Friday, July 13, 2018

Nasty Talk

It seems we can’t resist abusing one another. Everyday on our ‘social’ media there are post of potty mouth, offensive videos, and hateful comments and opinions.
Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits important for the success of the community. Closely linked to the concept of citizenship, civic virtue is often conceived as the dedication of citizens to the common welfare of their community even at the cost of their individual interests. The identification of the character traits that constitute civic virtue has been a major concern of political philosophy. The term civility refers to behavior between persons and groups that conforms to a social mode, as it being a foundational principle of society and law.
Everyday we turn on the news to reports of brutality, discourse, offensive behavior and it has become the ‘new’ normal. Like some sort of action movie, we are attracted to rude behavior and consequences that numb our moral spirit.
Everyone has an opinion and following the trail of denigrating, insulting and embarrassing insulting remarks by our elected leaders, do we need to chime in to rebuke our bad voting decisions?
You decide, but I won’t read it.

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