Saturday, December 7, 2019


Think you are living free?
Get over it. There are rules to obey.
Compulsory is required by law or a rule or obligatory.
Compulsory is involving or exercising compulsion or coercive.
Compulsory: If something is compulsory, you must do it or accept it, because it is the law or because someone in a position of authority says you must.
Compulsory education refers to a period of education that is required of all people and is imposed by the government. Depending on the country, this education may take place at a registered school or at home

Men must apply for draft cards with the possibility of compulsory military conscription.

Mandatory is something in which you’re bound to do anything whereas compulsory refers when something is essential.
Mandatory, compulsory, obligatory, essential, necessary, required.

What is the difference between statutory and mandatory training?
Statutory training is required to ensure that the organization is meeting any legislative duties. Mandatory training is an organizational requirement to limit risk and maintain safe working practice.

Voluntary done, given, or acting of one’s own free will.
Voluntary: Done in accordance with the conscious will of the individual. The opposite of involuntary.
The terms “voluntary” and “involuntary” apply to the human nervous system and its control over muscles. ... The autonomic (automatic or visceral) nervous system regulates individual organ function and is involuntary

Obligatory (comparative more obligatory, superlative most obligatory)

It makes sense to have compulsory education. Kids need to know how to speak, read and interact with others. Plus schools are a good place to put them while mom and dad are off earning money to buy school uniforms, lunches, sports gear, etc. Think of all the great jobs associated with schools. Teachers, principals, coaches, janitors, cooks, bus drivers, nurses, mental health workers and resource officers and probably more that were never there when I went to compulsory education.

Is it compulsory that kids learn? Must be because there are test.

Now that you are totally confused, think about procreation.

The act of reproduction (should be) voluntary, but should it be compulsory?
Everyone else is doing it. Is it a cultural standard or requirement?

There are laws, legal requirements punishable by fines that people who own property maintain within reasonable standards as accepted by the community. Homeowner associations probably have a set height for grass and send inspectors over with measuring devices to check.

Must you comply with society wishes when it doesn’t cause harm or expense to anyone else? What about the social obligation of marriage and then procreation?
Should voting be mandatory?

Chew on that awhile.

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