Thursday, May 16, 2019

Long-Distance Relationship

We’ve been raised to have a partner. It is the natural way. Everyone does it. You can’t dance at the prom without a partner.
Still that significant other who draws such an emotional connection may not live on the same block or city or state or country.
A brief but lasting ‘Sans toi, je ne suis rien’ moment may be parting words as we return to our separate places where we individually sleep.
Before technology, cards and letters were the only contact. The telephone was expensive and visits without transportation only flamed the anticipation until the next meeting.
Trying to keep the desire built up without knowing what the other was doing became a game changer.
Even in those commitments approved by law and acclaimed by religion had time apart. What was going on in that weekend convention?
It is comfortable to have another person to refer to on the correct spaghetti sauce but sometimes people need to make their own decisions.
When called in for a yearly review few have others to refer to on wage increases or additional benefits. You are on your own.
Should a relationship be bonded on needing other peoples approval or advice or direction?

Personal autonomy is the capacity to decide for one and pursue a course of action in one’s life, often regardless of any particular moral content.
Political autonomy is the property of having one’s decisions respected, honored, and heeded within a political context.

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