Saturday, December 21, 2019

Books vs. Movies

How many times have you heard that the book was better than the movie?
Usually the book was written before the movie, but one requires the users imagination to visualize the words and the other is to just sit and watch what happens.
If you know the story from the book, there may be flaws in the movie while the movie might reaffirm the image in your mind.
So which is better?
A book is written by one or more people and edited and redefined and perhaps illustrated then pitched to a publisher to print (since most of us do not have a printing press and binders) then distributed and advertised to the public hopefully making a best selling list.
A movie requires a script and a cast of actors and a pile of equipment and crew and locations and permits and a deadline then editing and musical score and special effects within a budget to be distributed to certain venues with hopes of blockbuster ticket sales that will result in awards.
So which is better?
Radio is like listen to someone read a book but it is difficult to describe a painting or the smell of food. Listening to people eat just doesn’t satisfy the taste buds. Still it allows for the individuals to visualize in their own mind what is being said, like a conversation.
Television provides images in short snippets. It is radio with motion pictures. Unfortunately they are constantly interrupted by selling soap or motor vehicles or the latest gadget or gizmo.
All these methods are attempts to escape the reality of the cat fur ball in the corner or the stack of dishes in the sink or the constant calls from the bill collector.
For a few minutes we can slip away into a fantasy world of super heroes and children wizards.
They are all dreams while you are awake.

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