Thursday, December 12, 2019

The finer things in life

It may be what we all aspire to.
The jewelry, fancy cars, big houses, fine wines and elegant dining are the golden ring but can you reach it?
When you do have enough funds to acquire these material goods?
Can you appreciate the years of effort of crafts professionals and dedicated artisans who slave hours to tool meticulous finery to be purchased online?
Museums are full of what we value. Some can be purchased and brought home.
Gatherings can impress others with fine delicate china and candelabras and minted silver and lace, but the next day it will be the same.
Fully understand driving a gazillion dollar car must be finer than driving a ’59 Chevy but where are you going to park it? Not many Rolls Royce in the parking lot of the Tummy Temple. Check out the country club?
Impressing our friends and family and associates and strangers with items that cost more than it should gives an immediate envy factor but the reality will settle back on the shelf and have to be dusted off with your grandmother’s picture.
The “Rich and Famous” homes are fine for magazines to make those who know they can never purchase a home the size of a city but the truth is you can only live in one room at a time. The rest of the space is wasted.
Think about when you go to work.
You car sits in a parking lot for hours and your house is empty. How wealthy is that?
This is the season to replace or upgrade our ambition to present to the world our ability to afford to purchase delicate crafted crystal and prized paintings without understanding the effort of originality and thought, not only the repetitive attempts at perfection.
This is the season for the wonderment of children’s surprise and family and friends congregations without obligation to impress or reward.
Can we appreciate the wealth we have around us?

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