Sunday, July 29, 2018

And they all fall down

Yesterday had an interesting moment that I’ll share with you.
It was a usual summer day. Bun-Bun was waiting outside the door then hopping over to the empty plate smacking her lips for blueberries. The usual procedure changing glasses from foggy to dark and applying lip balm, strapping on my fingerless gloves and an old helmet, then starting out on my usual path.
Since it is summer and it is warm, the pace is fairly slow past the usual cars and sidewalks and empty houses with an occasional woman walking her dog while talking on the phone or a sweaty jogger.
I look to my right and there is this man lying in the grass leaning on one arm. Next to him is an overturned pull cart. He is not struggling or crying out.
I ride by and wonder why he was examining the grass so closely. Then I started to think.
Had the man fallen and couldn’t get up? Had the man been attacked and knocked down? Had the man had a heart attack? Was he just checking some blade of grass or an interesting insect?
Should I go back or should I move on?
Let it be known I’m not one to get involved in other people’s business. I wave at nameless neighbors and familiar faces but don’t stop to chat.
With all my first aid training including CPR and defib, I am not EMS qualified render of aid and assistance. I’d just a soon check your wallet for cash rather than a phone number.
At the same time, I’ve fallen. As one gets older balance starts fading and the quick jump up and brush you off takes a bit longer. That situation will only grow more and more as time goes by.
What if that had been me? I’ve fallen in the backyard and who would know? There is no one who will come check on me. There is no one who will rush out and give assistance. That is my decision and I must deal with the possible consequences.
I tell the neighbors when they see the buzzards circling, they will know.
Funny? Maybe not for many old people die alone.
As I returned from my trip I looked up the street and saw the flashing lights of an ambulance at the spot I had passed. My mind was relieved that someone had come across the situation and had acted where I had not.
It is just another day in just another life.

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