Tuesday, January 22, 2019


I’ve written so much about destiny and legacy, but reflection is something that happens with age.
Unless a monument or library or listing in a history book, what did you do?
What will be on your headstone beside last name and dates?
There, of course could be the classification of partnership to the person lying next to you in the ground.
If you had an impressive title or a high rank that could be etched in stone for eternity.
If you sex was successful to produce other human beings, you could list them for that is a contribution.
If you were an inventor or a creator or a performer (either for entertainment or politics) your contribution could be listed below.
If you were a scoundrel and cause havoc and dismay, which could be written on your gravestone as, ‘S.O.B.’ and your coffin would be put in upside down.
We’ve all made some sort of contribution that should be remembered.
I’m getting a statue made.

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