Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Drink Responsibly

Think about that statement.
Drink (which indicates alcoholic liquids) Responsibly (in a sensible or trustworthy manner).
Any of you teetotalers can bypass the rest of this rambling or pop open a bottle and follow along.
If you didn’t realize (or from another planet) we are constantly bombarded by persuasion to consume the vile concoctions of grape and grain.
While one faction abhors the use of alcohol, the other side says, “Let’s Par-tay!”
Stumbling from corner to corner, the foul liquid is available in every size and strength. Everyday there is a new brew to temp the thirst.
A hangover is your reward for over-consumption, but we all make jokes about it. Just another life’s lesson we didn’t learn.
Then the PSA announcements scorn those who will indulge and warnings of police stops checking for DUI violations don’t deter local drunkard from staggering to the car and endangering all the rest of us.
I drink from the forbidden fruit. I know my limit. I know beyond my limit. Still I continue as long as the availability and access and price is right.
So I wish you good luck through the holidays and hope you get home alive.

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