Thursday, January 31, 2019

Amazing Species

These Homo sapiens are incredible. Mixed in with all the other creatures and life forms on this spinning marble in space, these folks are not just satisfied to eat, sleep and have sex like all the others.
No, they are curious beast that not only wants to know how something works but also are inventive enough to build skyscrapers, rocket ships, highways, transportation devices, handbags and high heels.
They have created languages and written forms to communicate to each other without having to sniff each behind. They have even found a method of visually recording each event to share with the others around the globe.
These guys and gals never have a dull moment for they slide down mountains and then climb back up again, they dive the deepest waters and fly with the birds. They also like to taste the fruit of the grape to excess and speed into a tree or jump off roofs just to prove they are not as smart as they think they are.
They are kind of quirky too. They bury their dead (rather than just let them rot like everything else) and then later dig them up calling it archaeology.
Oh, what a lot, these Homo sapiens are.
Got to love them or there would be no reason to watch YouTube.

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