Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Wedding Dress

Go to your closet. Be careful opening the door for who knows what will come out. Now look at the racks and shelves of clothing you possess. Those t-shirts from Disneyland or the tour you took on the Hope It Don’t Sink line to some foreign country before the war started or a reminder of Uncle Jake’s Magic Elixir or Madam’s House of Rub-A-Dub-Dub or the really last of the last tour of some favorite band you don’t listen to anymore. There are also those slacks you will never fit into again or those shirts that if you wore them out the door would be laughed off the street. The closet is a collection of clothing that should appear as finery in a thrift store, but you just can part with the rags.
Then way in the back with the spider webs is a plastic zippered bag covered in dust. Moving away more shoes than any feet can ever walk is the ‘Wedding Dress’.
Now I understand the connection to that special day in life where the little princess becomes Cinderella. It is all a cultural build up from toy kitchens and dollhouses to cotillions to that special day when that special guy ask for your hand from your father.
Then was the dress for that special day. Maybe it was a pass-me-down like your hand-me-downs from your big sister or a precious memory from Nana.
A tailor will have to re-measure and do some creative stitching to squeeze into a piece of cloth that has been sowed away in a trunk full of moth balls trying to keep the generations from eating it.
Maybe there was no ancestor so there is an industry that will fit the proper and fashionable gown for the couple of hours of traipsing around being stepped on and pulled on in uncomfortable red carpet displays of fantasy.
When the day is over and the honeymoon begins the white dress, a sign of purity (wink, wink) is put on a padded hanger and placed into a humanity sealed bag as if it will be worn again and hung on the clothes rack next to your high school jacket and ski jumper.
Other than Halloween, why not take it out for a test ride to the grocery story. If you can fit into it what a great day would be had walking around your normal routines in that white gown? Don’t forget to tuck the train into the car before you close your door.

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