, felony. • HB 2047 Review of existing contracts; security of government
information, including citizen data, report. • HB 2048 Child support and fines; nonpayment, suspension of driver's
license. • HB 2049 Driver's license; suspension of license for nonpayment of
fines and court costs. • HB 2052 School boards; additional funding for qualified
instructional and support personnel. • HB 2054 High school graduation and dropout data; formula, on-time
graduation. • HB 2056 Vapor products; imposition of state tax on products,
including electronic cigarettes. • HB 2057 Discrimination; prohibited in private or public employment.
• HB 2059 Drug Treatment Court Act; eligibility. • HB 2060 Birth control; definition. • HB 2061 Adult protective services; statistics regarding reports of
adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation. • HB 2062 Law-enforcement officer; definition, municipal park rangers
training. • HB 2063 Pretrial appeal; expands appeal by an attorney for the
Commonwealth. • HB 2065 Sexual battery; surprise, penalty. • HB 2068 Absentee voting; eligibility of persons with disabilities
and persons age 65 or older. • HB 2069 Election district boundaries, local; adjustment subsequent
to decennial redistricting. • HB 2070 Additional powers of certain counties. • HB 2071 Juvenile records; expungement for certain felony larceny
offenses. • HB 2073 Virginia Consumer Protection Act; adds certain fraud crimes.
• HB 2079 Firearms; selling, bartering, etc., to persons not lawfully
present in United States, penalty. • HB 2080 Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; eligible
employees. • HB 2081 General Services, Department of; central electronic
procurement website. • HB 2082 Standards of quality; biennial review by Board of Education.
• HB 2083 Restitution; modification of terms and conditions of payment
plan. • HB 2085 Petition for writ of actual innocence. • HB 2085 Petition for writ of actual innocence. • HB 2086 Writ of actual innocence; basis on nonbiological evidence,
untested evidence. • HB 2087 Sentencing guidelines; written explanation. • HB 2088 Voter registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles;
opt-out voter registration. • HB 2089 School boards, local; lead testing of potable water in
schools. • HB 2091 Elections; early voting. • HB 2093 Local Government, Commission on; estimated fiscal impact on
a locality of relocated refugees. • HB 2094 Localities; regulation of firearms in government buildings.
• HB 2097 HIV or hepatitis B or C virus; testing for infection, order
of magistrate. • HB 2098 Firearms, certain; possession by minors, parental
permission, penalty. • HB 2099 Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations,
disclosure of report. • HB 2100 Deputy sheriffs and law-enforcement officers; disclosure of
information regarding former officers. • HB 2103 Health insurance; benefit exchange. • HB 2104 Machinery and tools tax; valuation, appeal of certain local
taxes. • HB 2109 Persons with disabilities; expands definition of
"service dog." • HB 2110 State Corporation Commission; business entity fees. • HB 2112 Electric utilities; community renewable projects. • HB 2114 Motion picture production tax credit; digital interactive
media production. • HB 2115 General Assembly; Department of Planning and Budget to
prepare fiscal impact statements. • HB 2116 Dogs and cats; regulation of sale. • HB 2117 Law-enforcement agencies, local; body-worn cameras. • HB 2118 Officer-involved deaths; community-policing programs and
training standards. • HB 2120 Northern Virginia Transportation Authority; membership
composition. • HB 2121 Northern Virginia Transportation Authority; use of certain
revenues by localities. • HB 2122 Virginia Public Procurement Act; cooperative procurement for
construction projects. • HB 2123 Vienna, Town of; conservation and replacement of trees. • HB 2124 Eminent domain; just compensation for entry onto property. •
HB 2125 Drug treatment courts; Counties of Clarke, Frederick, and
Loudoun. • HB 2126 Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program; established. • HB 2128 Custody and visitation agreements; best interests of the
child. • HB 2129 Virginia Human Rights Act; prohibits discrimination in employment.
• HB 2130 Motor vehicles; motor fuel sales tax in certain
transportation districts. • HB 2131 Libraries; assessment for costs in civil actions,
disbursement for law libraries. • HB 2132 Towing advisory board, local; membership. • HB 2133 Recount procedures; initial audit of ballot scanner
machines. • HB 2134 Law-enforcement agencies, local; body-worn cameras. • HB 2135 Medical marijuana; written certification. • HB 2142 High school graduation; delays by one year implementation of
redesigned requirements. • HB 2145 DPOR; regulation of land surveyor photogrammetrists. • HB 2147 Virginia Service Members Civil Relief Act; supplements
protections afforded under federal Act. • HB 2150 Land preservation tax credit; per taxpayer limitation. • HB 2155 Workers' compensation; modifications to employee's home and
automobile. • HB 2157 Family abuse protective order; third or subsequent violation
of order. • HB 2158 Dumping trash; increases penalty. • HB 2159 Litter; adds cigarette or cigar butts to definition. • HB 2160 Virginia Interim Redistricting Commission; criteria for
remedial redistricting plans. • HB 2166 Controlled substances; possession, penalty. • HB 2170 Virginia Public Procurement Act; utilization of cooperative
procure for construction. • HB 2173 Science laboratory classes; establishes a maximum class size
of 24 students in grades 6 through 12. • HB 2175 Income tax, state; subtraction for military veterans with a
service-connected disability. • HB 2176 Charitable gaming; conduct of instant games, etc., number of
sessions. • HB 2180 Absentee voting; eligibility of certain persons. • HB 2181 Food stamps; eligibility to receive benefits if convicted of
drug-related felonies. • HB 2182 Voter registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles;
opt-out voter registration. • HB 2186 Whole Woman's Health Act; performance of abortions. • HB 2187 Firearm transfers; criminal history record information
checks required, penalty. • HB 2188 Firearms; civil liability for sale or transfer without a
background check. • HB 2189 Retail Sales and Use Tax; exemption for feminine hygiene
products. • HB 2190 Wage or salary history; inquiries prohibited, civil penalty.
• HB 2192 Courthouses; relocation or expansion of courthouse to
another location within city. • HB 2194 Noxious weeds; golden bamboo. • HB 2195 School attendance officer; powers and duties. • HB 2196 Wireless communications infrastructure; procedure for
approved by localities. • HB 2197 Unmanned aircraft systems; creates a civil cause of action
for invasion of privacy, etc. • HB 2199 Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority; Chief
Executive Officer, powers and duties. • HB 2202 Employment; abusive work environment. • HB 2204 My Virginia Plan Program; created, retirement plans for
employees of private employers. • HB 2205 Students with blindness or visual impairments; changes to certain
provisions. • HB 2208 Food stamp program; electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card.
• HB 2210 Employment; break to express breast milk. • HB 2211 Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Fund;
investments of assets. • HB 2212 Firearm transfers; criminal history record information
checks, penalty. • HB 2213 TANF; time limit on receipt of financial assistance. • HB 2220 Alcoholic beverage control; creates a new limited mixed
beverage license for retail cigar shops. • HB 2221 Professional and Occupational Licensing Requirements, Joint
Subcommittee to Evaluate; created. • HB 2222 Alcoholic beverage control; creates a new limited mixed
beverage license for retail cigar shops. • HB 2223 Virginia Freedom of Information Act; right to speak at open
meetings. • HB 2224 Parole Board; creates Parole Qualifications Committee to
receive and review applications. • HB 2225 Hospital data reporting; charity care policies and other
activities, clarifies definition. • HB 2226 Income tax, state; reduces top marginal individual tax rate.
• HB 2226 Income tax, state; reduces top marginal individual tax rate.
• HB 2227 Certificate of public need; denial of certain certificates.
• HB 2228 Aerospace Advisory Council; reorganizes as Advisory
Committee on Aerospace. • HB 2232 Child day programs; exemptions from licensure. • HB 2233 Health benefits; sale of plans offered by foreign health
insurers. • HB 2234 Concealed handgun permits; fee for processing. • HB 2235 Motorcyclists or autocyclists; removes requirement to wear
protective helmets. • HB 2236 Sanctuary policies; enforcement of federal immigration laws
• HB 2238 DUI manslaughter; ignition interlock. • HB 2242 DPOR; regulatory boards within the Department, expiration of
regulations. • HB 2251 Virginia Retirement System; establishes an optional defined
contribution retirement plan. • HB 2252 Illegal voter registration; penalties. • HB 2253 Use or display of firearm in committing felony; penalty. • HB 2256 Street gang; third or subsequent conviction of crimes,
penalty. • HB 2259 Child day programs; certain programs exempted from
licensure. • HB 2260 Higher educational institutions, baccalaureate public; to
employ a full-time ombudsmen. • HB 2261 Virginia Human Rights Act; unlawful discriminatory practice,
definition of anti-Semitism. • HB 2263 Concealed handgun permits; age requirement for persons on active
military duty. • HB 2265 Concealed handgun; eligibility to carry openly within
Commonwealth. • HB 2266 Retail establishments and restaurants; posting of signs
relating to firearms policy. • HB 2268 Ignition interlock violations; venue for prosecution of any
offense. • HB 2270 Spousal liability for emergency medical care; property held
as tenants by the entireties. • HB 2271 Custodial rights of person who committed sexual assault;
clear and convincing standard. • HB 2272 Compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulb recycling; local
ordinances, civil penalties. • HB 2273 Blind parents; custody or visitation rights. • HB 2275 Absentee voting; eligibility of persons age 65 or older. • HB 2280 Voter referendum; independent redistricting commission. • HB 2283 Wages; cause of action against an employer for nonpayment. •
HB 2284 Charitable gaming; subpoena powers of Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services, penalty. • HB 2286 Abortion; informed written consent. • HB 2288 Computer trespass; computer invasion of privacy, penalty,
civil relief. • HB 2292 Judicial training; law related to rights of persons of
legitimate interest in custody. • HB 2293 Person with a legitimate interest; visitation. • HB 2294 Health insurance; credits for retired school division
employees. • HB 2295 Virginia Human Rights Act; pregnancy, childbirth, or related
medical conditions; causes of action. • HB 2298 Riparian planting grounds lease; eligibility. • HB 2299 Comprehensive community colleges; tuition grants and fees
for certain individuals. • HB 2305 SHHR; certain waivers under the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program. • HB 2307 Cover sheet for deed; property subject to the Property
Owners' Association Act. • HB 2309 Minimum wage; increases wage to $11 per hour effective July
1, 2017. • HB 2310 Consumer finance companies; SCC authorized to license
out-of-state companies, etc. • HB 2312 Industrial development authorities; issuance of bonds to
finance local tax preferences. • HB 2314 Virginia Personnel Act; equal pay for equal work, policy of
the Commonwealth. • HB 2315 Instant runoff voting; provided in elections for statewide
offices. • HB 2316 Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission; meetings by
teleconference. • HB 2320 Hurricane and Flooding Risk Reduction Act of 2017;
established. • HB 2321 Restricted firearm ammunition; use or attempted use in the
commission of a felony, penalty. • HB 2322 Criminal Justice Services Board; citizen membership. • HB 2323 Public employment; inquiries by state agencies and
localities regarding criminal convictions. • HB 2326 Specially constructed vehicles for general transportation
purposes; registration. • HB 2330 Inpatient psychiatric hospital admission; defendant found
incompetent. • HB 2333 Multi-jurisdiction grand jury; certain fraud crimes. • HB 2334 Fraud crimes, certain; forfeiture of motor vehicle. • HB 2335 Contractors, Board for; unlicensed activity, penalty. • HB 2337 Certificates of public need; creates a two-phase process. • HB 2339 Probation violations; intermediate sanctions. • HB 2340 Women's Right to Vote, Commission for the Commemoration of
the Centennial of; established. • HB 2344 Tuition, in-state; individuals granted Deferred Action for
Childhood Arrivals, etc. • HB 2345 Instructional positions; students identified as having
limited English proficiency. • HB 2346 Insurance agent licensing; motor vehicle rental contract
enrollers, etc. • HB 2349 Bioengineered foods; labeling certain products containing
GMO, etc. • HB 2351 Grass; Buchanan County authorized to require owners to cut.
• HB 2353 Workers' compensation; failure to make reports on employee's
injury, etc. • HB 2357 Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education
Program; eligibility. • HB 2361 Brandishing a firearm; intent to induce fear, etc., penalty.
• HB 2363 Teachers; compensation at rate competitive with national
average salary. • HB 2365 Registration records; deadline extension. • HB 2368 Milk production; exemption from oversight of Milk
Commission, etc. • HB 2370 Administrative Process Act; reconsideration of an agency's
final decision, etc. • HB 2371 Law-enforcement vehicles; permits vehicles to be equipped
with steady-burning blue or red lights. • HB 2372 Firearm transactions; voluntary background checks,
clarification of provisions. • HB 2373 Window tinting; vehicles used by private investigators, bail
bondsmen, bail enforcement agents. • HB 2375 Virginia Home Solicitation Sales Act; prohibited
solicitation, penalty. • HB 2376 Property Owners' Association Act; fees for disclosure
packets by associations. • HB 2378 High school graduation requirements; substitution of
computer coding for foreign language credit. • HB 2380 Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council;
investigative authority. • HB 2382 Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; landlord to
inspect vacated dwelling unit. • HB 2384 Drinking water; lead levels. • HB 2385 Assessed court costs; electronic summons system. • HB 2387 Professional and Occupational Regulation, Department of;
waiver of first-time licensing fees. • HB 2387 Professional and Occupational Regulation, Department of;
waiver of first-time licensing fees. • HB 2388 Singular church locational sign; permissible in
state-maintained right-of-way. • HB 2389 Gas or oil drilling units; escrowed proceeds. • HB 2392 Virginia Public Procurement Act; preferred procurement
method for construction. • HB 2393 Income tax, state; tax credit for purchase of gun safe. • HB 2394 Pawnbrokers; allowable late fees. • HB 2398 Industrial hemp; pilot program to study growth, etc. • HB 2399 Hate crimes; adds to list of crimes that a
multi-jurisdiction grand jury may investigate. • HB 2400 Health insurance; use of drug pricing benchmark value. • HB 2401 Virginia Freedom of Information Act; minutes of closed
meetings required, audio recordings. • HB 2402 Virginia Freedom of Information Act; willful violations,
grounds for termination. • HB 2403 Vehicles bearing clean special fuel license plates; use of
high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes. • HB 2405 Voter registration; extended time for new citizens to
register to vote. • HB 2406 Family life education curricula; instruction shall include
personal privacy and personal boundaries. • HB 2407 Child day programs; exemption from licensure for certain martial
arts programs. • HB 2408 Supplemental nutrition assistance program; eligibility
criteria for participation. • HB 2409 Driver's licenses; suspension for failure to pay court fines
and costs. • HB 2412 Financial institutions; scanning information from driver's
license. • HB 2413 Apprentice agreements; ratio of apprentices to journeymen. •
HB 2414 Self-defense; limited immunity when reporting acts,
penalties. • HB 2416 Conservators of the peace, special; authority, mandatory
liability insurance. • HB 2419 Call centers; relocation to a foreign country. • HB 2420 Virginia Public Procurement Act; small business and
microbusiness procurement enhancement program. • HB 2421 Central absentee voter precincts; expedited counting of
absentee ballots. • HB 2426 Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program; changes student
eligibility, renewal, amount of grants. • HB 2430 Automatic renewal offers and continuous service offers;
penalties. • HB 2434 Community schools; Department of Education to establish
taskforce for pilot program. • HB 2435 Handheld personal communications devices; use while driving,
exceptions, penalty. • HB 2437 Virginia Public Procurement Act; use of best value
contracting. • HB 2438 General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; contracts by
legislators. • HB 2439 General Assembly; regulatory penalty statement in
legislation. • HB 2440 Appomattox, Town of; amending charter, shifts municipal
elections from May to November, etc. • HB 2441 Tow truck drivers; registration. • HB 2443 Electoral fusion; form of ballot, candidate's name appearing
more than once for same office. • HB 2444 Presidential candidates; required statement regarding
disclosure of federal tax returns. • HB 2445 Open-end credit plan loans; establishes requirements for
loans. • HB 2446 Immunity of persons; defamation, statements regarding
matters of public concern, sanctions. • HB 2447 Motor vehicles, local licensure; eliminates ability of a
locality to assess local license fees. • HB 2448 Traffic congestion; measures to relieve in certain areas of
the Commonwealth. • HB 2450 Hunting license; landowner to obtain a free license to hunt
on own property. • HB 2451 Professional and occupational licensing; restoration of
rights. • HB 2452 Discovery in criminal cases; duty to provide. • HB 2454 Onsite treatment works; effluent quality standards and
maintenance requirements. • HB 2456 Administrative Process Act; schedule of review of
regulations, report. • HB 2458 Certificate of public need; reports. • HB 2459 Wireless telecommunications devices, certain; prohibition on
sale to minors. • HB 2461 Neighborhood assistance tax credits; reduces amount of
credit of value for certain donations. • HB 2465 Virginia Consumer Protection Act; open-end credit plans. • HB 2466 Handguns; all dealers who sell or transfer to also have
personalized handguns available for sale. • HB 2468 VWC; permits commissioners and deputy commissioners to carry
a concealed weapon. • HB 2472 Alcoholic beverage control; spirits tastings by distiller
licensee. • HB 2473 Protective orders or stalking; third or subsequent offense.
• HB 2475 Real property tax; payments in lieu of taxes for exempt
organizations. • HB 2476 Driver's licenses; revocation of driving privileges in other
jurisdictions. • HJ 3 United States Constitution; application for a convention of
the states. • HJ 50 Composite Index of Local Ability to Pay; DOE to study effect
of local use value assessment • HJ 90 United States Constitution; amendment concerning federal
budget, sunset provision. • HJ 538 Constitutional amendment marriage; marriage (first
reference.) • HJ 540 Constitutional amendment; qualifications to vote (first
reference). • HJ 541 Constitutional amendment; top two open primary election
(first reference). • HJ 542 Constitutional amendment; qualification of voters, executive
clemency (first reference). • HJ 543 Constitutional amendment; failure to pass an appropriation
act (first reference). • HJ 544 Study; JLARC to study the Virginia's workers' compensation
system; report. • HJ 546 Virginia High School League; Joint Legislative Audit and
Review Commission to study. • HJ 547 U.S. Constitution; application for a convention of the
states. • HJ 549 Pornography; public health hazard. • HJ 551 United States Constitution; application for a convention of
the states, balancing federal budget. • HJ 552 Constitutional amendment; registration of voters (first
reference). • HJ 568 Study; Joint Commission on Health Care to study options for
use of telemental health; report. • HJ 569 Recognition as genocide; atrocities committed by the Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant. • HJ 570 Study; JLARC; effectiveness of requiring seat belts on
school buses in the Commonwealth; report. • HJ 571 Study; Va Polytechnic Institute and State University and Va
State University; teacher shortage. • HJ 572 Study; regulation of menhaden fishing; report. • HJ 575 Study; Department of General Services; Infrastructure
investments that yield energy savings; report. • HJ 576 Study; JLARC to study the implementation of the National
Voter Registration Act in Virginia; report. • HJ 577 Constitutional amendment; reducing assessed value of real
property (first reference). • HJ 578 Study; Jt Commission on Health Care; study of the long-term
effects of marijuana use. • HJ 579 Study; jt committee to study implementation of National
Voter Registration Act in Virginia; report. • HJ 580 Study; JLARC; impact of state-owned ports on local
governments; report. • HJ 581 Constitutional amendment; criteria for electoral districts
(first reference). • HJ 581 Constitutional amendment; criteria for electoral districts
(first reference). • HJ 585 Study; State Council of Higher Ed; rates of in-state and
out-of-state undergraduate admissions. • HJ 586 Abortion; prosecution of mother not allowed. • HJ 587 Abortion; prosecution of mother not allowed for
self-abortion. • HJ 588 Abortion; use of contraception not prosecuted. • HJ 589 Unborn children; abortion law and personhood. • HJ 590 Study; JLARC; availability of sources for verifying
information for voter registration purposes. • HJ 597 Study; Joint Commissionon Health Care; Study of heroin use
in the Commonwealth; report. • HJ 607 Study; Providing material support for a terrorist
organization. • HJ 609 Constitutional amendment; qualification of voters (first
reference). • HJ 611 Study; State Council of Higher Ed. for Va; applied baccalaureate
degrees at community colleges. • HJ 614 Study; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to
study Virginia Administrative Process Act. • HJ 615 Study; Joint Commission on Technology and Science; robots,
automation, and artificial intelligence. • HJ 616 Joint Commission on Health Care; study of quality of health
care services in jails and prisons. • HJ 618 Study; the costs and benefits of assisting localities in
alleviating pay compression. • HJ 619 Study; Tax Commissioner to study disincentives to upgrade
machinery and tools; report. • HJ 622 Constitutional amendment; General Assembly term limits
(first reference). • HJ 627 Study; JLARC to study feasibility of allocating a larger
portion of Virginia Lottery prize money. • HJ 628 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission
established (first reference). • HJ 629 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); charter
schools. • HJ 630 Study; study the efficacy of the sheriff of any locality
supervising animal control officers. • HJ 633 Study; Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services;
incentives for grocery stores to donate. • HJ 634 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); authority of
elected school boards to impose taxes. • HJ 635 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); top two primary
election. • HJ 636 Study; economic impacts of litter on fishing, farming, and
water quality in urban streams; report. • HJ 637 Mental Health Services in the Commonwealth in the 21st
Century; Joint Subcommittee to study. • HJ 638 Study; Department of Taxation to study unitary combined
reporting of corporate income; report. • HJ 639 Study; Office of Drinking Water; Commonwealth's drinking
water infrastructure and oversight. • HJ 641 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications
of Governor; residency requirement. • HJ 642 Memorializing Congress; reinstatement of Glass-Steagall Act.
• HJ 646 Celebrating the life of the Honorable Johnny S. Joannou. • HJ 648 Study; JLARC; impact of state-owned ports on local
governments; report. • HJ 650 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications
to vote; restoration of civil rights. • HJ 651 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); Virginia
Nonpartisan Redistricting Commission created. • HJ 652 Encouraging the Governor to recognize best practices. • HJ 672 Study; JLARC; coastal flooding adaptation and resiliency
report. • HJ 673 Study; JLARC recommendations regarding VEDP; report. • HJ 674 Study; Virginia Public Procurement Act; report. • HJ 675 Joint Commission on Health Care to study creation of
registry of cases of abuse or neglect. • HJ 676 Study; Department of Education; effect of local use value
assessment of certain real estate. • HJ 677 Study; study the current and potential impact of zebra and
quagga mussels in Virginia waters. • HJ 678 Study; directing the Joint Legislative Audit and Review
Commission to study teaching profession. • HJ 679 Study; Joint Committee to Study the Future of Public
Elementary and Secondary Education. • HJ 680 Joint subcommittee to study issues related to family
caregiving and long-term care supports, etc. • HJ 682 Study; long-term effects of Drugs used to treat Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). • HJ 685 Speaker of the House; legal counsel. • HJ 686 Memorializing the Congress of the United States to allow
states and communities; bridge safety. • HJ 688 Study; joint committee to study the expansion of the Norfolk
Airport Authority membership. • HJ 689 Study; joint subcommittee to study public transportation in
Hampton Roads; report. • HJ 690 Study; joint subcommittee to study mega-region airport in
Greater Hampton Roads; report. • HJ 691 Study; Virginia Department of Transportation; noise
abatement remedies. • HJ 692 Study; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission;
Commonwealth's cybersecurity standards. • HJ 694 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications
to vote; restoration of civil rights. • HJ 695 Study; JLARC; sentencing of drug offenders; report. • HJ 696 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); apportionment;
certain prohibitions. • HJ 697 Const. amend.(first resolution); real property tax;
exemption surviving spouse of disabled veteran. • HJ 698 Study; Department of Social Services; Commonwealth's child
support enforcement system. • HJ 699 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); Governor's term
of office. • HJ 700 Study; Broadband Advisory Council; broadband availability
and the most cost-effective coverage. • HJ 701 United States Constitution; application for a convention of
the states; free and fair elections. • HJ 702 Study; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to
study the funding needs of elections. • HJ 703 Study; joint committee to study the streamlining of special
elections in the Commonwealth; report. • HJ 704 Study; Secretary of Natural Resources and Secretary of Education;
environmental education; report. • HJ 705 Encouraging localities to develop a more uniform and
streamlined permitting process. • HJ 706 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); tangible
personal property tax; exemption. • HJ 707 Governor; 2018-2020 proposed budget; access to array of
programs, services,& benefits; Medicaid. • HJ 708 Study; Virginia State Crime Commission; hate crimes; report.
• HJ 709 Study; Secretary of Technology; interfacing of electronic
medical records and information; report. • HJ 710 Governor; enter into agreements regarding Medicaid services,
benefits, and programs. • HJ 711 DNA data bank; VSCC to study expanding number of certain
crimes that require DNA. • HJ 712 Supporting legislation regarding the Equal Rights Amendment.
• HJ 719 Study; Department of Labor and Industry; violence against
health care professionals. • HJ 720 Study; Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental
Services; placement of group homes. • HJ 749 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission,
established, apportionment. • HJ 763 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); apportionment;
political considerations prohibited. • HJ 764 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); enactment of
laws at special sessions. • HJ 779 Study; Joint Commission on Health Care; Impact of requiring
community services boards. • HJ 781 JLARC; study of adequacy of foster care payment rates in the
Commonwealth; report. • HJ 787 Commending Virginia's technology sector. • HJ 791 Early childhood education. • HJ 791 Early childhood education. • HJ 810 Commemorating the 30th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's 'Tear
Down This Wall' speech. • HJ 882 Commending the Mathomank Village Tribe. • HJ 911 Commending Broad Run High School DECA. • HJ 912 Commending Stone Bridge High School DECA. • HJ 967 Commending Maria J. K. Everett. • HJ 968 Commending the Virginia Cable Telecommunications
Association. • HJ 981 Celebrating the life of William Henry Anderson, Jr. • HR 141 Christian heritage; recognizes influence in Virginia. • HR 303 Denouncing the intimidation of the Commonwealth's residents.
• HR 387 Commending Autry O. V. DeBusk. • SB 3 Building Revitalization Grant Fund; created, report. • SB 6 Private animal shelters; reporting euthanasia. • SB 10 Same-sex marriages; civil unions. • SB 15 Economic development, local; transfer of taxes to qualified
locality. • SB 17 STEM programs; grants for donations to programs at qualified
schools. • SB 18 Companion animals; surgical sterilization program. • SB 20 Patient-Centered Medical Home Advisory Council; established.
• SB 26 Problem-Solving Docket Act; established, report. • SB 35 Vehicle registration fees; funds allocated to Department of
State Police. • SB 52 Virginia Student Loan Refinancing Authority; established,
report. • SB 53 Abortion; removes requirement that a woman undergo
ultrasound prior to procedure. • SB 60 Commonwealth of Virginia Transform I-66 Corridor Outside the
Beltway Bond Act of 2016; created. • SB 65 Virginia Sickness and Disability Program; open enrollment
period. • SB 66 Felony homicide; certain drug offenses, accommodation,
penalty. • SB 69 Voter identification; accepted forms of identification. • SB 93 Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act; created. • SB 100 Charitable gaming; limits audit and administration fee of
charitable organization. • SB 101 Police and court records; expungement of records. • SB 105 Virginia Housing Trust Fund; revenue deposits. • SB 119 Small Business; changes in definition, regulation by U.S.
Small Business Administration. • SB 135 Human trafficking training; DCJS to establish for
law-enforcement, etc. • SB 139 Electric utility regulation; agricultural net energy
metering. • SB 140 Electric utilities; net energy metering, standby charges. • SB 142 Solar thermal system; tax credit. • SB 149 Health insurance plan, local option; participation of
regional emergency medical services councils. • SB 157 Virginia adjusted gross income; sale of certain crops by
farmers to craft breweries. • SB 168 Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; adjusts annual
supplement. • SB 178 Concealed handgun permits; reciprocity with other states. • SB 187 Transfer of firearms; permit required. • SB 194 Police and court records; expungement of records. • SB 197 Interstate 73 Corridor Development Fund and Program;
created. • SB 200 Qualified equity and subordinated debt investments; raises
cap on total amount of credits. • SB 203 Public schools; Standards of Learning assessments. • SB 232 Capital outlay plan; revises six-year plan for projects. • SB 236 Government Data Collection & Dissemination Practices
Act; collection & use of personal information. • SB 255 Toll relief; Department of Transportation to study. • SB 271 Adoption; leave benefit. • SB 290 Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act; required
disclosures pertaining to NASA airfield. • SB 297 Line of Duty Act; certain employees of DOC included in
definition of deceased person under Act. • SB 317 Veterans Docket Act; established, report. • SB 330 Tuition, in-state; eligibility of members of Virginia
National Guard. • SB 353 Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; conservation
officers. • SB 365 Prioritization of statewide transportation projects;
exceptions. • SB 373 Alcoholic beverage control; food sale requirements for
businesses. • SB 379 Speed limits; fines doubled for speeding on certain
highways. • SB 380 Behavioral Health Docket Act; established, report. • SB 383 Health insurance; parity of coverage for oral chemotherapy
medications. • SB 394 Health care; plan to increase transparency in delivery, etc.
• SB 401 Crohn's disease, colitis, etc.; identification cards and
information. • SB 402 Virginia Higher Education Scholarship Act Fund; created. • SB 403 Virginia Energy Storage Consortium: created, terms of Board
members, report. • SB 406 Consumer finance companies; open-end credit plans, sharing
location with motor vehicle title lender. • SB 410 Alcoholic beverage control; consumption of samples by
brewery tour guides. • SB 419 Operation of a child welfare agency without a license;
negligence resulting in death or injury. • SB 428 Standards of Learning assessments; administration time frame.
• SB 429 Creation of the Commonwealth Genomics and Personalized
Medicine Authority. • SB 439 Voter identification; information contained in electronic
pollbook. • SB 442 Health benefit plans; prescription drugs; tiers. • SB 447 Attorney General, Offices of; employment of special counsel.
• SB 483 Occupational safety and health; employer's liability for
violation by contractor. • SB 486 Land preservation tax credits; certain donations of land. • SB 487 Prescription drug price transparency. • SB 488 Mixed beverage restaurant licensees; food-to-beverage ratio.
• SB 489 Alcoholic beverage control; food-beverage ratio. • SB 505 Standards of Learning assessments; reporting results. • SB 509 Interpleader; earnest money deposits. • SB 521 Expungement of certain charges and convictions. • SB 523 Line of Duty Act; includes firefighters and emergency
medical services trainees in Act. • SB 526 Motor vehicle safety inspections; single sticker. • SB 526 Motor vehicle safety inspections; single sticker. • SB 528 Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education
Program; eligibility. • SB 530 Cable franchises; service availability in certain areas. • SB 533 Sales and use tax; exemption for certain nonprofit entities.
• SB 546 Possession or transportation of firearms following
convictions for certain misdemeanor crimes. • SB 550 Virginia Veterans Recovery Grant Program; established, etc.
• SB 558 Dredging; TMDL credits, request for assignment of credits
equivalent to street sweeping. • SB 561 Certificates of public need. • SB 586 Virginia Public Procurement Act; requirements for use of
construction management. • SB 591 Taxicab services; regulation by localities, background
checks. • SB 599 Virginia Electronic Communications Privacy Act; established,
report. • SB 601 Child care providers; criminal history background checks. • SB 617 Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; certain members of
enforcement division of DMV. • SB 618 Standard deduction; adjusted for inflation. • SB 619 Line of Duty Act; probation and parole officers. • SB 620 Nurse practitioners; eliminates requirement that they
practice as part of patient care team. • SB 627 Direct primary care agreements. • SB 644 Battery; public transportation operators; penalty. • SB 650 Primary elections; voter registration by political party
affiliation. • SB 669 Highway maintenance payments; bicycle lanes. • SB 671 Lyme disease; treatment of a patient. • SB 689 Common Interest Community Board; increases membership. • SB 696 Medicare; supplement policies for individuals under age 65.
• SB 698 Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection Assistance Fund;
disbursement of moneys. • SB 702 Bridge structures; attachment to locality, annual service
fee. • SB 703 DMV; charges for information supplied to toll facility
operators. • SB 717 Vineyards and Orchards Grant Fund and Program; created and
established. • SB 723 Campaign finance; contributions from out-of-state sources
prohibited. • SB 733 Income tax, state; annual adjustment for inflation. • SB 741 Tax administration; awards for detection of tax
underpayments. • SB 742 Motor vehicles; fuels sales tax in certain transportation
districts. • SB 752 Health insurance provider contracts; accepting enrollees as
patients. • SB 757 Income tax, state; modifies tax by establishing a flat 5.75%
tax on all taxable income. • SB 759 Public schools; dyslexia advisor. • SB 762 License plates, special; issuance for supporters of Virginia
Women Veterans. • SB 763 Special education; recording of classrooms. • SB 779 Electric utility regulation; net energy metering. • SB 782 Same-sex marriages; civil unions. • SB 783 Public employment; prohibits discrimination on basis of
sexual orientation or gender identity. • SB 784 Marijuana offenses; driver's license forfeiture, etc. • SB 785 Minimum wage; increases wage from its current level to $8.00
per hour effective July 1, 2017. • SB 787 Sales & use tax; prohibits accelerated collection of
payments from retail merchants & other dealers. • SB 788 Income tax, state; rate of taxation. • SB 789 Income tax, corporate; rate of taxation. • SB 790 Crimes against law-enforcement officers, firefighters, and
other emergency personnel; penalty. • SB 791 Concealed handgun permits; fee for processing. • SB 792 Absentee voting; entitles persons age 65 or older on date of
an election to vote absentee. • SB 794 City of Chesapeake; pilot program for problem-solving
docket. • SB 795 Register of funds expended; required posting by localities
& school divisions on public gov website. • SB 796 Police and court records; expungement of certain charges and
convictions. • SB 797 Competency to stand trial; evaluations. • SB 798 Virginia adjusted gross income; sale of certain crops to
craft breweries. • SB 799 Companion animal; surgical sterilization program, penalty. •
SB 801 Dogs; public animal shelters required to notify intent to
euthanize. • SB 802 Camping in tent or recreational vehicle; special use permit.
• SB 803 Executive budget; zero-based budgeting principles. • SB 805 Vehicle registration fees; funds for Department of State
Police. • SB 807 Judges; reduces number in circuit courts in the Twenty-first
and Twenty-second Circuits. • SB 808 Discretionary sentencing guidelines worksheets; use by
juries. • SB 809 Firearms; person to report loss or theft within 24 hours. • SB 810 Food stamp program; categorical eligibility. • SB 811 Law-enforcement officers; de-escalation training
requirement. • SB 813 Electric utility regulation; solar generation facilities. • SB 814 Foreign business entities; services of summons for witness
or subpoena duces tecum. • SB 816 Grand larceny & certain property crimes; increases
threshold amount of money taken, etc., to $1,000. • SB 818 Potomac River Watershed; DEQ to identify owner of any
combined sewer overflow outfall, etc. • SB 819 Alexandria, City of; Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) system
permit, Potomac River outfall. • SB 820 Menhaden fishery; VMRC to adopt regulations for managing the
Commonwealth's fishery. • SB 821 Primary elections; adds political party affiliation to
information for voter registration. • SB 822 Virginia Fair Housing Law; unlawful discriminatory housing
practices, sexual orientation and gender. • SB 823 Service of process; multifamily residential real estate and
common interest communities. • SB 824 Sick leave for employees; private employers to give to each
full-time employee paid sick days, etc. • SB 825 New sentencing hearing; abolition of parole. • SB 826 Voter identification; accepted forms of identification. • SB 827 Elections; absentee voting by persons age 70 or older. • SB 828 Family life education; certain curricula and standards of
learning. • SB 830 Food stamps; eligibility to receive benefits if convicted of
drug-related felonies. • SB 831 Marijuana; manufacture or possession, accommodation to
another individual, penalty. • SB 832 Firearm transactions; voluntary background checks,
clarification of provisions. • SB 833 Fines and court costs; community work in lieu of payment. • SB 833 Fines and court costs; community work in lieu of payment. • SB 834 Governor; efficiency and effectiveness review and assessment
of state departments, agencies, etc. • SB 835 Income tax, corporate; lowers tax rate to 2.5 percent. • SB 836 License taxes; if locality imposes tax upon business, tax
shall be based upon Va. taxable income. • SB 837 Electors for President and Vice President; allocation of
electoral votes by congressional district. • SB 838 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Scholarship Pilot
Program; VCCS to establish, report. • SB 841 Marijuana; possession or distribution for medical purposes,
affirmative defense for treatment. • SB 842 Portsmouth, City of; amending charter, repeals Civil Service
Commission. • SB 843 Biennial appropriation act; Commonwealth's appropriations
shall start on July 1 of odd-numbered yrs. • SB 844 Absentee voting; no-excuse in-person available 21 days prior
to election. • SB 845 Absentee voting; eligibility of certain caregivers. • SB 846 Virginia Interim Redistricting Commission; criteria for remedial
redistricting plans. • SB 847 Paid family leave; Commissioner of Labor and Industry to
develop an implementation plan for program. • SB 849 Income tax, state; creates a deduction for small business
owners. • SB 850 Correctional Officer Procedural Guarantee Act; created. • SB 851 Weekend jail time; replaces the provision limiting
nonconsecutive days. • SB 857 Conditional rezoning; certain conditional rezoning proffers,
floor area ratio. • SB 858 Discontinued cases; court has discretion to reinstate case.
• SB 859 Spousal support; termination upon payor's retirement. • SB 860 Use of handheld personal communications devices while
driving; penalty. • SB 861 Preliminary protective orders; contents of order. • SB 862 Driving after forfeiture of license. • SB 863 Operating a motor vehicle; obstructed view; secondary
offense. • SB 871 Third-party registration groups; registration, disclosure,
and recordkeeping requirements, etc. • SB 876 Kinship Guardianship Assistance program. • SB 877 Regulations governing hospitals; facilities performing
abortions. • SB 878 Congressional and state legislative districts. • SB 879 Retired circuit court judges under recall; qualification by
Committees for Courts of Justice. • SB 881 Va Retirement System (VRS); receipt of retirement allowance
while employed in a covered position. • SB 882 Absentee voting; eligibility of any registered voter. • SB 883 Expungement of police and court records; costs. • SB 884 Waste and recycling charges; liens. • SB 885 Tests for infection with human immunodeficiency virus or
hepatitis B, C virus; order of magistrate. • SB 887 Prioritization of statewide transportation projects;
exceptions. • SB 888 Civil immunity; emergency services and communications. • SB 890 Ignition interlock; time for installation. • SB 892 Absentee voting; deadline for requesting absentee ballot by
means other than in person. • SB 893 Firearm locks required for sale or transfer of handguns;
warning against accessibility to children. • SB 895 Inpatient psychiatric hospital admission; defendant found
incompetent. • SB 900 Budget Bill. • SB 901 Park authority liability; immunity. • SB 902 Primary elections; voter registration by political party. • SB 905 Redevelopment and housing authority; compensation of
commissioners. • SB 908 Marijuana; decriminalization of simple marijuana possession.
• SB 914 Reduction of amount of lien for medical services paid for by
the Commonwealth. • SB 915 Firearm transfers; penalties. • SB 917 Electric utility regulation; agricultural net energy
metering. • SB 918 Renewable energy; third-party power purchase agreements. • SB 921 Commonwealth Transportation Board; statewide prioritization
process. • SB 923 Grand larceny; threshold. • SB 924 Gov Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act; use of
personal inform. by law enforcement. • SB 925 Plastic bag tax in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. • SB 929 Northern Virginia Transportation Authority; membership
composition. • SB 930 Conservation and replacement of trees; land development
processes. • SB 931 Va Freedom of Information Act; working papers and
correspondence exempt.for presidents of higher ed. • SB 933 DCJS training; jail officers; mental health first aid. • SB 937 Office of the Children's Ombudsman. • SB 938 Smoking in outdoor public place; locality regulation. • SB 939 Line of Duty Act; death benefit eligibility; Department of
Military Affairs employees. • SB 940 Mental health screening of prisoners at local correctional
facilities. • SB 942 Deaths of inmates in local correctional facilities; review
by State Board of Corrections. • SB 943 Alcoholic beverage control; location of government stores. •
SB 945 Examining and approving a statement in lieu of the
settlement of accounts; fee for commissioner. • SB 952 False statements to members of the General Assembly; state
employees and appointees. • SB 954 Toll violations. • SB 955 Certain educational institutions; designation of governing
boards. • SB 956 County food and beverage tax. • SB 957 Recordings; destruction or seizure by a law-enforcement
officer. • SB 958 Disclosure of information regarding former deputy sheriffs
and law-enforcement officers. • SB 959 Va Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; landlord to inspect
vacated dwelling for abandoned animals. • SB 970 Alcoholic beverage control (ABC); food-to-beverage ratio for
certain mixed beverage licensees. • SB 971 Alcoholic beverage control; purchase of wine by restaurant
from retailer. • SB 972 Requests for information by members of the General Assembly;
responses not subject to redaction. • SB 978 Minimum wage. • SB 979 Elections; absentee voting; no-excuse, in-person. • SB 980 Statewide Fire Prevention Code; State Fire Marshal; consumer
fireworks; penalties. • SB 983 Children from birth to age five who are deaf, deaf-blind, or
hard-of-hearing; parent resource. • SB 984 Water Quality Improvement Fund; water reuse facilities. • SB 985 Higher education; in-state tuition. • SB 986 Higher education; in-state tuition. • SB 986 Higher education; in-state tuition. • SB 987 Higher education; in-state tuition. • SB 993 Lease agreements; late charge. • SB 995 Student discipline; long-term suspension. • SB 996 Public schools; student discipline. • SB 997 Public schools; student discipline. • SB 998 Department of Motor Vehicles; availability of accident
reports. • SB 1000 Officer-involved shootings; model policy for investigations;
disclosure of report. • SB 1002 Absentee voting; no-excuse, in-person available 21 days
prior to election. • SB 1004 Judicial discretion for toll violations. • SB 1007 Study; Dept of Behavioral Health and Medical Assist Serv.
Involuntary Mental Commitment Fund. • SB 1010 Virginia Casino Gaming Commission; regulation of casino
gaming; penalties. • SB 1011 Virginia Casino Gaming Commission; regulation of casino
gaming; penalties. • SB 1012 Lottery Board; regulation of casino gaming; penalties. • SB 1013 Host Localities Economic Development Incentive and
Transportation Support Funds; created, etc. • SB 1014 Water public utilities; rate increases. • SB 1015 Public schools; kindergarten instructional time. • SB 1016 Absentee voting; entitles persons age 65 or older on date of
an election to vote absentee. • SB 1017 School attendance officer; powers and duties. • SB 1022 Toll operators and HOT lanes operators; annual report to
VDOT. • SB 1028 Immunizations; posting of reports on individual school's
website. • SB 1029 Virginia taxable income; deduction for personal exemptions.
• SB 1030 Nursery stock licenses; late fee for failure to renew within
30 days of expiration date. • SB 1035 Student loan servicers; student loan ombudsman. • SB 1036 Virginia Student Loan Refinancing Authority; established,
report. • SB 1038 Open-end credit plans. • SB 1039 Protective orders; possession of firearms; felony. • SB 1047 DCJS training standards; community engaged policing. • SB 1049 Firearms; administration of machine gun registry,
nonresident concealed handgun permits. • SB 1051 Voter registration at the Department of Motor Vehicles;
opt-out voter registration. • SB 1052 Terrorist organization, designated; providing material
support or resources, exemptions, penalty. • SB 1053 Student loans; licensing of qualified education loan
servicers, report, civil penalties. • SB 1055 Remaining at place of riot or unlawful assembly after
warning to disperse; penalty. • SB 1056 Crossing established police lines, perimeters, or
barricades; penalty. • SB 1057 Injuries to property or persons by persons unlawfully or
riotously assembled; penalty. • SB 1058 Riots; unlawful assembly, penalty. • SB 1059 Election day voter registration; State Board of Elections to
develop a pilot program, report. • SB 1064 Mental health awareness training; law enforcement officers,
firefighters, etc. • SB 1065 Judges; increases number in general district court in 25th
Judicial District. • SB 1066 Petition for writ of actual innocence. • SB 1067 Assault and battery of private police officers; penalty. • SB 1068 Ski resorts; penalties. • SB 1070 Speed monitoring systems. • SB 1071 Virginia Law Officers' Retirement System; conservation
officers. • SB 1072 Sex offenses prohibiting proximity to children; penalty. • SB 1076 My Virginia Plan Program; retirement plans for employees of
private employers. • SB 1077 Disabled parking placards; certification by mental health
professional to DMV a person's disability. • SB 1078 Catawba Hospital; DBHDS to develop a plan to expand, report.
• SB 1079 Dam Safety, Flood Prevention and Protection Assistance Fund;
disbursement of moneys. • SB 1080 Equal pay irrespective of sex. • SB 1081 Divorce or dissolution of marriage; award of life insurance.
• SB 1082 School principals; incident reports. • SB 1087 Higher education; in-state tuition. • SB 1088 Higher educational institutions, public; fixed four-year
tuition rate. • SB 1089 Public schools; Standards of Learning assessments. • SB 1090 Computer trespass; computer invasion of privacy, penalty,
civil relief. • SB 1092 Motor vehicle fuels; establishes a floor on sales tax
imposed in Northern Virginia. • SB 1093 Campaign finance; contribution limits, civil penalty. • SB 1094 Manufactured Home Lot Rental Act; right of resident upon
eviction from a manufactured home park. • SB 1095 Electric utility regulation; suspension of reviews of
earnings, Transitional Rate Period. • SB 1096 Virginia Property Owners' Association Act; home-based businesses,
licensed child care provider. • SB 1097 James River; designating additional segment as a scenic
river. • SB 1099 Standards of Quality; assessments terms. • SB 1103 FOIA; closed meeting violations, civil penalty. • SB 1106 Made in Appalachia Initiative; refundable tax credits. • SB 1107 Sales and use tax; prohibits any requirement that a dealer
remit accelerated payments, exception. • SB 1109 State-level charitable contribution deductions; elimination
of certain deductions. • SB 1110 Utility Facilities Act; associated facilities of an
electrical transmission line. • SB 1111 School calendar; adds to "good cause"
circumstances for waiver of school opening. • SB 1112 Firearms; control of possession in chambers of local
governing bodies. • SB 1114 Virginia Veteran Entrepreneurship Grant Program and Fund. • SB 1115 State Police, Department of; development, management, and
operation of information technology. • SB 1119 Workers' compensation; presumption of compensability for
certain diseases. • SB 1120 Workers' compensation; volunteer firemen and emergency
medical services personnel. • SB 1121 Military personnel, certain; eligibility of dependents for
in-state tuition. • SB 1124 Adultery; civil penalty. • SB 1125 Virginia Consumer Protection Act; open-end credit plans. • SB 1126 Consumer finance companies; Internet loans, report. • SB 1128 FOIA; failure to respond to request for records, rebuttable
presumption. • SB 1130 Small Business and Supplier Diversity, Department of;
implementation of certification programs. • SB 1130 Small Business and Supplier Diversity, Department of;
implementation of certification programs. • SB 1131 Absentee voting; eligibility of certain persons. • SB 1132 Absentee voting; entitles persons age 65 or older on date of
an election to vote absentee. • SB 1133 Voter referendum; independent redistricting commission. • SB 1135 Inoperable vehicles James City County. • SB 1137 Neighborhood assistance tax credits; reduces amount of
credit of value for certain donations. • SB 1138 Computer trespass; government computers and computers used
for public utilities, penalty. • SB 1139 Vested property rights; nonconforming uses. • SB 1141 Certificate of public need; psychiatric beds and services. •
SB 1142 Campaign finance; filing and reporting requirements
applicable to certain tax-exempt organizations. • SB 1145 Riparian planting grounds lease; eligibility. • SB 1146 Jail inmates; costs of medical treatment. • SB 1147 Companion animals; changes penalty to Class 6 felony for
cruelty to animals. • SB 1149 Virginia Initiative for Employment Not Welfare; transitional
support services, time limit. • SB 1151 Local towing advisory board; membership. • SB 1152 Juvenile offenders; parole eligibility. • SB 1155 Termination of parental rights; manufacture of
methamphetamine in presence of child. • SB 1156 Virginia Public Building Authority; Military Mission
Improvement and Expansion projects. • SB 1157 Lobbyist disclosure; reporting by certain political
subdivisions. • SB 1161 Alcoholic beverage control; food sale requirements. • SB 1162 Teacher licensure; industry certification credential, local
waiver. • SB 1163 School principals; incident reports. • SB 1166 Insurance; preauthorization for abuse-deterrent opioids. • SB 1167 Education programs; allocation of unissued tax credits. • SB 1170 Specially constructed vehicles for general transportation
purposes; registration. • SB 1171 Public employment; inquiries by state agencies and
localities regarding criminal convictions. • SB 1174 Fines and court costs; community work in lieu of payment. • SB 1181 Virginia Retirement System; return to employment by retired
public safety employees. • SB 1183 Police service; civil penalty when excessive number of calls
from same property. • SB 1184 Motor vehicles; prohibits leaving vehicles unattended and
running. • SB 1185 Firearms; person to report loss or theft within 24 hours. • SB 1186 All-terrain vehicles, mopeds, and off-road motorcycles;
subject to motor vehicle tax. • SB 1187 Law-enforcement vehicles; permits vehicles to be equipped
with steady-burning blue or red lights. • SB 1188 Driver's license; suspension of license for nonpayment of
fines and court costs. • SB 1190 Judicial training; law related to rights of persons of
legitimate interest in custody, etc. • SB 1194 Firearm transfers; criminal history record information
checks, penalty. • SB 1197 Small renewable energy projects; State Corporation
Commission to review construction, etc. • SB 1198 Operators of emergency vehicles; completion of Emergency
Vehicle Operator's Course. • SB 1199 Blind parents; custody or visitation rights. • SB 1200 Voter identification requirements; repeal of photo
identification requirements. • SB 1204 Sale of dog or cat not obtained from releasing agency or
animal rescue. • SB 1206 Redistricting process. • SB 1208 Electric utilities; community renewable projects. • SB 1209 Virginia Highway Corporation Act of 1988; powers of State
Corporation Commission. • SB 1212 Veterans Services, Board of; membership, duties. • SB 1213 Life and accident and sickness insurance; notice of lapse of
policy, contract, or plan. • SB 1214 School health services; training in administration of
insulin, etc. • SB 1215 Public schools; possession of glucagon. • SB 1218 Cats or dogs; killing of companion animals. • SB 1219 Property transportation network companies; required to
provide motor vehicle liability coverage. • SB 1220 Telemedicine, practice of; prescribing controlled
substances. • SB 1222 Acute psychiatric patient registry; DBHDS to develop and
administer. • SB 1223 Riding bicycle, electric personal assistive mobility device,
etc., while intoxicated; penalty. • SB 1227 Drug Treatment Court Act; eligibility. • SB 1233 Temporary detention; certified evaluators. • SB 1235 Family life education; implementation of SOL for program. • SB 1236 Candidate petitions; reduces number of signatures required
for statewide candidates. • SB 1238 Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority; Chief
Executive Officer, powers and duties. • SB 1241 Female genital mutilation; criminal penalty and civil
action. • SB 1243 Va. Parental Choice Education Savings Accounts; established,
definitions, report, effective clause. • SB 1244 Glucagon; administration by emergency medical services
providers. • SB 1246 At-Risk Youth and Families, Comprehensive Services for;
special education programs. • SB 1247 Regulation of private wells. • SB 1249 Income tax, state; credit for certain disabled veterans,
etc. • SB 1252 Absentee voting; signature verification. • SB 1256 Third-party registration groups; registration and disclosure
requirements. • SB 1259 Conveyance of utility easements; transportation. • SB 1262 Sanctuary cities; liability for certain injuries and damages
caused by an illegal alien. • SB 1263 Cats and dogs; lifetime licenses. • SB 1264 Virginia Telephone Privacy Protection Act; unwanted
telephone solicitation calls prohibited. • SB 1266 Firearms; access by children, penalty. • SB 1267 Firearms; carrying in public while intoxicated, etc.,
penalty. • SB 1268 Localities; public hearings for tax rate increases. • SB 1269 Marijuana; decriminalization of simple possession. • SB 1271 Alcoholic beverage control; rental of draft truck by retail
licensee. • SB 1275 Va. Public Procurement Act; use of best value contracting,
construction and professional services. • SB 1277 Law-enforcement vehicles; permits vehicles to be equipped
with steady-burning blue or red lights. • SB 1278 Child pornography; discretionary sentencing guideline
midpoints for possession. • SB 1280 Driver's license; suspension for nonpayment of fines or
costs. • SB 1281 Substance abuse treatment upon conviction of a crime;
recovery community organization. • SB 1281 Substance abuse treatment upon conviction of a crime;
recovery community organization. • SB 1290 Prisoners; orders permitting to work on public works
projects. • SB 1291 Well permit applications; disclosure of trade secrets. • SB 1292 FOIA; trade secrets submitted to the Department of Mines,
Minerals and Energy. • SB 1294 Conflicts of Interests Acts, State and Local Government and
General Assembly; prohibited gifts. • SB 1295 Early voting; any registered voter allowed to vote early in
any election in which he is qualified. • SB 1297 Concealed weapons; nonduty status active military personnel
may carry. • SB 1298 Marijuana; possession or distribution for medical purposes,
affirmative defense for treatment. • SB 1301 Health insurance; balance billing. • SB 1302 Write-in votes; duties of local electoral boards. • SB 1306 Industrial hemp; license to grow outside of research
program. • SB 1314 Retail Sales and Use Tax; spirits sold at government stores.
• SB 1317 Spousal support; military disability benefits not considered
income. • SB 1326 Medicare; supplement policies for individuals under age 65.
• SB 1327 Doctors; licensure of medical science. • SB 1329 Cigarettes; all localities allowed to impose a tax. • SB 1335 Electronic textbooks; prohibits local school boards from
requiring use in any course in grades 6-12. • SB 1336 Sales and use tax; school supplies and hurricane
preparedness sales tax holidays. • SB 1337 Claims; Davey Reedy. • SB 1338 Bicycle lane; penalty for driver to pass another vehicle
using lane. • SB 1339 Careless driving; infliction of injury on vulnerable road
user. • SB 1340 Towing; regulations. • SB 1344 In camera interviews of child; court's discretion to conduct
recording or transcript. • SB 1345 Driver privilege cards; issuance of new cards by DMV. • SB 1346 Associate-degree-granting institutions; transfer of credit
information. • SB 1348 Death penalty; severe mental illness. • SB 1349 Coastal Protection and Flooding Adaptation, Secretary for;
creates position, effective clause. • SB 1351 Medicare; supplement policies for individuals under age 65.
• SB 1353 Higher educational institutions; primary duties of members
of governing boards. • SB 1354 Comprehensive plan; telecommunications towers and facilities
in Northern Virginia. • SB 1355 Riparian owner; dredging a navigable channel, oyster or clam
grounds. • SB 1356 Informal truancy plans; students with multiple discretionary
diversions. • SB 1357 Alcoholic beverage control; tastings conducted by
manufacturers, wine and beer wholesalers, etc. • SB 1358 Alcoholic beverage control; point of sale advertising
materials. • SB 1361 Food donation; tax credit for restaurants that donate
prepared food or meals. • SB 1365 Statewide Fire Prevention Code; authority of Va. Fire
Services Bd., fees for school inspections. • SB 1368 Foreclosure advertisements; posted at courthouse and on
local government or circuit court website. • SB 1372 Consumer finance loans; rate of interest. • SB 1373 Group homes; written notice prior to issuance of license. • SB 1375 Certificate of Public Need program; established, changes to
MCFCPN program, report. • SB 1377 Computer trespass; penalty. • SB 1378 Computer crimes; penalties. • SB 1379 Higher educational institutions; governing board to
implement a plan to reduce in-state tuition. • SB 1380 Regional school boards; full-time virtual school programs. •
SB 1381 Discontinued cases; court has discretion to reinstate case.
• SB 1383 Coal ash; treatment by utilities, recycling. • SB 1385 Law-enforcement officer; definition, municipal park rangers
training. • SB 1386 Income tax, state; creates a new tax bracket for small
businesses. • SB 1388 Electric utilities; margin on solar energy power purchase agreements.
• SB 1389 Higher educational institutions; letter certifying good
standing of certain students. • SB 1392 Geothermal heat pump property expenditure; establishes a tax
credit for taxable years 2017-2021. • SB 1396 Norfolk Southern Railway right-of-way; public transit or
multimodal transportation projects. • SB 1397 Child day programs; exemptions from licensure. • SB 1399 Coal combustion by-product impoundments; closure
requirements. • SB 1400 Poker; definition of illegal gambling and charitable gaming.
• SB 1401 Virginia Property Owners' Association Act; lot owner
representation on association board. • SB 1402 Oyster-planting ground; Marine Resources Commission to determine
ground use plan. • SB 1404 Medical Assistance Services, Department of; eligibility for
services under waiver. • SB 1405 Higher educational institutions, public; notice of proposed
tuition increase. • SB 1406 Improper driving; penalty. • SB 1407 Human trafficking identification and awareness training;
DCJS to adopt regulations. • SB 1408 Step therapy protocols; disclosures. • SB 1409 Reckless driving; raises threshold for speeding. • SB 1410 Congressional and state legislative districts; compactness
standard. • SB 1411 Statewide Fire Prevention Code; authorizes use of consumer
fireworks, penalties. • SB 1419 Temporary detention order; minimum time period for person to
be held. • SB 1420 Incapacitated persons; abuse and neglect, financial
exploitation, penalty. • SB 1422 Law enforcement, local; fees for concealed handgun permits,
courthouse and courtroom security. • SB 1423 Electric utilities; viewshed mitigation payments. • SB 1424 Abortion; informed written consent. • SB 1426 Education improvement scholarships; increases tax credit. • SB 1427 Education improvement scholarships tax credit;
pre-kindergarten eligibility. • SB 1428 Education improvement scholarships tax credit; eligibility
of students with a disability. • SB 1432 Excusable or justifiable self-defense; costs and attorney
fees in civil or criminal cases. • SB 1433 Consumer fireworks; regulation of sale, permit issued by
Board of Housing and Community Development. • SB 1435 Motor Vehicles, Department of; regulation of property
carriers. • SB 1436 Virginia Freedom of Information Act; expands definition of
public body. • SB 1439 Firearms; transfers to a non-licensed dealer. • SB 1440 Concealed handgun; eligibility to carry openly within
Commonwealth. • SB 1441 Absentee voting; eligibility of persons whose polling place
prohibits firearms. • SB 1441 Absentee voting; eligibility of persons whose polling place
prohibits firearms. • SB 1442 Prisoners; mental health screening at local correctional
facilities. • SB 1443 Firearms; removal from persons posing substantial risk,
penalties. • SB 1444 Restricted firearm ammunition; use or attempted use in the
commission of a crime, penalty. • SB 1445 Criminal cases; admissibility of prior inconsistent
statements. • SB 1446 Insurance agent licensing; motor vehicle rental contract
enrollers, etc. • SB 1449 Red Tape Reduction Commission; established, report. • SB 1450 Concealed handguns; permit holders' possession on property
of public higher educational institution. • SB 1451 Motion picture production; amends tax credit. • SB 1452 Marijuana; possession or distribution for medical purposes.
• SB 1453 Firearms; prohibited at certain preschools and child day
centers. • SB 1454 Illegal voter registration; penalties. • SB 1456 Motor vehicle fuels; definitions, sales tax in certain
transportation districts, price floor. • SB 1457 Utility vegetation management activities; notices to
property owners required, civil penalties. • SB 1458 Dangerous weapons; authorization of place of religious
worship to carry to such place. • SB 1460 Real property, certain; orders of publication proceeding to
enforce lien. • SB 1464 Firearms; restoration of rights of convicted felons. • SB 1466 Workers' compensation; infectious disease presumption for
correctional officers. • SB 1468 Tow truck drivers and towing and recovery operators; civil
penalty for improper towing. • SB 1471 Virginia Alternative Energy and Coastal Protection Act; established,
report. • SB 1472 Workers' compensation; accident reports, filing claims,
civil penalty. • SB 1474 Arrest; resisting law-enforcement officers, etc. • SB 1476 Education, Department of; training for hearing officers in
teacher dismissal hearings. • SB 1477 Students with blindness or visual impairments; evaluation of
students, Braille instruction. • SB 1478 Restitution; modification of terms and conditions of payment
plan. • SB 1480 Malicious impersonation by computer; penalty. • SB 1481 Judicial Candidate Evaluation Committee; procedures used by
the Va. State Bar to evaluate, etc. • SB 1482 SHHR; certain waivers under the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program. • SB 1485 Tax credits; expiration of certain tax credits. • SB 1488 Appointed counsel; compensation of services. • SB 1489 Workers' compensation; presumption that death or disease due
to coal pneumoconiosis. • SB 1490 Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act; applying for and
casting military-overseas ballots. • SB 1491 Agritourism activity; definition to include rental of a
single-family residence. • SB 1495 Marriage; suits to annul. • SB 1496 Virginia Alternative Energy and Coastal Protection Act;
established, report. • SB 1499 Virginia Riverboat Gaming Commission; created, regulation,
penalties. • SB 1500 School Health Advisory Board; established, report. • SB 1502 Hate crimes; adds to list of crimes that a
multi-jurisdiction grand jury may investigate. • SB 1503 Central absentee voter precincts; expedited counting of
absentee ballots. • SB 1504 Virginia Health Workforce Development Authority; career
pathway. • SB 1505 Child support orders; placement in temporary custody of or
commitment to Dept. of Juvenile Justice. • SB 1510 Handheld photo speed monitoring devices; use by State Police
in work zones. • SB 1513 Health insurance; assignment of benefits. • SB 1515 Existing buildings; manual entry door hardware. • SB 1517 School transportation; fees. • SB 1518 Recycling; beneficial use. • SB 1519 Meningococcal conjugate; immunizations, requirement of one
dose before child enters sixth grade. • SB 1520 Property tax; notice by locality of public hearing of tax
increase. • SB 1521 Immigrant Assistance, Office of; created in Department of
Social Services. • SB 1522 Vehicles bearing clean special fuel license plates; use of
high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes. • SB 1524 Hate crimes; criminal acts against persons because of
gender, etc. • SB 1525 Hunting dogs; civil action for trespass by hunters using
dogs. • SB 1526 Income-producing realty; income data. • SB 1528 Virginia Public Procurement Act; small business and
microbusiness procurement enhancement program. • SB 1529 Aquaculture; protection of use in an agricultural zone. • SB 1531 Teachers, qualified; creates dependent care tax credit. • SB 1536 Toll facilities; operator in Northern Virginia to inform
motorists of toll price. • SB 1537 School board employees, certain; training program on
bullying. • SB 1540 Tax credits, certain; aggregate caps. • SB 1541 Financial institutions; confidentiality of information. • SB 1543 Presidential candidates; federal tax and state income tax
returns required. • SB 1544 Food and beverage tax; York County authorized to impose. • SB 1545 Income tax, state; credit for budget surplus. • SB 1547 Campaign finance; prohibited personal use, penalty. • SB 1549 Abortions; informed written consent. • SB 1550 Women's Right to Vote, Commission for Commemoration of;
established. • SB 1551 Central Virginia Training Center; closure prohibited without
General Assembly authorization. • SB 1554 Accomack-Northampton Transportation District Commission;
membership. • SB 1556 Education, Board of; graduation requirements. • SB 1557 Community health workers; VDH to establish work group to
examine risks, etc. • SB 1560 Child pornography; accused person possesses and produces
pornography, penalties. • SB 1562 Medicaid Supplemental Rate Fund; created. • SB 1563 Discovery in criminal cases; duty to provide. • SB 1565 Higher educational institutions; tuition increases. • SB 1566 Certificate of Public Need program; established, report. • SB 1567 Absentee ballots; eligibility of persons age 65 or older. • SB 1568 Buses and taxicabs; digital advertisements. • SB 1569 Water and sewer fees; calculation factors. • SB 1570 Virtual Virginia; availability to all public middle and high
schools. • SB 1571 Special elections; provisional ballots, determination of
results. • SB 1571 Special elections; provisional ballots, determination of
results. • SB 1572 DPOR; regulation of land surveyor photogrammetric. • SB 1575 Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board; appraisal management
companies, compensation of appraisers. • SB 1579 Short-term rental; affirms rights of localities to regulate
rental of property. • SB 1582 Virginia Farm Pride Beef label; VDACS authorized to use on
certified beef products. • SB 1584 High school graduation; verified credit, locally selected,
recognized academic assessments. • SB 1585 Form of ballot; party identification of candidates. • SB 1589 Alcoholic beverage control; spirits tastings by distiller
licensee. • SB 1590 Health insurance; coverage for autism spectrum disorder. • SB 1592 Juvenile & domestic relations district court;
jurisdiction over juveniles not present in U.S. • SB 1593 Candidates in elections; prohibited contributions. • SJ 2 Constitutional amendment marriage; marriage (first reference).
• SJ 4 Constitutional amendment; Governor's term of office. • SJ 7 Constitutional amendment; real property tax exemption for
certain primary residences. • SJ 9 Constitutional amendment; marriage (first reference). • SJ 12 Constitutional amendment; qualifications to vote,
restoration of civil rights (first reference). • SJ 32 Constitutional amendment; marriage (first reference). • SJ 34 Constitutional amendment; Governor's term of office. • SJ 47 Constitutional amendment; exemption from taxation of certain
motor vehicles (first reference). • SJ 50 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); Governor's term
of office. • SJ 60 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission
established, criteria. • SJ 68 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission
established. • SJ 79 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission
established. • SJ 81 Teacher salary scale; JLARC to study compression in local
school divisions, etc. • SJ 84 Public transportation services; DRPT to evaluate study
necessary to identify, etc. • SJ 86 Pay It Forward, Pay It Back; SCHEV to study feasibility of
implementing. • SJ 113 Constitutional amendment; term limits for members of General
Assembly. • SJ 119 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission
established. • SJ 120 Constitutional amendment; qualifications of Governor,
residency requirement (first reference). • SJ 216 Constitutional amendment marriage; marriage (first
reference). • SJ 217 Constitutional amendment; Governor's term of office (first
reference). • SJ 220 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); marriage. • SJ 221 United States Constitution; Ratifies Equal Rights Amendment.
• SJ 222 Constitutional amendment; qualifications to vote,
restoration of civil rights. • SJ 223 Constitutional amendment; qualification of voters and
executive clemency (first reference). • SJ 224 Constitutional amendment; General Assembly term limits
(first reference). • SJ 225 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications
of Governor; residency requirement. • SJ 226 Constitutional amendment; registration of voters (first
reference). • SJ 227 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); Governor's term
of office. • SJ 229 Firearm registration; Va. State Crime Commission to study
cost of establishing program. • SJ 230 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission,
criteria to redraw certain districts. • SJ 231 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission,
criteria to redraw certain districts. • SJ 232 United States Constitution; application for a convention of
states, balancing the federal budget. • SJ 233 Noise abatement remedies; VDOT to develop procedures to
measure and assess in certain neighborhoods. • SJ 234 Spay-neuter programs; Va. Department of Agriculture and
Consumer Services to study. • SJ 240 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); charter
schools. • SJ 242 Study; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission; free
community college; report. • SJ 243 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications
to vote; restoration of civil rights. • SJ 246 Study; inland port facility in the Roanoke Region and New
River Valley; report. • SJ 247 Study; JLARC to review total compensation to employees of
the Commonwealth; report. • SJ 248 Study; JLARC to study feasibility of allocating a larger
portion of VA Lottery prize money. • SJ 253 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications
of voters and executive clemency. • SJ 254 Study; State Council of Higher Education for Va; applied
baccalaureate degrees. • SJ 255 Study; Va State Crime Commission to study indigent defense
system. • SJ 257 Study; Jt Comm on Health Care to study options for
increasing the use of telemental health services. • SJ 260 Constitutional amendment; Virginia Redistricting Commission
established (first reference). • SJ 263 Encouraging the Governor and all agencies of the
Commonwealth to recognize best practices. • SJ 266 Study; Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission;
staffing ratio requirements assisted living. • SJ 269 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); Virginia
Redistricting Commission. • SJ 270 Commending the Salem High School football team. • SJ 272 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications
to vote; restoration of civil rights. • SJ 274 Study; JLARC; Department of Elections; report. • SJ 278 Study; local government fiscal stress; report. • SJ 279 Joint Subcommittee to Study Mental Health Services in the
Commonwealth in the Twenty-First Century. • SJ 280 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); apportionment;
political considerations prohibited. • SJ 281 Study; long-term economic viability of working waterfronts;
report. • SJ 284 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); real property
tax; exemption for surviving spouse. • SJ 285 Study; Joint Commission on Health Care; sustainability of
the Prescription Monitoring Program. • SJ 289 Study; Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory
Council; local government officers. • SJ 290 Constitutional amendment; criteria for electoral districts
(first reference). • SJ 291 Study; Virginia State Crime Commission; decrease in driving
a motor vehicle while intoxicated. • SJ 292 Study; SCHEV; financial reserves; report. • SJ 296 Study; Joint Commission on Health Care; needs of older
adults who are incarcerated. • SJ 297 Coastal flooding adaptation and resiliency report; JLARC to
study. • SJ 299 Study; DMV; funding and customer service; report. • SJ 305 Commending August Wallmeyer. • SJ 311 Constitutional amendment; legislative review of
administrative rules (first reference). • SJ 312 U.S. Constitution; application for a convention of the
states. • SJ 319 Constitutional amendment (first resolution); qualifications
of voters and the right to vote. • SJ 321 Commending the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation. • SJ 321 Commending the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation. • SJ 380 Commending Stefanie Fee. • SJ 388 Commending Kenneth Mason Easley, Jr. • SJ 392 Commemorating the 50th anniversary of Loving v. Virginia,
388 U.S. 1 (1967). • SR 128 Commending Amherst Fire Department. • SR 131 Commending the Virginia Department of Forestry. • SR 139 Commending the Mathomank Village Tribe.
I’m not going to
get into comparisons or numbers or who voted for what. You can look all that
stuff up if you want but I hope you notice the vast array of subjects covered
here. Trees and Indians and fish and roads and environment and mental health
and budgets and…well the list goes on and on.
Speaking of
budgets, have you ever looked at where you money goes? The money your boss
takes out of your paycheck. Do you have any idea what you are buying?

Oh and by the
way, they will be knocking on your door and calling you up for more money
because in a few weeks they have to be re-elected. 

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