Monday, May 27, 2019


Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, to the future.
Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience.
Time is often referred to as a fourth dimension, along with three spatial dimensions.
Time is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in both the International System of Units and International System of Quantities.
Time is used to define other quantities – such as velocity – so defining time in terms of such quantities would result in circularity of definition.
Time is also of significant social importance, having economic value as well as personal value, due to an awareness of the limited time in each day and in human life spans.
Time is all made up. We wrote it.

Bail Out

We bail hay. We bail out of jail. We bail out when things get rough.
So why do we need a bail out when there is a flood or a hurricane or a wild fire or other natural disaster?
Say the banks over extend their loans that will cover that mistake? The Federal Government comes in with a pile of cash to stabilize things. Shoot they print the money.
With all the regulations and expectations the workflow is depended on an insurance of federal backup.
When the reputation of business changes each manufacturer adjust to the ebb and flow of budget.
If a hurricane blows through and your roof gets blown off, what happens next?
The Red Cross will show up and give you coffee and blanket in the rain but that doesn’t compensate your bed and books and wet clothing.
The insurgent agent will answer your call and give you all the consolation while trying to figure what is covered from your policy.


Who is your sponsor? You need a sponsor. Life is expensive.
Someone needs to pay for ideas.
Today the weather is sponsored by….
The sports are sponsored by…
The economy is sponsored by…
The meat in the restaurant is sponsored by…
Your favorite rock band is sponsored by…
Your favorite athlete is sponsored by…
Your Politician is sponsored by…
Your employment is sponsored by…
Your family is sponsored by….
Your spouse is sponsored by…
You are sponsored by…

Pile of bricks

The other day I was detoured to the other end of the block due to the alley being blocked by another lawn maintenance truck and noticed every backyard had a pile of bricks.
Where did all these bricks come from?
Leftovers from uncompleted patios? Chimney repairs? Walls that were never finished?
What is strange is every house has some consistency of repetition.
Beyond the fact we all have roofs and windows and doors, seems we all have piles of bricks.
Taking a step deeper believes all these houses have combs. Hairbrushes. Toothbrushes. Sponges.
At some point there were lawnmowers in every house to be used by the head of the household every Saturday but that seems to have disappeared.
Still I imagine every house on the block has a washer/dryer for so few hang out their laundry to dry. A stove to heat up a leftover pizza is still necessary to sell the house. A refrigerator needs to cool veggies before they rot and use more energy than anything else in the house.
When all the lights go out and everyone will go to sleep to awake the next morning to their toothpaste and hairdryer just like their neighbor.

Deer In Headlights

Everyday I wander the same aisles and look at the same containers of continuances and wonder. What is everyone staring at?
There is a yellow bottle and a blue can and some white plastic containers with a pretty picture and some type readable or not and if investigated lots of tiny type explaining what the container wholes within it.
Then it is up to the participant in this game of survival in the modern world to place it in the basket to continue life. Or not?
The variety of selections has grown to a library of substances and mixtures that may keep us alive.
Thanks to advertising brands have been instilled to our memory of what is acceptable and what is foreign.
The foodie explorers will pick up spices and senses for a future mixture that might please the family or prove a disaster experiment.
I am a simple purchaser. I know where the items I wish to purchase are. They may try to hide them but I still find them.
Still I wonder of the folks who stand and stare at the shelf full of containers, like library books not understanding how to select.
My best example is dudes trying to select beer. They stand and stare at the ultimate selections of brands and flavors and alcoholic content like deer in headlights. They even get on the phones to contact other to make the final decision.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dealing with Grief

There are no rules of how each and every one of us deals with grief. From the first goldfish floating on top of the bowl to the pet turtle that wasn’t such a pet to the dead puppy to Nana’s funeral, death is just a sideline of life.
When young we look to our elders to guide us through the emotion mystery of what to do and how to feel.
Sure there are lots of tears and wailing, but what does it all mean?
What was here yesterday and not here today?
If the process is to flush the beloved down the toilet or dump in a pit in the backyard and say a few words or a full blown dress up in your finest dudes to listen to people sing and preach but the body never moves, the process of grief is confusing.
How emotionally attached to the deceased factors into the grief.
First of all, the shock of a missing a member takes time to understand. Comprehending the “new” reality can take some time to adjust to.
Dealing with a flood of cards and letters and flowers from emotions that are probably sincere but never heard of before is confusing enough in the haze of grief.
Once all the hubbub of the death march is over and everyone else is back to his or her lives of choosing the correct cheese and bottle of wine, the new actuality of life appears on the calendar.
No matter there is no way to avoid it. The clothes in the closet need to be cleaned or passed down or thrown away. Items that may have seemed worthless are now precious. No one else can perform this task.
Little things like what television shows you shared or meals are not as interesting or tasty alone.
Finding scraps of paper messages or bookmarks or videos forgotten but now retrieved have to assimilate into this grief process. If necessary to store away for the next generation to ponder, hide the emotions for no one else to know.
There will always be memories (if they were worth remembering) and photos and sounds and words and smells are only snippets that bring back a moment of time. Then it fades away.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Summer Project

14 CDs. Total of 183 songs. Some over 40 years old. Some not played since then. Some repeats, but with different players.
Record band sets from long ago with new methods but trying to keep the same vibe first played.
With all the latest gismos and gadgets and more multi-tracks than anyone could ever have dreamed, will try to reproduce a long lost song in the style of.
Trying to reproduce a time long forgotten by members who made a certain sound that will be difficult to remember and duplicate.
Horns will be hard to reproduce and harmonies will be different due to deeper scales.
Might be able to get some of the old players to collaborate or may have to do it all myself.
Could put down the original recording as a track and then overdub on top? Could just lay down a drum beat and follow wherever it goes?
To make it more than just a reproduction tribute band recording, might take some turns on tracks?
“House of the Rising Sun” as reggae. “Rock & Roll Star” in a lounge mood. Country to Jazz? Rock to Disco? Folk to Grunge?
Most are covers but there are some originals. What would a 2019 arrangement be as oppose to a 1967 arrangement?
And a one…and a two...and a…

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Long-Distance Relationship

We’ve been raised to have a partner. It is the natural way. Everyone does it. You can’t dance at the prom without a partner.
Still that significant other who draws such an emotional connection may not live on the same block or city or state or country.
A brief but lasting ‘Sans toi, je ne suis rien’ moment may be parting words as we return to our separate places where we individually sleep.
Before technology, cards and letters were the only contact. The telephone was expensive and visits without transportation only flamed the anticipation until the next meeting.
Trying to keep the desire built up without knowing what the other was doing became a game changer.
Even in those commitments approved by law and acclaimed by religion had time apart. What was going on in that weekend convention?
It is comfortable to have another person to refer to on the correct spaghetti sauce but sometimes people need to make their own decisions.
When called in for a yearly review few have others to refer to on wage increases or additional benefits. You are on your own.
Should a relationship be bonded on needing other peoples approval or advice or direction?

Personal autonomy is the capacity to decide for one and pursue a course of action in one’s life, often regardless of any particular moral content.
Political autonomy is the property of having one’s decisions respected, honored, and heeded within a political context.

Extinction or Suicide?

Some call it ‘climate change’.
In biology, extinction is the termination of an organism or of a group of organisms, usually a species.
The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point.
Because a species’ potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively.
This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus Taxonomy, where a species presumed extinct abruptly “reappears” after a period of apparent absence.
More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species that ever lived on Earth are estimated to have died out.
Through evolution, species arise through the process of speciation—where new varieties of organisms arise and thrive when they are able to find and exploit an ecological niche—and species become extinct when they are no longer able to survive in changing conditions or against superior competition.
A typical species becomes extinct within 10 million years of its first appearance, although some species, called living fossils, survive with virtually no morphological change for hundreds of millions of years.
Mass extinctions are relatively rare events; however, isolated extinctions are quite common. Only recently have extinctions been recorded and scientists have become alarmed at the current high rate of extinctions.
Most species that become extinct are never scientifically documented. Some scientists estimate that up to half of presently existing plant and animal species may become extinct by 2100.
A dagger symbol (†) placed next to the name of a species normally indicates its status as extinct.
Or are we doing this to ourselves?
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. Mental disorders, including depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, and substance abuse—including alcoholism and the use of benzodiazepines—are risk factors.
Some suicides are impulsive acts due to stress, such as from financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or bullying.
Those who have previously attempted suicide are at a higher risk for future attempts. Effective suicide prevention efforts include limiting access to methods of suicide—such as firearms, drugs, and poisons; treating mental disorders and substance misuse; proper media reporting of suicide; and improving economic conditions. Even though crisis hotlines are common, there is little evidence for their effectiveness.
The most commonly used method of suicide varies between countries, and is partly related to the availability of effective means. Common methods of suicide include hanging, pesticide poisoning, and firearms. Suicides resulted in 828,000 global deaths in 2015, an increase from 712,000 deaths in 1990. This makes suicide the 10th leading cause of death worldwide.
Approximately 0.5% of people die by suicide. In a given year this is roughly 12 per 100,000 people. Three quarters of suicides globally occur in the low and middle-income countries. Rates of completed suicides are generally higher among men than among women, ranging from 1.5 times as much in the developing world to 3.5 times in the developed world. Suicide is generally most common among those over the age of 70; however, in certain countries, those aged between 15 and 30 are at the highest risk. Europe had the highest rates of suicide by region in 2015. There are an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year. Non-fatal suicide attempts may lead to injury and long-term disabilities. In the Western world, attempts are more common among young people and among females.
Views on suicide have been influenced by broad existential themes such as religion, honor, and the meaning of life.
The religions traditionally consider suicide as an offense towards God, due to the belief in the sanctity of life. During the samurai era in Japan, a form of suicide known as seppuku (harakiri) was respected as a means of making up for failure or as a form of protest.
Suicide and attempted suicide, while previously illegal, are no longer so in most Western countries. It remains a criminal offense in many countries but who is going to jail? In the 20th and 21st centuries, suicide has been used on occasions as a form of protest, and kamikaze and suicide bombings have been used as a military or terrorist tactic.
Whatever definitions we want to call our actions of gluttony and waste, we will not survive and the next visitors will wonder why this jewel of a rock floating in space was so abused by its inhabitants. 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mommy’s Day

My mother died in April 2007. She was born in September 1915. You do the math.
She was the only mom I knew. Of the four of us around the dining room table, she was the only girl.
Sorrow to have been such a burden for 9 months, but when I came out blue, the medical crew didn’t want it to be a worthless journey.
Whenever I needed clothing or food or medicine or the school wanted to talk to a parent, it was always mom. Mommy was always there. Wonder where dad was?
She was never a soccer mom but I didn’t play soccer. She wasn’t a den mother or a Sunday school teacher but did do her civil defense duty spotting Russian bombers from atop the train station (but that could have been a secret rendezvous with some handsome soldier?) She did attend my brother’s baseball outings only to get smashed in the face with a ball. Don’t know how good my brother was a catching.
From what I can gather from brief history, she was a cute girl from a backwater town. Whether she graduated from high school is unknown. Did she have any desire to become a secretary or seamstress or a sales girl or nurse (which were about all the options girls had) is unclear, but she was a ‘party girl’.
She liked the beach and the attention of boys and dancing and singing. She had a good voice but whether that was developed in church or not is a mystery. Though the family gatherings entertained each other singing, only one went on into the profession of faith.
She could have become a mother down there and probably been satisfied but my dad called her to join his band and go on the road (of course with her mother’s permission).
She went to more adventures than any small town girl could imagine and enjoyed it. She had many opportunities to model or sing or act, but they never came to fruition, for whatever reason. Those who know are long gone.
In ’39 she married my dad (again for whatever reason) and 3 years later my brother came along.
She continued to lavish in the spotlight of fading fame but with the title of ‘mother’ her stardom was over.
I came along after the war. Don’t know how much she was drinking then but I can blame my bad behavior on her alcohol consumption. I think she cleaned up her act or hide it well until dad died.
Mommy was always the one by my side when I was in pain or needed to be talked to. She was the filter between my dad and I.
Luckily when my brother decided to go to VPI and had to lose weight to be accepted, mom teamed up with him and counted the calories. Drink coffee and smoke cigarettes all day and you lose weight.
She somehow found her way into playing golf and became popular again. She could mingle with the country club crowd and get her picture in the newspaper.
At the same time she would travel to conferences with dad wearing her flashy jewelry, furs, arriving in a convertible and relishing in the recognition.
She also didn’t question my decisions to stay out all night or whom I hung out with. She did try to push me into the ‘proper society elite’ kids but I found it boring. She also tried to persuade girls I brought home to not become emotionally involved with me.
Later in life, our mother/son relation became difficult. Being the only child in town while the other relatives strayed away from her erratic behavior, I became engulfed in the tornado.
Too much for a marriage/work/mother, the marriage ceased. Work became a blur as calls of falling down the steps or being arrested for DUI frequented my life. Trips to the hospital and balancing checkbooks and listening to constant dribble while knowing it was being fueled by alcohol.
But she was my mom. What was I to do?
Even the second wife tried very hard to be liked and cared for mom which was not appreciated, the solution was to find a place that could 24/7 provide food and medical attention.
After several tries, my brother and I found a spot she agreed on. It was still a prison but a very nice prison. This would be her final resting spot.
When my brother called and said, “Mom’s dying” I didn’t know what to do. How should I feel?
When she died I sat outside trying to figure out what my emotions should be. After all this was my mom. My only mom (I think that is how it works) and I should have some emotion.
But I didn’t.
Her name will have the legacy of a dark haired babe singer in the big band era, and not my mom.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


In a social context, trust has several connotations.
Definitions of trust typically refer to a situation characterized by the following aspects: One party (trustor) is willing to rely on the actions of another party (trustee); the situation is directed to the future.
In addition, the trustor (voluntarily or forcedly) abandons control over the actions performed by the trustee.
As a consequence, the trustor is uncertain about the outcome of the others actions; they can only develop and evaluate expectations. The uncertainty involves the risk of failure or harm to the trustor if the trustee will not behave as desired.
Trust can be attributed to relationships between people.
It can be demonstrated that humans have a natural disposition to trust and to judge trustworthiness that can be traced to the neurobiological structure and activity of a human brain.
When it comes to the relationship between people and technology, the attribution of trust is a matter of dispute.
The intentional stance demonstrates that trust can be validly attributed to human relationships with complex technologies.
In sociology and psychology the degree to which one party trusts another is a measure of belief in the honesty, fairness, or benevolence of another party. The term “confidence” is more appropriate for a belief in the competence of the other party.
The words ‘trust’ and ‘faith’ and ‘hope’ are thrown around together with different definitions.
But here I’m talking about trust.
On our money it states: “In God We Trust”. Does that mean my one-dollar is worth one dollar because God will confirm the legal tender is worth 100 pennies that are guaranteed by so much metal worth? Or is that just faith?
We put our trust in purchasing goods. We trust that the price for the item is ‘fair’ and trust that the item will hold up long enough to prove it’s worth.
An employer will trust they made the correct decision when hiring on a brief conversation and some background papers.
An employee will trust that he or she will be treated fairly and with respect to perform whatever duties the employer assigns. The employee trust the task will be instructed, allowed to be performed in a safe environment. Faith is about the wages, or that maybe hope?
We trust the car we just purchased will adhere to the promises made by the dealership and not break down driving off the dealership’s lot.
We trust the brand name on the washer will guarantee the cleanest cloths on the block or just overflow?
We trust out girlfriend will always be thinking about us while going steady but the waxed ring can slide off. We trust our spouse will always be faithful (after taking an oath) but you didn’t read the second page.
Do you trust your neighbor with your lawnmower? Do you trust your friend borrowing your car? Do you trust a strange boy with your daughter?
When you go for a splash in the ocean do your trust your hotel key and wallet to be there when you return.
Do your trust your children’s safety at school? Do your trust your preacher?
Do you trust your friends who are invited for a cocktail party not to go through your medicine cabinet or your sock drawer?
Maybe trust is faith that the other person has morals and values similar to you and can be ‘trusted’. Trust should be earned and proven.

Monday, May 6, 2019

What’s Going On At The Tummy Temple?

The daily trip was detoured by a bunch of guys in fluorescent vest laying down stinky tar so it was a round a bout to get to my usual parking spots. Once inside there was a scream and a pattern of running behind me scattering the wire carts and the old ladies. Seems Monday is the day to bring the mentally challenged people who wander through the aisles as some sort of lesson. Not a bother but a realization on how lucky to be sane and competent of my facilities. Almost forgot to tomatoes since that is not on my normal list but after the distraction wheeled around to see all the sorts of tomatoes. Wonder if I’ll eat them all before they turn brown? Stopping for the traffic I find the peanuts and continue down that aisle instead of turning back into the congestion. The ‘vendor’ girl who I spoke to the other day is there but busy. See recognizes me and smiles. It is top of the pops, boys and girls. Get some breakfast sandwiches being bored with the burritos and find some coffee ice cream to get the evening a bit of sweetness and ready for the scan-grab-and go line of laser instructed bar code robots. The new garb for the ‘associates?’ is a blue apron. Not the blue shirts with the reflective yellow strips, but just a blue apron. The folks pulling carts out of the backroom and blocking the aisles finding request for the drive thru are still in blue shirts, but the check out folks are wearing whatever they came in to work with and then donning a blue apron. Don’t know if the Tummy Temple washed their ‘uniforms’ before and found this a cheaper alternative or if the fancy expensive food dispensers with the smiley face clean cut young blond Aryan children are using aprons as a comfortable non-threatening recognizable uniforms. They should be carrying tongs. Today Hillary (best laugh) is the ‘help is on the way’ with her magic wane to tell the camera I’m old enough to buy the same beer I bought yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the… Hillary is wearing the blue shirt AND the blue apron. I tell her she can turn the apron around and wear it as a cape. Then she can be Super Hillary. She laughs. IQ ratings are not necessary at the Tummy Temple. I make it home over freshly paved roadway and arrive in time for another preparation for the native Virginian’s buffet. There are a few squabbles but it is spring.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


It’s time to start thinking about getting away. Get out the brochures and check the sites for locations that promise peace and relaxation.
Be sure to get your accountant to check the numbers to see if you can afford it, but what-the-hay, it is a vacation. Time to splurge.
Set our your agenda and check the passports and get some transfer dollars and you are all set.
Looking forward to those quiet evenings in the warm breezes with those cool umbrella drinks then…. What about the kids?
Oh yeah, they got to come along too. You can’t just leave them in the garage while you are gone.
Dust off the heavy luggage and start to pack. Remember you will buy trinkets and do-dads there so travel light. What if it gets cold? What if it rains? Should be take flea spray? Should we take formal wear, just in case? Hairspray, deodorant, razors, and stomach preparations…the list goes on and on. How many shoes should be squeezed in?
Mary wants to take all her princess outfits and Jimmy wants to take his light saber.
Double-check all the phone numbers and credit cards and medical cards and you are set to call the taxi or the Uber or Uncle Jack to haul all your stuff to the airport.
Now take off your shoes and get patted down while trying to maintain some sibilance of dignity while your kids are pulling on computer cords and wanting to eat junk food.
After that entire dance, squeeze yourself into seats for the long ride to your next location. This might be a good time to anesthesia your kids.
Hopefully you arrive at your destination and can find a ride to your hotel while spending a month’s pay in currency exchange.
Time to unpack and start to relax. Nope!
Time to eat. Whenever you arrive at a different place on the planet, it is time to eat. Ask the concierge or check the Google and while the kids are pointing out familiar McDonald’s and Taco Bell signs, you want this to be an educational experience for them.
Back at the hotel as the kids trade places at the porcelain throne expelling their learning experience, the vacation is underway.
Get out on the beach with all your slathering lotions and funny hats and dark glasses ready to relax to the sound of the surf, while your kids’ splash at the water’s edge. Better check the phone to see how many bars there are in this foreign place and if you can get on Facebook. Is it hot out here? Is that a shark in the water? Where is my waitress?
Back in the air conditioning you tend to the sunburn and the sand in your crouch. Must be time to eat again?
Check the hotel’s selection of delicacies. Seems a bit pricy on the alcohol list but where else are you going to go? Beside, this is a vacation.
Drag the little ones around to historic sites and take some selfies to send back home, and then check that room service list again.
After a few days it is time to reverse the procedure and leave paradise for the normal humdrum of life. With additional luggage to carry all the t-shirts and trinkets, you board the plane to go back home to the mundane comfortable life of grilled cheese sandwiches and late night television.

Sorry, I just walk out into the backyard.

The Right To Assemble

The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” 
We have assembled since there was more than one of us. As a family we assembled for meals. As tribes we assembled for directions to food and awareness of attack. The town crier would call out gatherings to announce births and deaths and whatever information the masses needed to know that the power’s that be had decided upon. After printing began and enough could read, we assembled around a wall to read the one sheet newspaper.
We assembled in town hall meetings, we assembled at local pubs, we assembled at places of worship and we assembled in schools. We assemble to watch sports and we assembled to fight enemies.
We assembled in unions and other causes that showed our support for others with the same views.
Assembly showed our strength in numbers.
Recently this right to assemble has been questions. The sanctuary of the church, a quiet place of refuge and prayer has been shattered. The school, which was an acknowledged safe shelter for children to learn and play, has been attacked by current culture.
Gatherings of faith or cultural events or just a fun filled day at the park with friends and neighbors for a wedding or a cook-out have now become targets for people who wish to do harm. Security can be beefed up but there is always a surprise weapon like a suicide bomb, a motor vehicle or a hidden gun.
Will we avoid assembly due to fear?


Sluggish and apathetic, inert, inactive, slow, torpid, lifeless, dull, languid, listless, lazy, idle, indolent, shiftless, slothful, phlegmatic, apathetic, passive, weary, tired, fatigued, sleepy, drowsy, enervated or somnolent.
Sounds pretty bad but that was where I was the other day. My pep was pooped. My get-up-and-go had got-up-and-went.
I wasn’t sick. I hadn’t stayed out too late. I hadn’t partied too hardy. I certainly hadn’t worked too hard or over exercised.
It was just when my eyes opened, they just want to close again.
I tried to do my usual lazy routine but nothing worked. My sparkplugs were not firing.
After two or three tries, decided needed some coffee. Opening a lid and pouring in the ingredients was a chore while the water heated. Pouring it down and waiting for the kick in didn’t happen. It was back to bed.
Maybe I hadn’t eaten enough, so back to the kitchen to scrounge some grub, but not hungry, unappetizing, and not favorable. It was back to the sack.
Splash of water on my face only got me wet. Even the breweries finest didn’t get it going. Something had taken all the air out of my balloon.
At the end of the day marked it off as a ‘write off’ day.
Luckily the next day was better and the energy was coming back.

Maybe it was just a dream?

Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Wedding Dress

Go to your closet. Be careful opening the door for who knows what will come out. Now look at the racks and shelves of clothing you possess. Those t-shirts from Disneyland or the tour you took on the Hope It Don’t Sink line to some foreign country before the war started or a reminder of Uncle Jake’s Magic Elixir or Madam’s House of Rub-A-Dub-Dub or the really last of the last tour of some favorite band you don’t listen to anymore. There are also those slacks you will never fit into again or those shirts that if you wore them out the door would be laughed off the street. The closet is a collection of clothing that should appear as finery in a thrift store, but you just can part with the rags.
Then way in the back with the spider webs is a plastic zippered bag covered in dust. Moving away more shoes than any feet can ever walk is the ‘Wedding Dress’.
Now I understand the connection to that special day in life where the little princess becomes Cinderella. It is all a cultural build up from toy kitchens and dollhouses to cotillions to that special day when that special guy ask for your hand from your father.
Then was the dress for that special day. Maybe it was a pass-me-down like your hand-me-downs from your big sister or a precious memory from Nana.
A tailor will have to re-measure and do some creative stitching to squeeze into a piece of cloth that has been sowed away in a trunk full of moth balls trying to keep the generations from eating it.
Maybe there was no ancestor so there is an industry that will fit the proper and fashionable gown for the couple of hours of traipsing around being stepped on and pulled on in uncomfortable red carpet displays of fantasy.
When the day is over and the honeymoon begins the white dress, a sign of purity (wink, wink) is put on a padded hanger and placed into a humanity sealed bag as if it will be worn again and hung on the clothes rack next to your high school jacket and ski jumper.
Other than Halloween, why not take it out for a test ride to the grocery story. If you can fit into it what a great day would be had walking around your normal routines in that white gown? Don’t forget to tuck the train into the car before you close your door.

What a Waste

There is much of a to-do about straws. Sure they are a one-use-throw-away that pops up in the oceans and waterways, especially around festivals. They take forever to break down and just float about instead of sinking out of view.
How noble and righteous is the refusal of a plastic straw in a sugar soda or an over priced java. Win the war on recycling plastic straws.
The next time you wander down the aisles of the grocery notice all the plastic containers. Deodorants, laundry detergent, condiments, tampons, etc. and none are recyclable.
Not to matter, no other country wants to store our plastic trash for eons so like everything we don’t want, we’ll have to dig a big a hole and drop this stuff in, cover it up and walk away like it isn’t there.
Archeologists have dug for years finding clay pots and bones and scrapes of petrified remains of previous civilizations to declare the historical meaning of life.
There will be plenty of evidence if anyone is around to investigate.