Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Today is Dan Howell’s birthday. He’s 28. Do I know him? Is this important? Kodak Black is 22. Caden Conrique is 18. Nathan Triska is 20. Jake Webber is 21. Breanna Yde is 16. Sadie Robertson is 22. Wesley Tucker is 22. Claire Holt is 31. Who are these people? Celebrities on television or movie stars or pop performers or some sort of savant I’d not heard of? Maybe the next turn of the wheel they will all be replaced by a new list I won’t know? I should change the light bulb out front. Maybe tomorrow. Why do we have gender graduation robes? They are just choir robes with funky flat hats with tassels on it for no meaning what so ever. Blue cars seem to becoming popular around here. Need to spray the back corner to keep that squirrel that is so interested in it to stay away. What to do about those rats? Kids are now old enough to fight in their father’s war. Why don’t they draft girls? What was that sound? Should I make that call? Wesley told me about a movie he watched and I didn’t care. I need to get one of those cards. Those dogs just bark for my treats. Someone got shot today. Some wrecked their car today. My little Pony has a gay couple. If diversity is so important why aren’t there more trans or gay or Muslims or Immigrants or disabled or maybe some screaming drag queens in the Congress? Why not teach gunnery in school? They taught me how to shoot a gun. Did I kill anything? How many flags should fly on a flagpole? Would you go into a confessional with a stranger? Why is the bed squeaking? Let’s have a hearing, form a committee, make a report then have a hearing, form a committee, make a report then… did I miss anything on television? There are cameras everywhere but when will we see the guns in the grocery store? You are being spied on. If diversity is so important how many brothers did you invite to your last party? How many invited you? Seems we still have segregation at the Kentucky Derby? Where are all the immigrants sleeping? Who is feeding them? How many port-a-potties are necessary for all those folks? Where does the trash go? Who picks up the trash? If you were young and had freedom and fun, why do you have to grow up? We went to the moon for what? Plant a flag? Still don’t like asparagus but have grown to like okra. Need to wash tomorrow for I’m running out of underpants. Could all this wasted plastic be made into building blocks? Maybe roadways those are failing or roofs? Or plastic cars? There was no ice-cream truck this year. Why trim the grass on a graveyard? If people want to dye their hair, why can’t they get the part in the middle? Why does the president salute when not in uniform? You need someone else to figure what that thing on your back is. Who the heck is Dan Howell?

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