Thursday, January 31, 2019

I (heart emoji here) The Internet

It is true. I love the Internet. It is such a fun game. It has pictures and movies and sound and even silly connections between people. You never have to leave the chair.
I’m still an amateur to this technology but have watched it grow from its infancy to this bright and colorful mess of cyber annoyance. I saw the potential but waited until I found certain applications that were not just foolish children’s games and avoid much of the new nonsense.  
Not much of a reader at an early age, I did enjoy the Encyclopedia. Anything I wanted to know was in their volumes of printed knowledge that was not the Bible. Unfortunately, like any printed piece, once the ink dries on the page, it is out-of-date.
So this new fangled Internet gives me instant weather reports, news of the world updates, entertainment that does not require purchasing and communication without the use of a phone. I still have to pay for the delivery; the same as water and electricity, but the hours spent on reference alone is worth it.
The reference material is more than useful. As unfamiliar with social culture as I am, I get lost in conversational topics, beyond my understanding.
There is the Internet, where I can immediately search and find a multitude of information (true or false) but at least a seedling of an unknown subject.
Today’s example is someone had posted a meme on a Facebook stream about “If complaining about the polar vortex, seen apologies to Elsa”.
I do know about the chilly weather bundled in my sweater and seeing those images of foolish weather personnel standing outside to tell their viewers it is cold outside, but what is Elsa?
So to Google and sure enough a list and photos show that “Queen Elsa of Arendelle is a fictional character who appears in Walt Disney Animation Studios’ 53rd animated film “Frozen”. She is voiced primarily by Broadway actress and singer Idina Menzel. At the beginning of the film, she is voiced by Eva Bella as a young child and by Spencer Lacey Ganus as a teenager. Elsa has the magical ability to create and manipulate ice and snow.”
Now I know. I do know who Walt Disney was and have seen remarks about “Frozen” (though not a frame have I watched, for I have no kids) but if I was on some quiz show and was asked who “Eva Bella” was, I’d loose the chance at the washer/dryer unit without another call to Google.
Celebrities come and go but the news (fake or opinion) has to be compared by several sites to fact check. When television news became entertainment, I turned it off. The same could happen with the Internet?
Everyday, using different devices but maintaining contact to certain site, there are different nuances that show I am not alone. If I order over the Internet, I wait another month before ordering something else to make sure the monetary contact did not get hacked (past experience). My monthly bills are paid by paper check just for a reminder rather than convenience. The rest of the time is trying to block spam and realization that cyber knows more about me than I know about it.
Still on cold days of being caged inside, this Internet offers some fine entertainment that I can somewhat control.
Shut down.

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