Wednesday, April 8, 2020

In the meantime…

While this all blows over or we realize this looking like cowboys or surgeons is the new normal, we wait.
Scanning the channels trying to find something of interest or pulling out the jig saw puzzles from the attic or finding new ways of solving an arithmetic problem or figure out a variation of Mac & Cheese, we wait.

Everyday there are more numbers and opinions and analysis and probability projections and uninformed predictions, but no one has a deadline or a maximum number of people who will die. We wait.
If this truly is the ‘end’ and we don’t sacrifice a lamb to splash the blood on our doorstep so the plague will pass over. Not so good for Lamb Chop but I’m the second born. We wait.
In the early evening, we wait for a bunch of old white folks to stand for two or three hours, telling us the same things they told us yesterday and waiting for the President to go off script with disbelief that he has been the Leader of the Free World for the past three years. There is no deadline. There is no solution. If this is a battle, we are losing. We wait.

The weather is getting warmer but now we are to wear a windscreen on our face. People wandering the streets looking for something to do in packs of family groups will soon become disruptive with no money, no job, no food with the fear of death hanging over their heads. We wait.
The jails are emptying of the least dangerous or violent (but possibly infected) to find a spot in the community. The military is starting to show symptoms but there is Hawkeye or Trapper John to keep them fit for battle. If all the doctors and nurses and EMS workers become ill, without the proper protective apparel, who will run all the new ventilators? We wait.

When there are two people who need a ventilator and there is only one, who makes the life and death decision? When the grocery runs out of food and all that is left are guns and alcohol, what do we expect? We wait.
November is not that long away and whether you are passionate about either party or your biases, will you stand in long lines in your mask waiting to check the box? If not, are you ready for a President to be re-elected by default? We wait.

Tomorrow a solution might come and that beach vacation can be enjoyed and going back to work will be a relief and getting a hug will be extra special or this could be the end of time and our little blue marble will be barren of our species and turn back into the garden of Eden. We wait.

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