Monday, May 20, 2019

Summer Project

14 CDs. Total of 183 songs. Some over 40 years old. Some not played since then. Some repeats, but with different players.
Record band sets from long ago with new methods but trying to keep the same vibe first played.
With all the latest gismos and gadgets and more multi-tracks than anyone could ever have dreamed, will try to reproduce a long lost song in the style of.
Trying to reproduce a time long forgotten by members who made a certain sound that will be difficult to remember and duplicate.
Horns will be hard to reproduce and harmonies will be different due to deeper scales.
Might be able to get some of the old players to collaborate or may have to do it all myself.
Could put down the original recording as a track and then overdub on top? Could just lay down a drum beat and follow wherever it goes?
To make it more than just a reproduction tribute band recording, might take some turns on tracks?
“House of the Rising Sun” as reggae. “Rock & Roll Star” in a lounge mood. Country to Jazz? Rock to Disco? Folk to Grunge?
Most are covers but there are some originals. What would a 2019 arrangement be as oppose to a 1967 arrangement?
And a one…and a two...and a…

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