Friday, June 7, 2019


For a while back, things were delivered. The newspaper was on your doorstep every morning. Milk came in glass recyclable glass bottles. Even the doctor would deliver house calls.
Then I guess it got too expensive so grocery stores and hospitals required you to come to them.
Need a quart of milk when it is raining? Pull out the umbrella, climb in the car, drive to the nearest convenient store, pull out the umbrella and hope they have not run out of milk or the adventure will continue.
Not feeling so good in the middle of the night?  If you don’t want to call an ambulance for expensive transport, put a warm robe over your pajamas, find your keys in the dark and drive out to the local emergency room. Take plenty of tissues for you will be in the waiting room for some time.
Now we seem to be too lazy to even go shopping.
Why spend all that time driving from one auto dealership to another and searching through newspaper classified for the ‘best deal’ when you can sit at home comparing models, prices, features and will a click of the mouse your new car will be delivered to your driveway. Sign on the dotted line and you have a brand new shiny car without the hassle of haggling. They will even drag your old car away.
School buses will transport your children to school and deliver them back to you at the end of the day. Your dry cleaning is neatly pressed in a plastic bag and delivered to your door. Appliances and furniture are delivered.
For your convenience fast foods have drive thru windows so you don’t have to get out of your car on your commute.
Are you too lazy to walk the aisles pushing a wire cart looking for the perfect pasta under the fluorescent lighting, soft music and bountiful selections and price points? If that is too much trouble or you just don’t feel like cooking, pizza is delivered 24/7. Now grocery stores will take your selection on-line, send employees to pick-and-pack each requested item for you to drive by and place in your trunk. Isn’t that easy.
Just like the clothing you do not go to fashion stores to touch and try on and discuss with your friends; just click on your selection and it will be at your doorstop in minutes. Doesn’t fit? No problem there. Re-package and call for a return truck to take it away, and then make another selection. Warehouses are full of all sorts of stuff in every size and color and if they are out-of-stock you get a discount on your next selection.
Don’t have enough time to drag your sorry tuckus out of bed, just check your phone for free delivery.

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