Sunday, December 8, 2019

How are you doing?

WAIT! Don’t ask that question or you will start an endless medical diagnosis of everything from trench foot to pimples to thinning hair and expanding belly to some medical explanation of a disease that will end your life unless you take some pills that sound like a Greek city.
At this age, meeting anyone of the similar years seems to require a life description of maladies and aches and pains. The response is to compare notes to see who is surviving better or lasting longer.
I remember my elders and they didn’t complain to the youngsters about their lack of mobility or forgetfulness. We just assumed they were not going out to play catch anymore and had to be reminded what our names were. Our parents were the buffer between old age and youth.
So not meeting ‘ole’ friends instead of talking about who they are hooking up with or what their kids are doing or what expensive purchase they have made, they tell tales of misery and pain.
I’ve not sat in any doctor’s office waiting room in some time but I imagine that is the discussion that goes on in there. Do they still have fish tanks?

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