Thursday, January 31, 2019

It is all about the SEX

Frequent subject, but stop and think about it.

What are we here for? Why were we placed on this tiny planet? Why did we evolve into this species?

It is all about the SEX.

So here is the Almighty sitting back on a fluffy cloud smoking a Regius Double Corona and listening to cathedral angels playing harp versions of his (or her?) favorite renditions of what would become gospel, when he (or she?) decides to make the universe.

It was an interesting project that took him (or her?) a week to complete. Probably a side hobby from what God’s do normally.

In his (her?) ultimate wisdom he (she?) decides to take this one planet and give it LIFE. Why not all the planets?

That is for Neil deGrasse Tyson to figure out.

So, as the story goes, the Creator selects this one planet and makes a zoo out of it, populating it with all sorts of creatures big and small. These would have been nice pets in a Garden of Eden to romp and play and entertain the Lord of Lords, but he (or she?) wasn’t satisfied.

So here comes Adam (in the image of the maker) to wander this Earth alone with all these animals that would declare him dinner, but God still wasn’t finished tinkering with his (her?) new invention.

He (she?) may have become bored with watching Adam beating off or whatever perverted things this little horny was doing with the other animals so…God created Woman. Check it out. It is an interesting movie. It’s got Bridget Bardot. God knows his (her?) stuff.

Seems he (she?) had a logical intention of procreation of the species (I guess he (she?) told the animals and insects and stuff how to do it before?) but then things got out of hand.

While the Lord got distracted with a phone call or dinner or whatever else Yahweh does, the universe went all to hell.

Some will say it was a snake. Others will point to the genitalia difference but for whatever the reason, the couple did not favor the Omnipresent and were caste astray to wander this blue marble without instructions.

Now God, being a busy deity, had other things to do that were far beyond our comprehension. Who knows? Maybe he (or she?) had another universe with Klingons and Capt. Kirk or some Disney park to entertain him (her?) but he (she?) left this little marble for the descendants of A&E to maintain and keep clean.

So it is written that many adventures of floods and plagues then we started to kill each other and our creature neighbors became our history.

Just another button on the Lord’s remote to watch or skip; our actions have become an adventure channel of mayhem and disasters.

The sons and daughters of Adam and Eve have not done a very good job.

We may have become the Porn Channel for the Father (Mother?), Son (Daughter?) and Holy Spirit.

Until the Lord become’s bored with his failed experiment and deletes us into his sun shredder, our channel will continue to bungle and fumble along without commercials or fund raising interruptions.

We are God’s porn channels.

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